ROHIT: I am reading the book about behavior which was for the parents. But I think more lessons were written just for me. This book is super and impressive.

TEJAL: Hi, Rohit! I am ready to go, are you?

ROHIT: I am not going. I will stay home.

NIRAV: We are supposed to clean our Jain Center today. The whole class is going to be there.

ROHIT: Yeah but I almost forgot that I am busy reading this book and I am going to keep reading this book, and I am not stopping until I finish it.

TEJAL: You need to help us. We need everybody there.

ROHIT: Someone else can do it, not me. I don’t have that kind of time. I am busy reading this Jain book.

NIRAV: We should read and study about Jainism, but we should do our work too.

ROHIT: I am not going to help. I’ve decided to read the Jain book without stopping. This is so important to me. Let someone else do the work.

TEJAL: You are the best window cleaner in the whole class, and we need your help.

ROHIT: You will just have to try and do it yourself. I am too busy to leave right now.

NIRAV: I wish that you would come with us, because I am only good at cleaning the floor, and Tejal is cleaning the kitchen. Komal and Bina are good at washing the dishes.

ROHIT: I know last week’s rain made the windows dirty. But, anyone can clean windows. My reading is too important. I want to be a good Jain.

(Nirav and Tejal exit, Rohit continues reading, talking to himself.

Two hours later: Rohit just finished reading about sharing responsibilities)

RAM: What are you doing?

ROHIT: I am reading the Jain book. There are many good stories that are teaching me some good lessons.

RAM: I always liked our Jain Center, but not this time. The last storm made the windows so dirty. You can’t even see outside.

ROHIT: Why aren’t the other students cleaning the windows?

RAM: There weren’t enough people to help clean the center. No one did the windows. I bet our teachers will be upset and unhappy. Well, I hope you learned enough from the Jain book.

ROHIT: Thanks! Windows should be clean before the people come.

RAM: You must be kidding. Clean? Who do you suppose is going to do all of that cleaning?

ROHIT: I am. I just learned about sharing the responsibilities. It is my responsibility to clean the windows. I will always keep my responsibilities from now on. This is our Jain Center and we will keep it clean, pure and holy.