It gives me genuine pleasure to learn that my talented and worthy submissive disciple
Munishri Kam Kumar Nandi is marching ahead on the thorny path of nude Jain
monkshood devotedly and undauntedly by the challenges of ‘Mithya Dristi’ i.e., mundane
souls with evil perception.
当得知我那天资高,可敬而又谦逊的门徒Munishri Kam Kumar Nandi面对‘Mithya Dristi’,即带有邪恶感知的世俗灵魂的挑战,无畏而热情地前行在耆那教修行的艰辛道路上时,我感到了真正的快乐。
Although he has seen only twenty seven springs of his life so far and he is too young both in his physical age and spiritual age to fully grasp the deep Jain philosophy, which has come to perfection by and by, starting from the 1st Tirthankara Aadi Nath ji (Rishabh Deva) and culminating to lofty heights by the time of the last 24th Tirthankara, Lord Mahavir.
虽然至今他仅度过了他生命中的27个春天,并且在生理和心理年龄上都还很年轻,难以全面领悟深奥的耆那教哲理,这一哲理始于第一代Tirthankara Aadi Nath ji (Rishabh Deva),在第24代Tirthankara, Mahavir时代到达颠峰,不久以后将近乎完美。
Yet he is doing miracles in his spiritual attainments.
I initiated him to the holy tradition of nude Jain monkshood in February 1989 at the holy Jain place of pilgrimage of Shri Sammed Shikherji also known as Parshwa Nath hills.
我于1989年2月在以Parshwa Nath山闻名的耆那教参拜圣地Shri Sammed Shikherji 开始向他传授耆那教裸体派僧侣的宗教传统。
He is only twenty-seven years old now and his spiritual age is only six years as yet; still he carries an old head on his young shoulder. His devotees are bringing out this first English edition of his Hindi sermons on Ten Universal Virtuous (Dash Lakshan Dharma) specially dear to the Jains. This noble soul delivers sermons, which are both instructive and inspiring.
现在他只有27岁,而他的教龄也仅不过6年,他稚嫩的肩膀却支撑着成熟的思想。他的教徒们怀着对耆那教极大的热忱出版了他的十大美德(Dash Lakshan Dharma)印度语道稿的第一套英文版。这个高尚的灵魂传播着有指导意义的,令人振奋的训戒。
I wish him every success in his sincere endeavor in conveying the superb message of Jainism to the entire humanity.
Gandhar Acharya Kunthu Sagar
Self is self, and Matter is matter,
The twain can never meet in one.