Word Meaning
Vacana Statement
Vacya-vacaka-bhava Relationship of the
word and its meaning
Vada Legitimate discourse
Vadara Nigoda Shunya-Vargana Gross common-body-indiffrent-molecule
Vadara Nigoda-Vargana Gross
Vadin Proponent
Vaggupti Preservation of
Vaidriyika fluid.
Vaikalika [Texts studied] beyond the prescribed hours
Vaikriyika Fluid, Fluid,the body of
hellish and celestial beings, which they can change at will.
Vaikriyika-mishra Fluid with karmic.
Vainayika-mithyatva Mithyatva due to
indiscriminate openmindedness
Vaineyika Religion is identical with veneration of parents, king, etc., e.g., Confucianism.
Vairagya Aversion leading to renunciation, The non-attachment to sense pleasures.
Vaisya A member of the merchant caste
Vaivahiki-kriya The wedding ceremony
Vaiyavrittya-karana Serving the meritorious..
Vaiyavritya Service of the
saints or worthy people–internal austerity.
Vaiyavrttya Respectful service
Vajra Diamond Adamantine
Vajra-naracha-Samhanana Adamantine, joints
and bones.
Vajra-rishabha-aracha-Samhanana Adamantine, nerves,
joints and bones.
Vakprayoga Statement
Vakya Sentence
Valaya Layer of teh
Vamana Dwarf.
Vanaspati-kaya Plant beings
Vanavasi Forest dweller
Vandana Reverent salutation
Vang Movement by speech
Vardhamana (Avadhi) Augmenting
Varna Caste hierarchy/ class; color; a quality of matter, color, Letters
Varna-vyavastha Class/ caste system
Varnalabha Ritual celebrating the establishment of a new household by a married son
Varsa Continent
Varuni-dharana A process of meditational “cleansing,” accompanied with the water element.
Vasana Memory impression, Trace
Vastu Real
Vastutva capacity by which a substance has a fuction, Functionality
Vatsalya Disinterested
affection, Tender affection for
one’s brother on the path of Liberation.
Vayu-kayika Air-bodies
Veda Sex-consciousness, Sexual feelings
Vedaka-samyaktva A synonym for ksayopasamika-samyaktva
Vedaniya Feeling Karma
Vedaniya-karma Karma responsible for mundane experience of pain and pleasure
Vibhava Defiled; impure
Vibhu All-pervasive
Vicara Shifting attention from one mode to another
Vidarana-kriya Proclaiming other’s sins.
Vidhana Ritual
Vidhi Positively
Vidhi-sadhaka (Hetu) Positive, which
proves something positive
Vidhikalpana Positive aspect
Vidhirupa (Hetu) Positive
Vidya The arts
Vigraha-gati Movement of a soul
to its new destiny
Vihayogati Movement; capacity
of moving in space.
Vijigisu Who wants victory
Vikala-pratyaksa Partial perception
Vikaladesa Partial reference
Vikalpa Idea
Vikalpa-prasiddhatva Optional
Vikalpa-siddha Optionally proved
Vikalpagamya Optional knowledge
Vikalpatmika Optional only
Vikrti Defiled modification
Vimochitavasa Residence in a
deserted place.
Vinaya Reverence to the
elders Reverence–internal austerity, Veneration.
Vinaya-sampannata Reverence for means
of Liberation and for those who follow them.
Vipaka Karmic retribution
Vipakavicaya Meditation on karmic
Vipaksa Heterologous
Vipaksabadhaka-pramana Proof which
obstructs the opponent’s view
Vipaksasattva Presence in
heterologous cases
Viparita Contradictory, Perverse belief,
e.g., animal sacrifices lead to heaven.
Viparita-mithatva Perverted or incorrect view
Viparitaropa Contrary imposition
Viparyaya Error
Vipulamati Ample intelligence
Vira-nirvana Beginning of the
Jaina era; death [anniversary] of Mahavira
Virodha Contradiction
Virodhi-himsa Injury generated by
standing in
Virodhi-himsa opposition to an
Virodhi-sanka Doubt of the
Viruddha Contradictory
Viruddha sahacaranupalambha Non-availability of
the concomitant contradictory to the probandum
Viruddha-dharmadhyasa Which imposes the
opposite quality
Viruddha-karyanupalambha Non-availability of
the effect contradictory to the probandum
Viruddha-svabhavanupalambha Non-availability of
the nature contradictory to the probandum
Viruddha-vyapakanupalambha Non-availability of
the determinant concomitant contradictory to the probandum
Viruddhakarananupalambha Non-availability of
the cause contradictory to the probandum
Viruddhanupalabdhi Non-availability of
the contradictory
Viruddhopalabdhi Availability of the
Virya Energy
Virya Antaraya obstructive of power
of exercise of one’s capacities.
Viryantaraya Energy-obstruction
Visadrsa Dissimilar
Visamvada Wrangling, etc.,
wrong-belief, envy, back-biting, self-praise, censuring others, etc., and
causes a bad-body-making karma.
Visani An animal possessed
of horns
Visesa-darsana Particular
Visesavamarsa Inference of the
Vishesha-guna Special Attributes
Visistapratyaksa Qualified direct
Visuddhi Purity
Vitaraga Free from passion;
an epithet for an arhat
Vivaksa Aspect emphasized by
a speaker
Vivarta Mode
Vivartavada The theory of
illusory causation in monistic Vedanta
Vivikta-sayyasana Solitary place of
Vivikta-shayyasana Sitting and sleeping
in a lonely place, devoid of animate beings–external austerity.
Vrata Restraint, vow
Vrata-pratima The second stage where a layman assumes the anuvratas
Vratyanukampa Compassion for the vowers.
Vrishyeshta rasa-tyaga Renouncing of exciting and aphrodisiac food or drinks.
Vritti-parisankhyana Taking a mental vow to accept food from a house-holder, only if a certain dition is fulfilled, without letting anyone know about the vow–external austerity.
Vrtti Subcommentary
Vrtti-parisamkhyana Limiting the extent of one’s begging rounds
Vyabhicara Contradiction
Vyabhicarin One who contradicts
Vyanjana That which manifests
Vyanjana (Aksarasruta) Consonant
Vyanjanaksara (Sruta) Alphabet
Vyanjanaparyaya Manifest modes
Vyanjanavagraha (Mati) Contact-awareness
Vyantaravasi The peripatetic gods
Vyapaka Determinant concomitant
Vyapakanupalabdhi Non-av of the determinant concomitant
Vyapti Necessary concomitance
Vyaptigraha Cognition of the concomitance
Vyaptigrahana Cognition of the concomitance
Vyaptijnana Knowledge of necessary concomitance
Vyapya Determinate concomitant
Vyapya (Hetu) Determinate concomitant
Vyapyopalabdhi Availability of concomitant
Vyatikrama Disturbed order
Vyatireka Disagreement
Vyatireka-dharma Disagreement
Vyavahara Convention; appropriate proceedings Practical
Vyavahara (Naya) Empirical
Vyavaharabhasa False empirical
point of view
Vyavaharika Empirical
Vyavasayin Definitive
Vyaya Decay, Goes out of
existance, Loss; disappearance
Vyuparatakriya-anivartin Absolute nonmotion
Vyutpattinimitta Etymological
Vyutsarga Giving up attachment to the body, etc.–internal austerity, Renunciation of egoistic thoughts