Samayikvrutopari Chandravatansaanrup

There was a city named saket which was equal to the secret residence of Laxmi  the goddess of wealth. With white flags on the jain temples it was as it subordinating the city of Indra- the leader of gods and a ruler of the leaven.

There was a ruler named Chandravatansa shining like another moon in the city of Saket. Like a crown of the earth he was pleasant to all.

He was very intelligent and having sharp weapons for the public protection. He observed twelve types of a devotee’s shravak’s vows also for the furtherance of spirituality.

Some day he decided during the month of Magha to stay at home only until the lamp lights and he settled in samayik.

A maid servant who was taking care of the king’s bed poured oil in to the lamp with a view to removing the darkness in the first period and part of the night.

That maid servant considering herself as a devotee used to be vigilant at night and pour eel oil again in to the lamp when found void of it in the second period of night.

Even after the third period of the night she poured oil again into the lamp.

After the night was over the king who was fired of toil moil accomplished Samayik and put out the lamp.

Then by the effect of vigilence and kow of Samayik Chandravatansa burnt up all deeds and realised the heaven. In the sence wory one who observes samayik his deeds too would be burnt up and he will obtain an eternal bliss.