Book Introduction

Twelve Facets of Reality
Edited by Clare Rosenfield
Jain Meditation International Center
120 East 86 Street
New York, NY
Tel: 212-722-7474

Copyright c 1980 by Jain Meditation International Center, Inc.
All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form
without permission in writing from the publisher
Printed in the United States of America
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Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Chandraprabhsagar, Muni, 1922-
Twelve facets of reality.
1. Jaina meditations. 2. Spiritual life (Jainism)–Collected works. 1. Rosenfield, Clare.
11 Title.
BL1378.7.C6 294.4’44 80-16773
ISBN 0-396-07902-4

To My Immortal Father
Pujya Munishree Chandrakant Sagarji
Whatever blooms have
blossomed forth are all from
the seeds you planted
Other Books By Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanu
Lotus Bloom
Fountain of Inspiration
Inspiring Anecdotes
Bondage and Freedom
The Beacon
Jain Master Speaks to One World
Ten Days Journey into the Self
Sense Beyond the Senses
The Philosophy of Soul and Matter
Realize What You Are: The Dynamics of Jain Meditation
The Psychology of Enlightenment: Meditations on the
Seven Energy Centers