Daah burning, burning sensation, feeling or excessive heat, combustion, conflagration.place of cremation, cauterizing, internal heat, fever, setting on fire
Daahan causing to burn or be burnt, reducing to ashes, cauterizing, burning, consuming by fire, scorching
Daahin burning, setting on fire, tormenting, paining
Daahya Ability to burn e.g. wood is a daahya substance
Daahya substance that can be burnt, inflammable, ability to burn. E.g. Wood is a daahya substance, burning, combustion, heat, place of cremation, glowing, redness of sky, cauterizing, cautery of a wound, internal hear, fever, setting on fire, firewood.
Daahya krut substance that was burnt, Substance that was getting burnt.
Daahyavat heated, on fire
Daama Subduing; Conquering; Restraint of mind
Daan donation, charity, my nature is full of super sensuous bliss and to offer it to my self and to keep it within me is the donation or charity to myself.
Daana Donation; Charity; Alms giving
Daarun vidaaran intense knowledge about the differences- bhed paadvano ugra abhyaas.
Daavaanala Fire
Dah To burn, consume by fire, scorch, roast, to be consumed by internal heat origination grief, suffer pain, to destroy completely
Dahan Causing to burn, e.g. fire burns the wood
Dahan causing to burn, e.g. fire burns the wood, burning or being burnt; act of burning, combustion, consuming by fire, burning, scorching, destroying, thing causing to burn, baalanaar.
Dahan kriyaa act of burning; cremation
Dahanityataa combustibility
Dahaniya combustible, burnt
Dahanshil combustible
Dahantaa state of fire
Daksina-agni: One of the sacred fires in the Hindu srauta ritual
Daksinardha Southern half
Dalika Karmic aggregate; Part
Dam restraint of mind
Damana Control
Damara National troubles or Riots; State troubles
Dambha False pretension
Damita Sense subdue
Dana Antaraya: Charity-Obstructive.
Dana-antaraya A type of karma that hinders the practice of charity
Dana-antaraya: A type of karma that hinders the practice of charity
Dana: Charity, alms-giving
Danantaraya karma Donation-obstructing karma
Danda A measure Two kuksis; Marked staff or stick
Dandaka Division; Section purifier activity; Sinful activity
Dandin: One who carries a staff
Dankh sting, bite; hole in grain of corn due to rotting; scorpion’s tail, poisonous sting; malice, rancor.
Dansa-masaka parisaha Insect bite affliction
Danta Sense subdue
Darbaar royal court, assembly hall of the king.
Daridrataa pauperism, poverty, penury.
Darsana Perception; Conation; Faith; Intuition; Ruchi; Liking or
Darsana kriya Vision/Conational activity
Darsana moha mohaniya Faith deluding karma
Darsana pratima Model stage of right faith; First model stage
Darsana samyaka Right faith, Right belief, Right view, Rational faith.
Darsana upyoga Functional consciousness of conation
Darsana visudhi Purity of right faith; Purity of faith/Conation.
Darsana-mohaniya: Insight-deluding karmas
Darsana-pratima: The first step on the ladder of pratima
Darsana: Indeterminate intuition, faith Intuition; a system of philosophy; insight; perception
Darsanamoha ksapaka Destroyer of faith deluding karma
Darsanavarana Conation-obscuring karma
Darsanavaraniya: Perception-obscuring karmas
Darsantika: Thesis
Darsanvaraniya karma Conation-obscuring karma
Darshan moha right faith delusion state.
Darshan mohaniya karma Right belief deluding karma
Darshan shaastra epistemology, philosophy, metaphysics. (metaphysics is the branch of philosophy with deals with the first principles of things which includes abstract concepts such as being, knowing ,substance, cause, identity, time, and space.)
Darshan Upyog perception consciousness
Darshana Vision; Intuition; Insight; Perception; A system of religious philosophy; A pure soul has infinite vision; Intuition or indeterminate perception; Act of seeing; marginng with devotion idol, deity, sacred place or person; Sight, appearance; System of philosophy; [Jain] taste, liking; Faith;
Darshana mohaniya: right-belief-deluding karmic matter
Darshana varniya A ghati karma that obstructs the capacity of a soul to see things clearly; A ghaatiya karma obstructing the soul’ capacity of vision in spiritual sense
Darshana-kriya: infatuated desire to see a pleasing form.
Darshana-moha Faith deluding Karma
Darshana-mohaniya: Right-belief-deluding.
Darshana-vishuddhi: purity of right-belief
Darshana: act of seeing; seeing or visiting with devotion idol, deity, sacred place or person; sight,appearance; system of philosophy; [Jain] taste, liking; faith, perception, generalized perception, Darshan is like shraddhan and is non relativistic in nature and is primary abstract comprehension.
Darshan means Philosophy: There are nine philosophies in India. They are: Vedant, Mimaansak, Saankhya, Yog, Bauddh, Naiyaayik, Vaisheshik, Chaarvaak and Jain.
Darshanavarana: Conation-obscuring
Das Dharma ten attributes-virtues of the soul
Das praan ten vitalities, five senses, body, speech, mind, breathing and age.
Dasa dharma Ten attributes or virtues of the soul
Dasa sharma Ten-fold religion
Dasa-dasamika 100-days specific penance
Dasa-dharma: Ten forms of righteousness
Dasalaksana parva Festival of ten-fold religiosity by digambar faith of Jainism; Celebration of digambar paryushan parva
Dasalaksana vrata Vows during Festival of ten-fold religiosity
Dashaa rag soaked in oil used for lubricating cart wheels; loose threads at end of garment; condition, state; position of planets affecting the fortunes of man; evil influence of planets; decline (of fortune); n. obsequial rite performed on the tenth day after person’s death.
Dashalakshana Ten charactertics dharma
Dashaya: Astringent, (Saline).
Dasi-dasa-pramanatikrama Exeeding quantity of maids/servants
Dasman Decimal place value notation
Daxa cleaver; skillful, expert; vigilant
Dayaa pity, compassion; mercy.
Dayaa dharm (religion enjoining, religious urge) pity towards all beings
Dedipyamaan shining brightly; blazing
Deepaawali Festival of lights
Deerdhakalikee The thinking power of all three times, past, present and future
Deraasara Temple with idol for idol worshipping sect of swetambar
Deraasara Jina temple; Jaina temple
Des pratyaksha partial direct.
Desa Unit; ¼ aggregate; Incomplete; Part; Country
Desa charitra Partial right conduct; Fifth stage
Desa pratyaksha Partial direct
Desa sanyata Partially restrained
Desa viraara Partial abstinence; Fifth stage.
Desa virati Partial abstinence; Fifth stage.
Desa vrata Vow of restriction on moving beyond areal limits
Desa-virata: The fifth gunasthana where desa-virati is attained
Desa-virati: The set of restraints prescribed for a Jaina layman
Desaghati Partially destroying
Desaghati spardhaka Partially destroying karmic supervariforms
Desana-labdhi: Obtaining instruction in the Jaina teachings
desanaalabdhi Sermonal attainment
Desapratyaksa Partial direct knowledge / perception.
Desavagashik vrat day to day additional limitation vow
Desavakasika: Limiting the area of one’s movement
Desh Part of substance
Desh vrat further reduction of mobility as practiced in the Dig vrat.
Desh vyatirek Two substances are different so it is dravya vyatirek or desh vyatirek
Desh vyatirek Two substances are different so it is dravya vyatirek or desh vyatirek
Desha Charitra Partial conduct related with small vows
Desha Ghati Obscuring partially
Desha Ghati Spardhaka Karmic matter which obscures only partially
Desha-Katha: Scandal
Deshaavaagaashik vrat day to day additional limitation vow, vow of keeping restriction in movement, food, eating, sensual pleasure etc to a limit.
Deshacharitra Partial character
Deshanaa Labdhi Listening to and grasping of the Jina’s preaching. Further, where
the grasping of and deliberation on Tattvas preached by Jinadeva (omniscient Lord) takes place – attainment of this capacity is Deshana Labdhi
(precept attainment). In hells, etc. where the instrumentality of (listening to) precepts is not possible, this capacity is evolved by virtue of impressions gained in the past birth. (Moksha Marg Prakashak 7th chapter- samyak sanmukh mithyadrasti), six substances, seven elements, path to salvation, knowledge of true omniscient lords enlightened true teachers and holy scriptures, knowledge of the self and alien things, censurable, knowable and wholesomeness types of inclinations taught by the Omniscient lords, true enlightened teachers is known as deshnaa and one who accepts in his knowledge these preachings and one who contemplates on these preachings is known as deshnaa labdhi.
Deshnaa labdhi is the mode of the knowledge attribute. In deshanaa labdhi the living being:
1. Shravan – listens the discourses given by guru with discretion- vivek. – keep in mind about the four expositions and from which angle the discourse is given
2. Grahan – then he accept the advise and
3. Dhaaran – retains it. .
4. Vichaar – then he thinks on it .
5. Nirdhaar – then he makes firm determination about the nature of the reality just by listening the discourses is not called deshanaa labdhi.
Deshavrata: Taking a vow to limit worldly activity to fixed points for a short period of time, for example,for one’s weely or daily worldly activity.
Deshavrati One who assumes the vows of householder and who has Right perception
Dev devi mundane deities.
Dev Dundubhi celestial drums
Deva God: Celestial; Deity; A soul in heaven or at a high spiritual level; Heavenly being A soul having life in
heaven; Devaasa i.e. Heavenly Beings
Deva A celestial being. There are four broad categories of celestial beings as follows: Bhavanapatis (residential); Vyantaras (Peripatetic); Jyotiskas (stellar bodies); and Vaimanikas (heavenly bodies). Bhavanapatis (residential);
The following are the Bhavanapati devas: Asurakumaras,
Nagakumaras, Vidyutkumaras, Suparnakumaras, Agnikumaras, Vatakumaras, Stnitkumaras, Udadhikumaras, Dwipkumaras, and Dikkumaras. Vyantaras (Peripatetic);
The following are the Vyantara devas: Kinnaras,
Kimpurisas, Moharagas, Gandharvas, Yaksas, Raksasas, Bhutas, and Pisachas.Jyotiska devas include the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, etc. Bhavanapatis and Vyantaras live just below the earth.
Vaimanikas (heavenly bodies).
Vaimanikas are of two types: Kalpotpannas and Kalpatitas. The former live in heavens just above the Jyotiska devas, and the latter live farther beyond.
Deva / Devata Deity; Calestials; Divine; God
Deva Anupurvi: Celestial–migratory form.
Deva Dharanendra Protecting deity of Tirthankar Parsva, himself the lord of the nagas (snakes)
Deva dravya Deital offerings
Deva pooja Worship of supreme souls i.e. Arihanta and Siddha
Deva-avarnavada Ill-speaking of deity
Deva-Ayu: Celestial-age-karma
Deva-brahmana: Divine brahman, i.e., a Jaina brahman
Deva-dusya: Divine cloth; a finely woven piece of cloth
Deva-gati Celestial destinity
Deva-mudhata Deital idiocy
Deva-mudhata: Delusion pertaining to gods
Deva-nikayas: The four orders of gods
Deva: Celestial, Heavenly beings; untimate divinity, The Celestial beings
Devadusya Divine cloth; A finely woven piece of cloth
Devagama: The arrival of gods at a holy gathering
Devajiva: Soul of the god
Devakuru A part of land of enjoyment in Jambudvipa
Devaloka Heaven; Celestial world
Devanupurvi Deital sucession
Devanupurvi: The power of retaining the last form whatever it was, in going to the celestial condition of existence.
Devapuja: Worship of the Tirthankaras
Devarsi Divine ascetic; Naarada
Devasi Evening
Devasraya Jina temple; Jaina temple
Devataa Deity; Divine
Devayu: Celestial age.
Devayusa karma Celestial life-span karma; Celestial Longevity-determining karma
Devi Goddess; Female God; Female deity or divinity, heavenly fairies
Devloka Heaven; The place where devs reside
Devsi Evening
Dhaanya Grains; Cereals
Dhaaraa flow, sequence as related to math, line of succession; row; stream, current, of liquid; shower (of rain).
Dhaaraavaahik gnaan Same knowledge keeps on coming again and again, continuous contemplation of anything.
Dhaarak holding; possessing, holder, possessor, one who makes it stable, one who remembers
Dhaaran act of holding; holding, possessing; being prop or support of. f. prop,
support; patience; consolation; beam; gross weight (inclusive of container, packing, etc.). m. holder; support.
Dhaaran karvu getting engrossed. aatmaa e gnaan ne dhaaran karyu chhe.
Dhaarana retention of known object, this is one of the part of matignan(there are four parts, this is one of them), five conceptual stages of meditation-
pindastha dhyan ki five dhaarnaa hai,- parthvi, agneyi, vayvi, varuni and tatva roop vati, fixing attention on a single object, intention;
mental retention, memory; idea; conjecture, fancy; holding, condition of recollection, a condition called sanskaar, concepts, five concepts – dhaaranaa- for procedural meditation.
, Retention; Concentration; Record; Visualizations
Dhaaravu suppose, presume; desire; guess, conjecture; determine
Dhaatakikhanda Name of Island or region
Dhaatu Elements; Root matter; Metal; grammatical root; verbal root, [gram.] f. mineral, any one of the seven constituent elements of the body; semen virile.
Dhairya Patience; A pure soul has infinite patience, courage; steadiness; composure, calmness.
Dhalavu be inclined towards
Dhammo Religion
Dhanadhaanya pramanatikrama Exceeding limits of grains, cattle and wealth.
Dhandhero publication through a crier who beats a little drum; notification; proclamation (by ruler or government).
Dhanusa A lentgth measure; Bow weapon
Dhanya Grace; Riches, happy, fortunate; blessed. int. bravo! well done!
Dhanya-mana pramana Measure of cereals
Dhanyataa great good fortune
Dharana A measure; It is condition of recollection also it is an element in avagraha; Retention
Dharana: Retention
Dharavahika gnaana Sequence of repeating congnition
Dhari raakheli yogyata Retention of ability
Dharma Holy law; Righteousness; Predicate nature of entities; Observance of set of good qualities; Religion, Elements in Buddhist doctrine; Righteousness (ten forms); Technically, the Jainas have used the term to signify motion, as adharma signifies rest.
(1) Medium of motion; (2) Religion; (3) Piety; (4) Righteous; (5) Merit; (6)Duty; (7) Righteousness; (8) Nature of things; (9) Attribute; (10) Virtue; (11) Morality; (12) The real nature of an element, Discrete element ; A kind of a substance; Component elements; Principle of motion; Phenomena; Property; Unsubstantiality of things; Predicate; Doctrine; Abilityvirtue, nirvikaar parinaam- passionless modification. knowledge, faith, conduct are the dharma of the soul and soul itself is dharmi, Dharma means present passionless state and the reason for it is the eternal knowledge of the soul, dharma means vartamaan vitraag dashaa uskaa kaaran trikaali gnaayak swarup uskaa kaaran parmaatmaa hai. Dharma means the real nature of an element. vastu kaa swabhaav hi dharm hai, upyog is dharma and soul is dharmi. As the flame possesses the light, the soul possesses the upyog.

Dhaari Raakheli Yogyataa, retention of ability, Retention of powers, Nature of the pure soul, aspects.(particular part or feature of some thing.), attributes and modes are known as dharma and soul is known as dharmi.

morality, the real nature of an element, attributes which are present in a substance, Attributes and modes are known as dharma. Shrimad Rajchandra Vachanaamrut page 761 refers to Ratnakand shraavakaachaar about “Dharma”. According to it: Dharma means:
– one which keeps the soul in its innate nature
-Innate nature of the soul is dharma
-One which keeps soul in the innate form and does not let it deviate to alien inclination is dharma.
-With alien inclinations one ends up going to lower realms of existences. Dharma prevents this happenings and keeps one in his innate nature
– Right faith, knowledge and conduct is dharma
– Omniscient Lord says that the triple gem of right faith, knowledge and conduct is dharma
-one having right faith and knowledge in six universal substances and therefore getting engrossed in the innate form is dharma
– Dharma makes one to get out of the transmigratory sufferings and takes him to super sensuous bliss.

that which takes one to the desired goal is called virtue, supreme forbearance etc ten virtues are known as dash dharma, medium of motion, that which includes kindness to all creatures, religion, righteousness, daily observance of religious rites, real nature of an element, one of the four essential duties of the householder, e.g. dharma, arth, kaam, and moksha., yogyataa, eligibility, ability, knowledge, faith or belief in the matter of morality,
good behavior, death, life after death, God, etc.; religion; religious practices; merit or virtue; charity; duty, obligation; first of the four objects of life, property, quality, nature; name of Yudhisthira; Yama, God of death.
Dharma means predicate,(vastu naa anek dharm chhe)

Dharma anuprekshaa contemplation of religion
Dharma bhaavanaa Religious feelings
Dharma bheeru God fearing
Dharma chakra reverential wheel related to samosaran.
Dharma dhyaan righteous meditation, spiritual contemplation, virtuous meditation
Dharma dhyan righteous meditation, religious meditation
Dharma dravya Reality of medium of motion; Dharma as substance; it is the principle of motion, medium of motion
Dharma kartaa propagator of religion, the omniscient being
Dharma katha Religious tale
Dharma laabha Benefit of attending; Learning or serving religion
Dharma lakshan basic characteristics of religion, nature of a substance
Dharma mudhataa religious ignorance, silliness
Dharma nirpextaa secular
Dharma prabhavanaa propagation of religion
Dharma svakhya tattvanupreksha: Nature of Right-Path as said by the conquerors. The true nature of Truth, i.e., the three fold path to real Liberation.
Dharma swaakhyaat tatva truth proclaimed by religion
Dharma swaakhyaat tatva truth proclaimed by religion
Dharma swabhaaav the real essence of an element
Dharma swabhaaav the real essence of an element
Dharma tirtha Holy path; religious order which is fourfold in Jainism
Dharma updesa A self-study type; Religious sermon
Dharma upkaara Aids of religion
Dharma vraddhi Increase in righteousness; May righteousness increase.
Dharma-anupreksa Reflection on religion
Dharma-avarna vaada Ill-speaking of religion
Dharma-chakra Wheel of religion; Holy law
Dharma-dhyaana (1) Righteous meditation; (2) Meditating on spiritual objects, like the words of the tirthankaras, images of the tirthankaras, etc. The Jainas have conceived four types of meditation, of which two are common to all worldly beings and two are followed by those who are on the spiritual path. They are: Arta-dhyana, which is meditating on earthly objects for one’s own happiness;

  • Raudra-dhyana, which is meditating on doing harm to another or others for one’s own happiness;
  • Dharma-dhyana as above; and

Sukla-dhyana, which is meditating on one s own self.

Dharma-dravya: The principle of motion
Dharma-katha: Religious tale
Dharma-labha: Increase in righteousness
Dharma-svakhyatatva anupreksa Reflection of Jain teaching
Dharma-svakhyatatva: The absolutely true teachings of the Jinas
Dharma-tirth Holy path
Dharma-tirtha: Holy path
Dharma: Attribute, Holy law; elements in Buddhist doctrine; righteousness, ten forms, Observances, Principle of Motion, The true Religion
Dharmaanuraag religious zeal or devotion
Dharmaanuraag religious zeal or devotion
Dharmaanushhthaan Religious ritual or activity
Dharmaanushhthaano Religious activities
Dharmaastikaay medium of motion
Dharmaastikaay medium of motion
Dharmaatmaa pious, virtuous, (person), holy personage
Dharmabhushan Creator of scripture Nyaay dipikaa. He was there in about 13th or 14th century.
Dharmadhyana: Virtuous concentration
Dharmadurlabhabhaavanaa Unobtainability of the true preceptors religion scriptire and right religion
Dharmagna one who knows the religious principles and scriptures
Dharmanaatha Fifteenth tirthankar
Dharmi Minor term; Subject of syllogism, religious person, substance, jisme dharma (swabhaav) paayaa jaataa hai vah dharmi hai. Dharmi saadhya dharm no aadhaar chhe. having a particular quality or property; religious follower of a particular religion, The substance in which all the attributes are present in the indivisible form, subject, that which supports, attributive, attributor, Saadhya dharm no aadhaar te dharmi, Saadhya dharma agni chhe ane teno aadhaar parvat chhe. Etle parvat ne dharmi kahevaay chhe. Fire is the one that needs to be proved, (saadhya) and mountain is the basis for fire to be proven and therefore mountain is dharmi, Attributes and modes are known as dharma and substance is known as dharmi.
Dharmin: Subject
Dharmistikaaya Ether
Dharmopadesaka Religious teacher
Dharmopadesh preaching, religious sermon
Dharmopadesh preaching, religious sermon
Dharmya virtuous, righteous, virtuous concentration, legal, legitimate, usual, customary, endowed with qualities
Dharmya virtuous, righteous, virtuous concentration, legal, legitimate, usual, customary, endowed with qualities
Dhikkaar hatefulness
Dhikkaar hatefulness
Dhir courageous; steady; resolute; serious-minded, sedate; undaunted, intrepid; persevering; wise. patience; confidence, trust
Dhir courageous; steady; resolute; serious-minded, sedate; undaunted, intrepid; persevering; wise. patience; confidence, trust
Dhir gambhir clam and resolute
Dhir gambhir clam and resolute
Dhoop fragrant resin or gum, one of the eight worshipable articles
Dhoop fragrant resin or gum, one of the eight worshipable articles
Dhori chief, main; public, open to all; big. m. chief bullock; son
Dhrauvya It refers to the duration or permanence of the aspect of the
substance; Continuity; Permanence
Dhrauvya: Continuance
Dhrovya Dhruv nu bhaav panu, mode of the constancy, in the mode of origination and cessation the substance’s sameness- dravya ni saadrashtaa remains all the time is known as dhrovya, quality of being permanent, to consider permanence in the mode of origination and cessation. In this regard dhrovya is in the form of a mode, immovableness, firmness
Dhruti Female deity; Latency; Reflection; Stead-fastness; Patinece
Dhruv saamaanya eternal soul substance
Dhruv swabhaav eternal entity.
Dhruv vishesh present modification of eternal soul substance without any origination or cessation, kaaran suddh paryaay.
Dhruva Permanence; Constant; Eternal
Dhruva (Matijnana): Constant
Dhruva Shunya-Vargana: Fixed-indifferent-molecule
Dhruvaachari Moving for salvation
Dhruvagrahi Lasting; Grasping
Dhumaado virtuous, righteous, virtuous concentration, legal, legitimate, usual, customary, endowed with qualities
Dhumaosa A fault in food
Dhundhalu foggy; dim; dark. n. twilight.
Dhundhiya pantha Non-idolator sect of Svetaambers
Dhupa Incense
Dhvana Range
Dhyaana Meditation concentration: Self or soul’s upayoga on one particular object
Dhyaanavist one who is doing meditation.
Dhyaata Meditator; Concentrator one who mediates or contemplates.
Dhyanantariki Intervalised meditational state
Dhyanapravaha Course of meditation
Dhyeya Subject of meditation, worth contemplating, fit to be thought about
closely. n. ideal; mark, aim, target, to be meditated on, fit for meditation, to be pondered or imagined
Didwakshaa inquisitiveness to see the world, bondage and liberation types of two things ( sankhya darshan)
Differentia The character or attribute by which one species is distinguished from all others of the same genus
Dig vrata Not to go out of certain area throughout the life
Dig-dravya Direction
Dig-vijaya World conquest
Dig-virati Direction-rectricting vow
Dig-vrata Direction-rectricting vow
Dig-vrati See Dikparimana under Vratas.
Digaachaarya Direction
Digambara Naked; Sky-clad; A jain sect; Name of the Jain sect whose mendicants particularly higher level practice ascetic nudity
Digambara saadhu Skyclad monk; Naked monk.
Digamber Naked i.e. sky-clad
Digdaah redness of the sky after evening.
Dik It refers to direction in space.
Diksaachaarya Initiation preceptor, Intiator.
Diksaaguru Initiation preceptor, Intiator.
Diksha Renunciation of the worldly life; Renouncement from the worldly life; Renounce the world and Initiation into monkhood.
Dimak one type of red ant
Dimba Obstruction
Dinataa poverty; wretchedness; helplessness.
Dipa Lamp
Dipak that kindles, stimulates or brightens. m. lamp;
Dipraa drasti The achiever begins to consider religion dearer than his very life.
He gets pleasure in devotion and begins to have vision for his goal.
Dirgh long, long (in time and space); (of vowel etc.)
Dirghaakshar long syllable.
Dirghaloka Vegetation; Wordly
Dirghatapasvi Extended penance; Deep austerite
Disa parimaana Direction; Limitation
Dishaa side, part; direction, quarter; way, path.
Diva Day
Diva bhojana Day eating
Divya heavenly, divine; wonderful; shining; beautiful. n. ordeal, testing the innocence or otherwise of person by water or fire.
Divya dhwani Divine sound forming Omniscient’s preaching, divine voice
or sound, Omniscient revelation in the form of omkar sound, resonant preaching of Omniscient Lords,
Miraculous or divine sound; When a Tirthankara attains enlightenment, this sound emerges from them, silent, yet understood by every living thing in his or her own language.
Dooshhita Spoiled; Corrupted
Dosa Flow; Defeat; Imperfection; Faults; Defects; Demerits; Logical aberration (eccentricity); Flaws
Dosa-darsana Defects viewing
Dosha faults, defects, demerits.
Dradhataa strengthen, to make it firm, to make it solid
Drashtaa eyewitness
Drashtaant example, illustration
Drashti gochar perceptible by vision, perceptible with faith
Drasta Perceiver; Realizer; Perceived
Drastaanta Illustration; Example
Drasti Vision; Perception, view, site, faith, theory, doctrine, system, focus with right faith, understanding based on right faith.
Drasti View; Vision; Sight
Drasti apexa vision perspective, faith perspective.
Drasti Bhed differences in view or vision.
Drasti no vishay subject matter from faith perspectives
Drasti pradhaan principally from faith perspectives.
Drasti shakti Power of vision
Drastibhed difference in vision, or view.
Drastivaada The twelf