Baadara (બાદર) Gross; Coarse; A karma
Baadhak obstructive; detrimental, harmful.
Baadhaka Obstructive; Hindering; Restrictive
Baadhit asangat (as in tark), absurd, inconsistent, inappropriate, restricted, obstructed, contradictory reason, stultified reason.
Baahya (બાહ્ય) Outer; External
Baahya parigrah external possessions- ten types:These ten things are: agricultural land, houses, cash money and silver, gold and ornaments, cow etc animals, food grains, male servants, female servants, clothes etc, cooking utensils etc.
Khetar, makaan aadi, hiranya- rupiya chaandi aadi, swarna- sonu gharenaa aadi, dhan- gaay aadi, dhaanya- anaaj, daas, daasi, kupya- vastraadi.
Baahya tapa External austerities; Physical austerities
Baahya-upadhi vyutsarga Alien-belonging renunciation
Baahyakriya External activity
Baahyanivrutti The sense seen on body e.g. eyes, nose, ear, skin, tongue
Baal vrat vows associated with wrong faith
Baala Immature; Child
Baala brahamchari Child celibate
Baala diksa Child initiation
Baala marana Fool’s death; Unenlightened death
Baala muni Newly initiated
Baala pandita Partially religious prudent
Baala rddhi Miraculous strength.
Baala tapa (બાલ તપ) Childish austerity; Performing austerity associated with wrong faith; Performing austerity without right belief, austerities not based upon right knowledge, austerity associated with wrong faith
Baala virya Childish energy
Baala vrata Childish vow
Baalagra A length unit; Hair heads
Baalanaar causing to burn, e.g. fire burns wood. Here fire is causing wood to burn.
Baanaavali skillful archer.
Baayas crow
Badara samparaya Ninth stage; Gross-passion stage
Badara: Gross (body).
Badha: Depriving of vitality
Badhaparisaha Injury affliction
Badhita Contradicted; Refuted
Badhita-visaya: Subject being hindered
Bahal Viscous liquids
Bahi khaataa book keeping
Bahiraatmaa Materialist; Outer looking self ; Follower of materialism or worldly enjoyments; Ordinary soul; Deluded soul;

Dependent or engaged in external entities and pursuits for

physical happiness, outer self

Bahiranga The external looking soul
Bahiranga dharma dhyaana Eulogical devotion for the lord arihant, Panch parmesthi ki bhakti etc.
Bahiranga parigraha There are ten bahirang or outward or material ossessions. Sonu or gold, chaandi or silver, dhan or money, dhaanya or food materials, daasi or female servers, daas or male servers, vastra or clothings, paatra or material support, kshetra or land etc, makanaadi or housing etc.
Bahiranga suddhi External purity
Bahiratman: (Perceiving) The self in externals
Bahirchitaprakaasha External knowledge
Bahirmukha Extroverted
Bahirvyaapti External concomitance
Bahirvyapti: External concomitance
Bahistatva The external element; A division or variety of Tatva
Bahu (Matijnana): Many
Bahu-shruta-bhakti: Devotion to Upakhyayas or teaching Saints.
Bahudhaa Mostly
Bahulya Thickness and height
Bahumaan respect
Bahumaanaachaar Zeal, one of the eight pillars of right faith
Bahupradesi Multi-space-pointed
Bahusruta Scripture-proficient preceptor
Bahusruta bhakti Scripture-proficient devotion
Bahuvidha Many kinds
Bahuvidha (Matijnana): Multiplied
Bahuvija Multi-seeds; Multi-seeded
Bahva pramaana Standard measure of state
Bakusa A class of nirgrantha; Spotted ascetic/Saint.
Bakush one who is nirgranth – taken out almost all his inclinations of attachments and aversions. He observes the vows completely. He is involved in maintaining dignity of his body and monastic outfit. – sharir ane upkaran ni shobhaa vadhaarvaa ma rahe chhe. He expects prosperity and fame. yash ane ruddhi ni aashaa raakhe chhe. He has different types of infatuations.
Bakush muni see muni
Bal strength i.e. mind, speech and body strength, manobal, vachan bal kaay bal
Balaa drasti The achiever is “getting sited in his true nature”. His attachment to worldly things diminishes.
Balabhadra: A Jaina literary type; the hero and companion of narayana
Balavu burn, be on fire; have burning sensation; be jealous (of), envy.
Balaya marana Starvation death
Bali Sacrifice; Sacrificial offering
Balraam supreme personalities. they are nine in numbers and are elder brothers of vasudev. For names please see nine balram.
Balvaa yogya substance that is capable to be burnt.
Bandah: Bound
Bandh sthaan kind of karmic bondage is known as bandh sthaan.
Bandha Karmic bondage to a soul; One of the nine tattvas; Fusion; Bonding; Bondage; Bond, bondage of karma- four types: 1. prakruti – types 2. number of karma particles coming in bondage 3. duration of bondage and 4. capacity to give different intensity of fruition of bondage. In Prakruti and Pradesh bandh soul’s yog is the instrumental cause and in sthiti and anubhaag bandh soul’s passions are the instrumental cause.
Bandha apsarana utsarana Bond, Reduction and progression.
Bandha karmic / No-karmika Bondage; Karmic or quasikarmic
Bandhavali /Achalavali The time of incapability of fruition; Fruitional incapability period
Bandha vyucchitti Bondage dissociation; Bond extermination
Bandha, Visrisa/prayogika Bondage; Natural / efforted
Bandha: Attracted matter had actually become a part of our body, i.e., when it has become bound to the soul as the body is already bound to it.
Bandhaaran arrangement; construction; (evil) habit; addiction; pat of medicinal plaster tied on stomach; constitution (of state).
Bandhacheda Bondage dissociation; Bond extermination
Bandhahetu Cause of bonding
Bandhak binding
Bandhana Bonding physique making karma
Bandhana baddhatva Karmic ally bondage
Bandhana: Bondage; molecular bondage.
Bedi chain; fetters or chains; bonds; encumbrance; restraint; silver anklet; double ring put on two fingers, shackle.
Beindriya Souls that live with two sense, namely touch and taste.
Bhaajan vessel, pot; receptacle; division, sharing, participating in, belonging to, representation.
Bhaajya Divisible; Alternated
Bhaamandal halo of divine light
bhaand vaasan aadi, cooking utensils etc. kitchen things.
Bhaante (1) A form of address inviting the attention of the Acharya; Sanskrit bhadanta, bhavanta, bhayanta, i.e., one who helps

end transmigration; (2) Repected; (3) Lord

Bhaara A weight unit, 20 Tulas
Bhaasa An illusion, impression; fancy; appearance, hallucination; verisimilitude; dim light;
Bhaasa bhaava Psychical language
Bhaasa dravya Physical language
Bhaasa samiti careful speech, To speak what is true, beneficial measured and free from doubt – Bhaashaa Samiti
Bhaasa varganaa aggregate of matter particles causing formation of speech, speech molecules
Bhaasaa Language; Speech
Bhaasaa paryaapti Vocal completion; Verbal completion.
Bhaasaa samiti Carefulness in speaking; Careful speech.
Bhaasaa vaikhari Audible language
Bhaasaa varganaa Speech variform; Aggregate of matter particles causing formation of speech; Speech molecules
Bhaasan conviction, grasping, appearance, look, shine.
Bhaasavu appear, seen, look; strike; shine.
Bhaashya detail analysis of scripture. it is in prakrut language and is in poetry form – padya.
Bhaasya Commentary
Bhaav abhaav shakti existence of present state and non existence of other state power of the soul. 35th shakti. Present right faith mode has absence of the
previous wrong faith mode and also has absence of the future omniscient mode.
Bhaav bandha subjective bondage
Bhaav Bhaasan to see and feel the things the way they are.
Bhaav bhaav shakti This is the power present in a soul due to which whatever mode is to occur, does occur at that given moment. 37th shakti. The faith attribute
remains eternal in nature and now has transformed itself in to the mode of the right faith is bhaav bhaav.
Bhaav indriya psychic sense, indriya of the form of a transitory spiritual state, labdhi and upyog is known as bhaavendriaya. Labdhi means capacity of the soul to know the meaning of a thing. – arth grahan karneki shakti ko labdhi karate hai. the activity of the soul to accept the meaning of a thing is known as upyog. Arth grahan ke prati jo vyaapaar hotaa hai uskaa naan upyog hai. , The indriya (Indriya – sense, That through the instrumentality of which one can attain cognition is known as indriya) of the form of a transitory spiritual state is known as bhaavendriya, a form of a transitory spiritual state is bhaavendriya, inner desire associated with senses. see also bhaavendriya, Considering all the space points of the soul, having obstruction due to objects of five senses, there is going to be labdhi and upyog type od inclination of subsidence cum destruction is known as bhaavendriya. Samast atma pradesho sambandhi shrot aadi indriyo vishayak unke aavaran ke kshayopsham rup labdhi aur upyog ko bhaavendriya karate hai.
Bhaav kalank stigmatized dispositions.
Bhaav karma psychological karma, psychic disposition, thought activities, inclination, auspicious and inauspicious dispositions, psychic karma, feeling- based karma, emotions and thoughts associated with material karma, passionful nature of the soul.
Bhaav linga psychical sign
Bhaav lingi clad in subjectivity, a true possession less naked digambar jain monk with right faith, knowledge and conduct, A saint with real nature and attributes., an absolute saint with perfect conduct..The naked possessionless monks who have attained right belief.
Bhaav maran phase death
Bhaav moksha psychical liberation, subjective liberation
Bhaav namaskaar getting engrossed in the eternal true nature of the self in the primary abstract comprehensive state.- nirvikalpa dashaa maa aatma anubhuti
Bhaav nirjara subjective shedding
Bhaav poojaa subjective worshiping, psychical worshiping
Bhaav praan psychical vitality, spiritual vitality, conscious vitality
Bhaav rup positive
Bhaav samvar subjective stoppage
Bhaav Sevaa one has no external desire and he is looking at the Omniscient lord with indivisible state (abhed bhave), one has desire to have solitariness state and with that idea he is worshiping the Lord. Bhaav Sevaa is of two types:
1: apvad bhaav sevaa- with consideration of seven naya, this has seven types. 2: utsarg bhaav sevaa
Bhaav shakti:33rd shakti This the power present in the soul due to which a substance is always with its own mode. 33rd shakti. right faith mode present in a soul is bhaav.
Bhaav shakti:39th shakti Self induced causation: This 39th power of the substance says that: the soul substance is independent of six causes of the deluding mode. भाव शिक्त, कारकों के अनुसार होनेवाली क्रिया से रिहत मात्र होने रूप है और क्रिया शिक्त कारकों के अनुसार पिरणिमत होने रूप है .भाव शिक्त यह बताती है की आत्मा रागािद विकारी भावों के षट्कारक से रिहत है और क्रिया शिक्त यह बतलाती है की सम्यक्दशर्न आिद निमर्ल पयार्यों के षट्कारको से सिहत है
भगवान आत्मा कारकों कीक्रिया से निरपेक्ष है भावािद छह शिक्तयां के विवेचन से यह स्पष्ट हुआ था की प्रत्येक द्रव्य की प्रत्येक पयार्य पर की अपेक्षा बिना स्वयं की योग्यता से स्व समय में प्रगट होती है. इस प्रकार वह पर कारकों से निरपेक्ष है.इस ३९ शिक्त – भाव शिक्त में प्रत्येक समय की प्रत्येक पयार्य को अिभन्न षट्कारको से भी निरपेक्ष बताया जा रहा है. ध्यान रहे की यह अिभन्न षट्कारको से निरपेक्षता
िवकारी पयार्य सम्बन्धी ही ग्रहण करना. क्योिक सम्यग्दशर्नािद निमर्ल पयार्य से सापेक्षता अगली
िक्रया शिक्त में स्पष्ट की जायेगी
यद्यिप ३९ शिक्त मै विकारी- अिवकारी पयार्य सम्बन्धी कोई उल्लेख नहीं है, सामान्य रूप से अिभन्न षट्कारको से निरपेक्षता का कथन है.तथािप ४०वीं शिक्त में निमर्य पयार्य संबधी अिभन्न षट्कारको की सापेक्षता का कथन होने से यह सहाय फिलत हो जाता है के ३९वीं शिक्त में विकारी पयार्यों की
िनरपेक्षता ही समजना चािहए (samaysaar anushilan part 5 page436)
It says that in this 39th bhaav shakti,- self induced causation power: the six causes producing deluding modes are absent in the soul. In kriyaa shakti, it says that the soul is with six causes of the pure mode of right faith.
bhaav shakti shows that soul is without the the six causes which generate deluding mode. While kriyaa shakti says that soul is with six causes which generates right faith mode.
As such in 39th shakti it does not say that soul is without six causes of the deluding modes. It simply says that soul is without six causes of the mode. soul is independent of six causes. But in 40th power it says that soul is with six causes responsible for pure mode of right faith. From this sentence, one is able to come to conclusion that in 39th power, the soul is without the six causes of the deluding mode.
In the powers of 33 to 38 the point which is well stressed says that the soul is devoid of any six causes of the alien objects. Soul has its own six causes. In 39th power it says that the soul is also devoid of six causes which generates deluding mode. In 40th power it says that soul is with six causes generating pure modes like right faith etc.
Difference between 33rd shakti and 39th shakti: they both have name as bhaav shakti. In 33rd it says that every substance has its own predetermined mode in present time. In 39th power it says that the eternal true nature of the soul is independent – nirpex- of the six generating causes.(one must understand here that independent means soul is devoid of six causes which generate deluding mode). In 40th power it says that soul is with six causes which produce the pure mode of right faith etc.
भगवान आत्मा कारकों कीक्रिया से निरपेक्ष है -यह अिभन्न षट्कारको से निरपेक्षता विकारी पयार्य
सम्बन्धी ही ग्रहण करना. क्योिक सम्यग्दशर्नािद निमर्ल पयार्य से सापेक्षता अगलीक्रिया शिक्त में स्पष्ट की जायेगी
Bhaav shrut gnaan experience of the true nature of the soul along with the scriptural
knowledge is known as bhaav shrut gnaan, unity of triple gem is bhaav shrut gnaan, Sacred knowledge along with the experiencing of the eternal self is known as bhaav shrut gnaan.
Bhaav stuti having hymn of praise – stuti- of the eternal true nature of the soul in the primary abstract comprehensive state – nirvikalpa dashaa, state of indeterminate ecstasy – nirvikalpa samaadhi.
Bhaav vaan one with bhaav, substance, one with attributes.
Bhaav vaan panu attributes of a substance
Bhaav vachan spoken words as a result of increasing purity of knowledge within my soul
Bhaav vyatirek Each mode is unique in its own form and different from others – bhaav vyatirek.
Bhaav yog With the vibratory activity of the soul’s space point there is a special characteristics happens in the soul by which he is able to attract karma and quasi karma. The vibratory activity of the soul’s space points is the dravya yog and due to this dravya yog there is capacity generated in the soul to attract karma and quasi karma is known as bhaav yog.
Bhaava (1) Feeling (2) Of heart and Mind (3) Spiritual (4) Psychical

(5) Essence (6) Thought activities (7) Experience Dispositions, quality, thoughts, phase, function, entity,

modification of soul, positive aspects, thought activity, present state, psychic dispositions, inclinations, subjective virtue. (8) Internal. States of a dravya. Thoughts, Feeling contemplations (9) Volition, feeling, Subjective Psychical state, Mode, State, essence. (10) Thought


Bhaava aasrava (ભાળ આસ્રળ) Subjective inflow; Subjective influx; Psychic inflow, emotions with passions, emotions with passions with inflow of karma
Bhaava adhikarana Volitional substratum
Bhaava bandha Psychical bondage; Subjective bondage
Bhaava dharma Nature of living, Internal aspect
Bhaava hinsa (1) Violence in the feelings and the thought activity or psychical violence (2) Mental and self-internal violence, internal violence.
Bhaava indriya Psychical sense; Subjective senses
Bhaava karma Psychological karma; Psychic disposition; Thought activities; Inclination; Auspicious and inauspicious dispositions; Psychic karma
Bhaava karma Psychical karma
Bhaava kevali Attaining enlightenment in current life.
Bhaava lesya Volitional aura
Bhaava linga Psychical libido/sex, Psychical sign
Bhaava lingi Clad in subjectivity, a true possession less naked digambar jain monk with right faith, knowledge and conduct
Bhaava paraavartan Cycle of incarnation, phase cyclic change, volitional changes causing the transmigration of soul continuously.
Bhaavaabhaav abhaavaabhaav shakti disappearance of present state and emergence of new state.
Bhaavaabhaav shakti Because of this power in a substance, there is presence of a mode in present time and it will disintegrate in future moment. 35th shakti. In the previous mode there was presence of wrong faith mode and at present there is mode of the right faith. This is bhaavaabhaav.
Bhaavaantar Different state tha n the present state e.g. origination of pot is the cessation of the heap of clay.
Bhaavaantar anya bhaav, different bhaav, different inclination, first four of the five bhaavs of the soul- i.e. uday, upsham, kshaayopsham and kshaayik.
Bhaavaantar bhaav vishesh, different inclination, specific inclination
Bhaavaarth verbal meaning, obvious meaning, explanation, purport
Bhaavaartha verbal meaning
Bhaavak sentiment, affection, causing to be, effecting, promoting any one’s welfare, imagining, external expression of amatory (romantic) sentiments, fruition of karma, fruition of the material karma, creator.
Bhaavak Bhaav 1:the toxic emotions in the soul’s altered mode occurs (creation) due to fruition of the material karma acting as instrumental cause ( also known as creator – bhaavak)
2: The pure mode occurring in the soul as creation – bhaav due to the presence of the infinite power of performer – kartutva shakti as creator.
(Ref: samaysaar siddhi gathaa 49, page 127).
In samaysaar stanza 32, and also in 36 there is mention for this bhaavak bhaav. In 47 Shakti also there is description of this bhaaavak bhaav in 42nd shakti of kartutva.
Bhaavatah according to intentions, bhaav anusaar, aashay anusaar.
Bhaavavaa yogya to thrive for
Bhaavavu like, be fond of; approve.
Bhaavya to be effected, to be accomplished, to be to be performed, to be perceived, to be apprehended, to be conceived, to be worshipped, one who creates the alteration in natural state with fruition of karma,karma ne
anusari ne vikar kare te, alteration in the natural state of the soul occurring as a result of fruition of material karma
Bhaavya bhaavaka sankar dosh hybridization fault of expressible and expression of sentiments, hybridization fault with fruition of karma and as a result occurrence of alteration in the natural state of soul
Bhadra auspicious; fortunate; benefactor, doing good; civilized, polite; high-born.
n. welfare, good; gold
Bhagavan: Venerable
Bhagwaan supreme one, lord, one with omniscience and omnipotence, Bhag means prosperity- lakshmi, and waan means one who has it. The one having infinite properties of attributes within is known as Bhagwaan.
Bhagwaan aatmaa soul substance as supreme entity, eternal true nature of the soul
Bhagwat swarup full of pure natured like god.
Bhaikshya-shuddhi: Purity of alms, according to the scriptures.
Bhajana: Option
Bhakta devotee, devout, divided; separated; devoted (to); attached (to); loving.
m. worshipper; devotee.
Bhakta katha stories pertaining to food and drinks.
Bhakti bhaav (feeling of) devotion; reverence; love
Bhakti maarg path of attaining moksha, emancipation, through bhakti or devotion.
Bhakti mudraa adoration pose
Bhakti yog yoga in which bhakt is the predominant factor or means.
Bhakti: Devotionalism, eulogical devotion for lord, veneration, adoration, devotion, adoration, worship; love; reverence; loyalty; number nine
Bhandaar store-house; treasure, hoarded wealth; place under deck of steamer; store, shop.
Bhanga: Infractions committed intentionally, vinaash, destroy, to end., divisions, Bhardaa, vagabond person, baavaa
Bhasa-samiti: Care in speaking
Bhasa: Language
Bhasha Agrahya-Vargana: Speech-unrecievable-molecule
Bhasha-Vargana: Speech-molecule
Bhasya: Commentary
Bhattaraka: Venerable ones; a class of Jaina clerics
Bhav Parivartan transmigration, rebirth cycle.
Bhav pratyayik inherent clairvoyance
Bhav saagar worldly life
Bhav sansaar cycle of transmigration in different body forms.
Bhav setu spiritual bridge to cross the worldly transmigration
Bhav siddh most virtuous and worthy beings, who can attain salvation.
Bhav sthit a life duration
Bhav vichay right meditation of materialistic world or cycle of birth
Bhav vipaaki prakruti maturity of karmic nature causing different kind of life courses (body forms).
Bhava-jiva: Real symbol of soul
Bhava-puja: The internal aspect of a devotional practice
Bhava-samyaktva: The internal aspect of true insight
Bhava: Function, Bhavaabhinandi, worldly minded, desire to enjoy the world as it is Bhavaabhinandipanu – fear of unhappiness and intense desire from worldly happiness.
Bhavaadhikaar intense liking for worldly things (Shaiv darshan)
Bhavaananugaami a type of clairvoyance that does not remain with the next birth
Bhavaantar change of life- destiny, transmigration
Bhavaanugaami a type of clairvoyance which remains with the next birth
Bhavan residential places
Bhavan vaashi dev – residential celestial beings,
How many of the mansion celestial beings are there (Bhavanpati dev)? There are ten as follow:

  1. Fiendish youths – Asur kumar.
  2. Serpentine youths – Nag kumar.
  3. Lightening youths – Vidyut kumar.
  4. Vulturing youths – Suparna kumar.
  5. Fiery youths – Agni kumar.
  6. Stormy youths – Vat kumar.
  7. Thundering youths – Stanit kumar.
  8. Oceanic youths – Udadhi kumar.
  9. Island youths – Dwip kumar.
  10. Guardians of the cardinal points youths – Dik kumar.
Bhavana: conception, imagination; faith; desire, wish; feeling, tendency; coating, layer; deep study, contemplation, Meditation, Practice; a section of the Acaranga-sutra, Here only one subject and there is repetition of only one reflective thought occurs. In anuprexaa one reflective thought is not repeated. In bhaavanaa the same thought process gets repeated. For example, thought that body and soul are separate. This reflective thought process is separateness contemplation – anyatva bhaavanaa. This reflective thought when recited again and again then it becomes bhaavanaa. When one thought process gets repeated then the old impressions – old sanskaar- get removed and new impression starts.

ભાવનામા એક જ વિષયના એક જ વિકલ્પ પુનરાવર્તન થાય છે.

ચિંતન = અનેક વિષય, અનેક વિકલ્પો, એક વિષય, અનેક વિકલ્પ
ભાવના – એક વિષય એક જ (કારના વિકલ્પ, પુનરાવર્તન)
જ્ઞાન = એક વિષય એક વિકલ્પો પુનરાવર્તનનો અભાવ
(Atmasiddhi vivechan by Rakeshbhai Jhaveri part 4 page 33-37)
See also “Anuprexaa” for nature of twelve bhaavanaa.
Maitri, Pramod, Karunaa and Madhyashthataa are four bhaavanaa.
These four contemplations are: friendship, to become glad witnessing some one’s virtues, compassion and neutrality.
These four contemplations are observed in the enlightened soul in the form of auspicious inclinations. They are absent in the wrong faith person.
These contemplations help to get stability in the non violence vow. – ahimsaa vrat ni sthirtaa maaate chhe.
The monk at 6th and 7th spiritual development stage contemplates 12 contemplations to increase his renunciation state. – muniraj ni vairagya ni 12 bhaavanaa
(ref: moksh shastra adhyaay 7 gatha 11 page 457, sarvaarth siddhi English, page 257), causing to be, effecting, producing, displaying, manifesting, meditation, conception, apprehension, supposition, fancy, thought, feeling of devotion, faith, reflection, contemplation, imagination; desire, wish; feeling, tendency; coating, layer; deep study; meditation, anupreksha.

Bhavanaalay residence of deities
Bhavanavasi: Those (gods) who reside in mansions
Bhavasruta: Real functioning knowledge
Bhavatmaka: Real
Bhavatva: Real
Bhavbhirupanu one who is afraid of the worldly life
Bhavik a human being capable of liberation
Bhavitavyataa destiny, fate
Bhavollasa: Aroused emotions
Bhavya jiva one, who is capable of liberation, potential soul
Bhavya: One who is capable of attaining moksa
Bhavyatva: Capability of attaining moksa
Bhaya: Fear
Bhed gnan discriminating science- knowledge
Bhed grahan comprehension of something with its different dimensions.
Bhed kalpanaa nirpex shuddh dravyaarthic naya a view point explaining the solitariness in properties- virtues and its possessor- substance.
Bhed kalpanaa saapex ashuddh drayaarthic naya a kind of view point which differentiate the relation of properties – virtues and its possessor – substance.
Bhed pad different kind of typical literary worlds with their antonyms.
Bhed paksha acceptance of some thing with alternative view points
Bhed pravrutti differential attitude or attitude of differentiation.
Bhed ratna traya Synonym word for moksha marg- path to liberation.
Bhed sanghaat association cum dissociation related to karmic molecules.
Bhed swabhaav differentiation in nature, discriminative nature of substance Bhed Vignan= discriminative science, science of differentiation between self and others, discriminating science.
Bhed vaad principle of analyzing something with its different properties.
Bheda-vivaksa: Desired difference
Bheda-vrtti: Attitude of difference
Bheda: Disjunction, differential way, division, variation, separation, difference; class, division, sort, kind; secret; deceit; causing split or division; chasm, gap, opening, discrimination,
Bhedaabhed unity and diversity, dualism and non dualism, disunion and union
Bhedaabhed viparitata erroneous understanding in division as well as indivisibility
Bhedaatit similar, without any difference
Bhedaikaant exclusive momentarieness
Bhedavu pierce penetrate; split as under; break.
Bhedbhaav discrimination; distinction; difference; deceit.
Bhedopacara: Secondary use of difference
Bhedopachaar statement of something on the basis of it nature.
Bhekh dress, garb; dress proper for sannyasa; asceticism; initiation into sannyasa; precipice, steep rock.
Bhekta-pana: mixing up food and drink.
Bhiksu-pratima: Difficult asuterities recommended for a mendicant
Bhinaatva difference, diversity.
Bhinn different, separate; broken, disunited
Bhinn bhaav feeling of being different or separate.
Bhinn ruchi of diverse tastes.
Bhinnataa difference, diversity.
Bhirutva-pratyakhyana: Giving up cowardice or fear.
Bhog Upbhog Desire for certain pleasure objects either for life or for a definite period of time is called “Bhog upbhog”, enjoyment of worldly pleasure
Bhog upbhog parimaan vrat sensual enjoyment limiting vow
Bhog upbhog sankhyaan vow of limiting use of consumables.
Bhoga Antaraya: obstructive of Enjoyment, of non-comsumable things.
Bhoga-antaraya: Karma that restricts enjoyment
Bhoga-bhumi: Realm of enjoyment
Bhoga: Enjoyment;experience, enjoying; pleasures; objects of enjoyment; offering made to deity; oblation; sacrifice; serpent or its hood; any one of the constellations or lunar houses.
Bhogavavu enjoy, experience; suffer, endure, interaction.
Bhogopabhaga-parimanavrata: Restraint against practicing certain professions and partaking of certain foods+B832
Bhojana-Katha: Food
Bhoktaa one who experiences joy and sorrow
Bhoktaa bhogya bhaava instinct related to enjoyer and enjoyable, endurer endurance relationship
Bhoktaa bhogya sambandh enjoyer and enjoyable relationship
Bhoktrutva enjoyment, enduring, sensual pleasure, gratification, indulgence of the objects of the senses, power of experiences joy and sorrow. “ I am the enjoyer of these raagaadi and varnaadi bhaavo” is bhoktrutva.
Bhoktrutva bhogya bhaava instinct related to enjoyer and enjoyable.
Bhraanti delusion; error, mistake, wrong notion, false idea; suspicion, doubt, mirage, swarup nu ayathaarth gnaan ej bhraanti chhe.
Bhramanaa delusion; wandering
Bhrust fallen (from above); depraved; vicious, sinful polluted, defiled; corrupt.
Bhumi: Realm
Bhumikaa land; place; step; origin, source; role or part of drama; preface.
Bhut gone by, past, elapsed; become (at end of compd.). n. any one of the five elements; animals, being; evil spirit, demon, ghost; one following sb.
doggedly or like a ghost; superstition; craze, to be e.g. swabhaav bhut means to be with innate form, become, being, existing, true, actually being, really happened, right, proper, fit, utpann, originating.
Bhuta-anukampa: compassion for all living beings.
Bhutaarth path to salvation, real fact, anything that really happened or exists, genuine knowledge, yathaarth gnaan, facts, eternal actual state, real, true
Bhutaarth drasti satya darshan, vaastavik samaj, pure point of view, perception taking aim at oneness nature of the all knower soul substance, absolute point of view.
Bhutaartha kaa aasray -knowledge mode has genuine knowledge about the nature of the mode, but faith mode has put its pride in the eternal true nature of the soul and surrendered its total self to the soul substance. Now it has given its self to the soul substance entirely. In its experience only the soul substance resides. This is dravya drasti, swabhaav drasti, bhutaarth aasray.
ज्ञान पयार्य को पयार्य का यथाथर् ज्ञान होने पर भी श्रद्धा ने अपना अहं
द्रव्य में विसर्जित किया है, समिपर्त किया है। अब द्रव्य ही उसका स्व है, उसकी अनुभूित में द्रव्य ही बसता है, वह स्वयं नहीं। यही द्रव्य दृिष्ट है, स्वभाव दृिष्ट है, भूताथर् का आश्रय है. (naya rahashya, Abhaykumarji, page151)
Bhutaarth naya absolute stand point of view., satyaarth naya, Dravyaarthic naya,
suddha naya, pure point of view.
Bhutaavist The person in whom the evil spirit – ghost has entered.
Bhuti hovu te, to be.
Bhutacatustaya: Division of four matters
Bij kosh seed-vessel, pericarp
Bija: Seed
Bijaakshar essenceful mystic and chantig words, mystic words. first syllable of a mantra, mystic syllable like ohm.
Bijapuraka-kataha: A seed-filled fruit, probably Aegle Marmelos, used for medicinal purposes
Biraajamaan shining, splendid; sitting, seated, in splendor, well-known, famous; celebrated
Biraajmaan shining, splendid; sitting, seated, in splendor.
Bodhaabodh swabhav saamagri aggregate of conditions physical and cognitional.
Bodhak instructive; educative.
Bodhi durlabha anupreksha: Rarity of Right path. It is difficult to attain right-belief, knowledge and conduct.
Bodhi-durlabha: The rarity of enlightenment
Bodhi: Enlightnenment, perception; comprehension; instruction, advice; hemp-flowers, ganja, understanding.
Bodhisattva: One who follows the career of a Buddha
Bodhya bodhak bhaav one who receives discourses is bodhya, one who delivers the discourses is bodhak.
Bodiya: Naked
Brahm supreme soul, all pervading spirit of the universe, the Supreme being regarded as impersonal and divested of all qualities and action; Veda; God. m. God Brahma, the creator of the universe;
Brahm vaad name of doctrine believing in non dualism- advait.
Brahma-charya: Celibacy.
Brahmacari: Celibate; one who has reached the seventh pratima
Brahmacarya-pratima: The seventh pratima, in which absolute continence is observed, seventh model stage of celibacy of jaina lay person.
Brahman: The unitary Absolute postualted by the Vedanta school
Brahmana (Brahman): A member of the priestly caste
Brahmavrata: Refraining from all illicit sexual activities
Brahmchary aashram life span of celibacy
Brahmcharya anuvrat vow of partial celibacy to limit desire with now wife only.
Brahmcharya tap ruddhi a type of supernatural power pertaining to celibacy.
Bramhaa one who is engrossed in the true nature of the self, creator god of the Hindu pantheon.
Bravanaa speaking, telling
Bruhaspati preceptor of gods; planet Jupiter; very knowledgeable person.
Bruva calling one self by a name without any title to it. being merely nominal.
Buddhi gamya capable of being grasped by intellect.
Buddhi grahya capable of being grasped by intellect.
Buddhi purvak deliberately, intentionally, iccha purvak.
Buddhi purvak raag intentional passions, toxic emotions getting known by vivid determination. perceivable toxic emotions.
Budhdhi gochar perceived at the intellect level
Budhdhi ivid determination, intellect
Budhn bottom, anal area
Buzavu be extinguished or put out.