RAJESH: I learned a lot much in school today. I can’t believe that I am so much smarter this afternoon than I was this morning.

RAM: I learned a lot also. We are studying about the Red Indians, and we are building a great big teepee in our classroom. Are you doing anything like that?

RAJESH: That’s nothing compared to what I learned today.

RAM: Did you read about the Vikings and the big ships fighting on the seas?

RAJESH: Oh, Ram! That’s just kiddy stuff.

RAM: In our class today we learned our multiplication facts. Do you want to hear them? 2×7 is l4, 3×6 is l8, and 3×8 is 24. I bet you didn’t know that.

RAJESH: I sure didn’t. (Shakes his head) I know something you don’t know. I learned some new words today.

RAM: I did, too. Do you know what transportation means? I also learned what the word vaccination means. Do you know what the word colony means?

RAJESH: I sure do. It’s a new kind of an electronic game they came out with.

RAM: You know everything Rajesh.

RAJESH: Well, I almost do. I bet you did not learn the words I know. Listen (whispers in Ram’s ear).

RAM: Rajesh, that word isn’t a nice word.

RAJESH: You haven’t heard anything yet.

RAM: Rajesh, your mother would be so upset and disappointed with you if she heard you say that.

RAJESH: That’s exactly why I am telling you and not her.

RAM: Did you know you get pap (bad karmas) for saying these bad words?

RAJESH: You don’t get pap just by saying words.

RAM: It’s not just the words, it’s the impure thoughts that come with those words.

RAJESH: I know that I had some bad thoughts when I was saying those words, but I didn’t know that I would get pap for them.

RAM: Well you did get pap, and now you need to get rid of those thoughts so you can be pure.

RAJESH: O.K. my friend, I better start thinking about good things so I can be a better person with pure thoughts and good wishes.