The Religious and Scientific Dimensions
Dr. N.L. Kachhara
Dharam Darshan Sewa Samsthan
55, Ravindra Nagar, Udaipur 313003
Rajasthan, India
The Religious and Scientific Dimensions
Dr. N.L. Kachhara
First Edition
June 2005, 1000 copies
Dharam Darshan Sewa Samsthan
(Religio-Philosophical Service Institution)
55, Ravindra Nagar, Udaipur 313003
Rajasthan, India
Price Rs 35/-, US$ 5.0
Composing: Vinayak Graphics, Udaipur (Raj.), India
Printing: Puneet Offset, Udaipur (Raj.), India
The Doctrine of Karma deals with the laws of nature that govern the lives of all organisms. All religions and philosophical schools of thoughts in India who believe in rebirth have pronounced this as the fundamental principle that connects our past, present and future. Though all schools offer some explanation how this happens, the Jaina approach to this doctrine is unique as it is based on scientific reasoning. The Arihantas who perceived the truth in its entirety presented the details of the way in which this law operates.
The Doctrine of Karma has serious implications in our personal and social lives. An understanding of this Doctrine can improve our moral, social and ethical behavior and foster harmonious relationship at global level. Allegiance to any particular faith or belief is not necessary to understand this Doctrine. Everyone seeking self-realization will find the propositions convincing and logical.
There is a tendency now a day to question everything that is religious, firstly due to lack of understanding of the true spirit of the religious tenets and secondly the advancements in physical sciences are influencing the mind of every one. However, the religious doctrines backed by science find easy acceptance and are valued.
This book does not give a detailed account of Doctrine of Karma, for that the reader must refer to other texts on Jainism. The main objective of this book is to understand the nature and working of the Karma and Tejas bodies, and establish a correlation between the Doctrine of Karma and the existing body of scientific knowledge. To this end the basic principles of the Doctrine, as promulgated by Jainas, the concepts of energy bodies, Nadis and Chakras given by Vedic and western thinkers and the scientific principles of DNA, genome and bio photons have been reviewed. A comparative study has given a clear understanding of the structure of Karma and Tejas bodies and has shown that the scientific findings corroborate well with the religious propositions. Further, it is seen that some of the questions in the areas of genetic science and biophotonic theory puzzling the scientists have their answers in the Doctrine of Karma. No prior knowledge of Jainism is necessary to follow the book.
Doctrine of karma is an important principle governing our lives. Knowing its subtler details is interesting as well as gratifying. The fact that an automatic regulating process is working within us that keeps record of our actions, thoughts and feelings and gives reward and punishment at appropriate time for our good and bad deeds compels us to be conscious of what is right and wrong and inspires us to take right and benevolent decisions. It is hoped that this small book shall convince the readers of the scientific reality of the Doctrine of Karma and inspire them to lead a truthful life.
The study undertaken in this book is just a beginning of scientific exploration of doctrine of Karma. Further studies and research are required to know the science behind other aspects of this Doctrine. The Jaina philosophy has strong logical and scientific basis which provides deep insight into the phenomena taking place in nature and this can have important implications for scientific progress.
Acharya Shri Kanaknandi ji gurudev has been a source of inspiration to me in writing this book. Muni Mahendra Kumar ji has been very kind to go through the manuscript. I offer my obeisance to both of them. My son Vinay has helped me in composing the book. Smt Sushila Kachhara my wife, Sanjeev and Sonia Kachhara, my son and daughter-in-law, Kamal. S. Jain and Manju Jain, my son-in-law and daughter have provided financial assistance in publication of this book.
My thanks are due to all of them.
N. L. Kachhara