Wood-Apple Chutney
Wood-Apple Chutney
1 wood apple (kodu) 1-cup cilantro leaves
6 cloves Salt
100 grams brown sugar 2-3 green chilies
2 tbsp. Cumin seeds
Mix all the ingredients and grind them to paste.
Panchamrut chutney
1 dry coconut ½ cup groundnut
½ cup chutney dalia 2 tbsp. Sesame seeds
4 tbsp. Red chili powder 1 tbsp. Coriander seeds
2 tbsp. Cumin seeds 1/2 tsp. Turmeric powder
1 tbsp. Tamarind 3 tbsp. Brown sugar
Dissolve tamarind and brown sugar and make to pulp. Roast for 1 minute all the remaining ingredients and grind them to paste. Mix with brown sugar and tamarind water.