Name of Book |
Author |
Topic and Sub-Topics |
Comparative Study of The Jaina Theories of Reality and Knowledge |
Padmarajiah, Y. J. |
A Consideration of two controversies concerning Dravya and Guna (and/or Paryaya) with a view to clarifying the Nature of both |
A Preliminary Statement of an Important Vedantic and Buddhistic Objection against the Jaina View of Reality, leading to the formulation of Five types of approach to the problem of Reality |
A Study in Contrasts |
Anekantavada, the theory of Manifoldness, the most consistent Theory of Realism |
Are Gunas the same as, or Different from Paryayas |
Epistemology |
Hegelianism |
How far could a Dravya be treated as a Concrete Universal |
Is Reality an Entity , or a Mental Construction, or a Structural Manifestation of Identity-in-Difference in Reality |
Nayavada, the theory of Standpoints |
Ontology (The Nature of Reality) |
Syadvada or the Dialectic of conditional Predication |
The Bhedabheda System |
The Bhedabheda System of Bhartrprapanca |
The Bhedabheda System of Bhaskara and Yadavaprakasa |
The Bhedabheda System of Nimbarka |
The Bhedabheda System of Ramanuja |
The Dvaita System (of Madhva) |
The Externalistic Doctrine of Identity-in-Difference (Ubhayavada) versus the Doctrine of a Unique and Integral Synthesis of Identity-in-Difference (Jatyantaravada) |
The Jaina Philosophy of Identity-in-Difference in which Identity is Co-ordinate with Difference |
The Philosophy of Difference (becoming or change |
The Philosophy of Difference (becoming or change) |
The Philosophy of Identity (or being) |
The Sankhya System |
The School of Philosophy in which Identity subordinates difference |
The schools of Philosophy in which Difference Subordinate Identify |
The Vaisesika System |
Comprehensive History of Jainism Vol I |
Chatterjee, A. K. |
Ajivikism and Gosala |
Early Jainism and Yaksa Worship |
Jain Thinkers |
Jainism in Mathura |
Jainism in North India (200 B.C. to 600 A.D.) |
Jainism in North India (600 A.D. to 1000 A.D.) |
Jainism in Orissa |
Jainism in South India (600 A.D. to 1000 A.D.) |
Jainism in South India (Early Phase) |
Life of Mahavira |
Parsvanatha |
Select Bibliography |
Spread of Jainism (Early Phase) |
The Literature of Digambaras |
The Non-Canonical Svetambara Literature |
The Svetambara Canonical Literature |
Tirthankaras from Rsabha to Aristanemi |
Jainism in North India (1000 – 1300 A. D.) |
Jainism in North India (1300 – 1600 A. D.) |
Jainism in South India (1000 – 1300 A. D.) |
Jainism in South India (1300 – 1600 A. D.) |
Select Bibliography |
Svetambara Literature (1000 – 1600 A. D.) |
The Jaina Tirthas |
Cultural Study of the Nisitha Curni |
Sen, Madhu |
Administration in Sub-divisional Units |
Administrative and Territorial Units |
Agriculture (kisivavara, kisikama) |
Analysis and Evaluation of the Contents of the NC |
Architecture |
Arts and Crafts |
Banking and Loans |
Brahamanas |
Brahamanic Literature |
Brahmanic Institutions : Education in the Gurukulas |
Brahmanic Religion |
Buddhism |
Caste System |
Classes of Ascetics |
Coinage |
Curni Literature and the Nisitha Curni |
Curriculum |
Customs and Beliefs |
Customs and Beliefs |
Dance and Drama |
Date of Jinadasa Gani |
Despised and Untouchables |
Diseases mentioned in the NC |
Dress |
Economic Conditions |
Education, Learning and Literature |
External Affairs |
Family |
Festivals |
Feudatory Kings and their Councils |
Fine Arts |
Five – fold study |
Flowers and Garlande |
Food |
Geographical Background of the NC |
Geographical Names mentioned in the NC |
Introductory |
Jaina Festivals and Fasts |
Jaina Literature |
Jaina System of Education |
Jainism |
Jinadasa Gani: the author of the NC. |
Judiciary and Courts |
King and Kingship |
Ksatriyas |
Labor |
Lekhasala |
Literature |
Literature |
Marriage |
Material Culture |
Medicine and Health |
Method of Education |
Method of Oral Transmission |
Military Organisation |
Music |
Nisitha Sutra and its Commetaries (Niryukti, Bhasya and Curni) |
Ornaments |
Painting |
Pastimes |
Philosophical system |
Pilgrimage |
Police and Police Officers |
Polity and Administration |
Religion |
Revenue and Taxation |
Routine for Study |
Royal Council and Ministers |
Royal Household |
Saivism |
Sculpture |
Secula Literature |
Shoes |
Social Life |
Society |
Special Facilities for Higher Studies |
Students |
Sudras |
Sudras |
Supernatural Powers and Magical Practices |
System of Espionage |
Teachers and their Qualifications |
Toilet |
Town Administration |
Trade |
Treasury or Srigrha |
Types of States and Forms of Government |
Vadas or Debates |
Vaisnavism |
Vaisyas or Vaniks |
Viceroyalty and Succession |
Village Administration |
Village Council (gramaparisad) |
Weights and Measures |
Writing and Books |
Source Book In Jaina Philosophy |
Devendra, Muni Shastri |
Ajivtattva: A Study |
Appendices |
Atmavada; an analysis |
Darsana : a synoptic Study |
Discussion of Prameya |
Index of Technical Terms |
Jaina & Buddhist Philosophies |
Jaina & Sankhya Philosophies: a comparison |
Jaina & Vedanta Philosophies |
Jaina Canonical Literature |
Jaina Darsana & Jain Philosophies of the world |
Jaina Metaphysics |
Jaina Philosophical Literature and Authors |
Jnanavada: a study |
Karmavada |
Karmavada: a synopsis |
Legacy of Jaina Philosophy to world of Thought |
Lokavada( cosmology) |
Nature of Darsana & Darsana Literature |
Nayavada: a study |
Niksepavada: a study |
Philosophies of the world |
Pramana: a study |
Pramanavada |
Principle of Asrava(Influx) |
Principle of Bandh & Moksa; a discussion |
Principle of Punya(Merit) & Papa(Demerit) |
Principle of samvara & Nirjara: a study |
Pudgala(matter): a Study |
Reference Books Index |
Saptabhangi: A Dicussion |
Scheme of Pronunciation |
Syadvada; The Basis of Jain philosophy |
Study of Civakacintamani |
Vijayalakshmy, R. |
A comparative Study of the Jivandhara Story in the Uttarapurana and the Story of the Civakacintamani and a discussion of the Sanskrit Motifs found in the Civakacintamani |
An Attempt to trace the Source of the Civakacintamani and the period in which it has been written |
Conclusion to Civakacintamani |
Sanskrit Loan words in the Civakacintamani |
The Interaction of Sanskrit through Jainism |
The Sanskrit Interaction in the Literary Style of the Civakacintamani |
The Social, Religious and Literary background |
Treatise on Jainism |
Sanghvi, Jayantibhai S. Shri |
Conclusion to Jaina Religion |
The Fourteen Gunasthanas ( Spiritual Stages ) |
The Jain Religion |
The seven Tattvas ( Priciples ) |
The six Dravyas ( substances ) |
The Theory of Karma ( Law of Causation ) |
The three Jewels of Jainism |
Agama and Tripitaka: A Comparative Study Vol 1 (History and Tradition) |
Nagarajaji, Muni Shri |
10 paramitas |
A Critical Examination |
A Critical Examination |
A Critique |
A Critique |
A Discussion on Meat Eating |
A Discussion on Nataputta’s demise |
A Jaina or a Buddhist |
A Jaina or a Buddhist |
A Miracle |
A Nigantha in Dust |
A Peacock and a crow |
A Review of Subject-Matter |
A Son is Born |
Abhaya Kumara |
Abhaya Licchavi |
About the Mother |
About the Name – Bimbisara |
About the Name – Srenika |
Affection for the Mother |
After His Death |
Agamas and Tripitakasin Relation to Contemporary Condition |
Ajatsatru in the Buddhist Pitakas |
Ajatsatru Kunika |
Ajita Kassapa |
Ajita Kesakambli: ucchedavadi |
Ajita Kesakambli: ucchedavadi |
Ananda |
Ananda |
Ananthapindika |
Appedix -I |
Appedix -II |
Are the Buddhist Account Exaggerated |
As a Follower of the Buddha |
As Future Tirthankara |
Asibandhaka-putra Gramani |
Asoka’s Edicts |
Astroger Nigantha |
AStrological Calculations |
Attainment of Tejolesya |
Authorship and Date of composition |
Awakening of Pakkusati |
Beginning of Uposathas |
Bhadra Kundalkesa |
Bhagwan Buddha |
Bhagwan Mahavira |
Bibliography – Agama Literature |
Biographical Sketch |
Birth |
Birth and Initiation |
Birth of Abhayakumara |
Buddha: Youngest among the Spiritual Leaders |
Buddha’s Exertion for Attaining Sambodhi |
Buddha’s Wanderings and Camps |
Burmese Tradition |
Canda- Pradyota |
Candanabala |
Cause of His Devotion for Buddha |
Cause of the Death of Nigantha Nataputta |
Celebrations at Birth |
Cetaka |
Chandanvala |
Childhood |
Chronology |
Chronology of Mahavira |
Chronology of Mahavira’s Life |
Clad Niganthas |
Codes and Bools on conduct and Discipline |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
Comment |
comment |
comment |
Comment |
Comment Events |
Comments |
Comments |
Comments |
Comments |
Comments |
Comments |
Comments |
Comments |
Comments News of Nattaputta’s Demise (1) |
conclusion |
Conclusion |
Conclusions |
Contemporaneity and Chronology |
Contemporary Religious Teachers |
Contradictions |
Corroboration of the Conclusion |
Critique |
Death of Kunika |
Defiant Disciples |
Departure from Home |
Desire during Pregnancy and Birth of Kunika |
Desire of a Pregnant Women |
Devadatta |
Dhammika Upasaka |
Dhanya of Kakandi |
Dharma Nanda Kausambhi |
Difference in Name |
Discussion on Karma |
Display of Occult Power |
Displayig Technical Skills |
Dr. Charpentier |
Dr. Hoernle and Muni Jina Vijayaji |
Dr. Jacobi’s First Approach |
Dr. Jacobi’s Second Approach |
Dr. K. P. Jayaswal |
Dr. Kamta Prasas Jain |
Dr. Radha Kumud Mukherjee |
Dr. Shanti Lal Shah |
Dreams |
Dreams Interpreted |
Dreams of Mahavira |
Dreams of Queen |
Dreams of the Buddha |
Early Life of Gosalaka |
Education |
Eleven Gandharas |
Episodes |
Events |
Famine in Nalanda |
Father’s Name |
First Aquaintance |
Five faults of the Niganthas |
Five Great Selections |
Follower Kings |
Four Scenes |
Four Types of People |
From the Buddhist Sources: Enmity with the Vajjis |
From the Jaina Sources |
Gautami |
Going to Hell and Subsequent Tirthankarhood |
Gosalaka |
Gosalaka and Ananda |
Gosalaka’s Death |
Gosalaka’s First contact with the Lord |
Gosalaka’s Repentence |
Grahadinna and Srigutta |
Grahapati Chitra |
Grahapati Upali |
Great Renunciatiation |
Habit and Personality |
Hall of Curiosity Sutta |
Hardship and Forbearance |
Hardships caused by Gods |
Help from Indra |
His Family |
Historian’s Date of Buddha’s Nirvana |
Historian’s View |
Historical Perspective |
Imprisonment of the Father |
In Digambara Tradition |
In the Agamas |
In the Agamas |
In the Agamas (Sciptures) |
In the Jaina Agamas |
In the Tripatikas |
In the Tripitakas |
In the Tripitakas |
In Touch with Mahavira |
Inconsistencies |
Inconsistencies in Ceylonese Chronology |
Incontinence in Ajivakas |
Indrabhuti Gautama |
Initiatation in the Nigrantha Order |
Initiation in the Nirgrantha Region |
Initiation into Monkhood |
Initiation into the Buddhist Order |
Initiation of Princess |
Intentions Behind the world Nisiha |
Introduction to Life History |
Inttroduction |
Jaina Sravaka Vappa |
Jaina Sravaka Vappa |
Jaitasatru, Singh and Cetka |
Jamali |
Jamali and Priyadarsana |
Jatilasutta |
Jayanti |
Jayanti and Priyadarsani |
Kapila |
Kasayapa |
King Dasarna Bhadhadra |
Konika in the Jain Tradition |
Leading Buddhists Upasakas |
Leading Followers (Upasakas) |
Leading Jaina Upasakas |
Liberation |
Liberation of Gautama Buddha |
Liberation of Mahavira |
Literary Gems by the same Author |
Loka-finite or Infinite |
Mahabodhikumara |
Mahakasyapa |
Mahakatyayana |
Mahasilakantaka War and the Conquest of the Vajjis |
Mahavira & Buddha |
Mahavira fixing Canda-kausika on Spiritual Path |
Mahavira Middle Aged, Buddha Young |
Mahavira’s Exertions for attaining Kaivalya |
Mahavira’s Nirvana and Vikramaditya |
Mahavira’s Wanderings and Camps |
Makkhali Gosala: niyativadi |
Marici felt elated |
Marici’s as a tridandi monk |
Marici’s vacillation |
Marriage |
Meghakumara |
Meghakumara |
Method of Attainment |
Moggallana |
Monk Ardraka and a Atmadvaitavada |
Monk Ardraka and a Buddhist Bhiksu |
Monk Ardraka and a Vedic Brahamana |
Monk Ardraka and Hasti Tapas |
Monk Ardrakakumara and Gosalaka |
Monks and Nuns |
Mrgara Sresthi |
Muni Kalyana Vijayaji |
Murder of Maudgalyayana |
Murder of the Father |
Nalaka Parivrajaka |
Name and Profession |
Nammo Buddhassa Nammo Arahantanam |
Nanda |
Nanda , Rahula and Others |
Nandisena |
Need of an Exhaustive Research |
News of Nattaputta’s Demise (2) |
Nigantha Upositha |
Niganthas in Lanka |
Nigrantha Influence on the Penances of Buddha |
Nigrantha Jnanaputra: caturyama-samvara-vadi |
Nimittas |
Nisiha- On Lapses from Brahamacharya etc. |
Nisithastvardharatra |
Odium Theologicium |
Offer to the Niganthas |
Omniscience and Enlightenment |
On Initiation |
On the Language of the Texts |
On the Question of Conduct |
One or Two |
Other Contexts |
Other Kings |
Pakudha Kaccayana |
Pakudha Kaccayana: annoyonya-vadi |
Pali Texts of the Tripitakas refering to Nigantha and Nataputta |
Parivarjaka monk Skandaka |
Pava, the place of Mahavira’s Nirvana |
Pestilence in Vaisali |
Physical Stregth |
Pingalakoccha Brahmin |
Pious outcome of Sramanahood |
Position of Women in the Two Orders |
Practice of Celibacy which is Unpleasant to the mind |
Prasenajit |
Pravrtta-Parihara |
Previous Births |
Prince Abhaya |
Princess (Sons of Srenika) |
Problem of Chronology |
Prohibiting Initiation of Soldiers |
Proximity of Jains and Ajivakas |
Purana Kasapa |
Purna Kasyapa: akriya-vadi |
Queen and Progeny of Kunika |
Queen of Srenika |
Question on the Future |
Quetions of Milinda |
Rajarsi Udayana |
Reconstruction of Cronology |
References |
Repentence |
Research and Conclusion |
Review |
Review |
Review |
Rsabhdatta and Devananda |
Sabhiya Parivrajaka |
Saccak Niganthaputra |
Saka Era |
Sakadalaputra |
Sakaya Princess and Upali |
Sakul Udayi |
Salibhadra |
Salibhadra and Dhanya |
Sanjaya Valatthiputta |
Sanjaya Velanthiputra: viksepa-vadi |
Sariputta |
Sariputta and Moggalana |
Savvam me akaranijjam pavakammam |
Seven Spiritual Leaders at Rajagrha |
Simha Senapati |
Six Buddhas |
Skandaka |
Spiritual Exertions |
Split among the Vajjis |
Sramana Kesikumara |
Srenika Bimbisara |
Srenika’s Love for His son |
Sri Srikand Ramapuria |
Sri Vijayendra Suri |
Storming of the wall round Vaisali |
Subhadra Parivrajaka |
Sulasa |
Tapas Sumedha |
Tapasa Kaladevala |
Tapasa Marici |
Tapasa Monks |
Testimony of the Later Works |
The Bhadravargiyas |
The Buddha’s appearance in prison |
The Chronology of Buddha |
The concluding Article |
The Date of Buddha’s Nirvana |
The Date of Buddha’s Nirvana |
The Date of Mahavira’s Nirvana |
The Date of Mahavira’s Nirvana |
The eight Ultimates |
The Event of Mahavira’s Nirvana in Tripitakas |
The Events of Mahavira’s Seniority in Buddhist Tripitakas |
The Evidences of the Buddhidt Tritikas |
The First Review |
The gist of Dr. Jacobi’s Paper |
The Gupta Era |
The Monastic Order and its Expansion |
The Niganthas and Nigantha Nataputta in the Tripitikas |
The Original Text and its Elaboration |
The Pancvarga Bhiksu |
The Parivrajakas-Bhagwan |
The Penance of Niganthas |
The Story the God Mara |
The Traditional Date of Chinese Turkestan |
The Uppasampada of the Buddha |
The Vikrama Era |
The Worst |
Tibetan Tradition |
Totality of Episodes |
Traditional Dates of Nirvana |
Traditional Era of Vira- Nirvana |
Transfer of Embryo |
Udayana |
Udrayana |
Upali |
Use of Tejolesya |
Vaisali Republic |
Vasayana, A Bala Tapasvi |
Veneration and its Reasons |
Vidudhabha |
Views of Foreign Scholars |
Vinaya Pitaka |
Visakha, Mother of Mrgara |
Wanderings and Monsoon Camps |
Who the Guru |
With the Jina Sravakas |
Yasa and Others |
Early History of Orissa |
Mittal, Amar Chand |
Absence of Coins |
Administration of Justice |
Administration of Kalinga under the Mauryas |
Administrative and Public Works |
Administrative Officers |
Aira |
Ananta Gumpha |
Art and Architecture |
Art and Architecture in the Udayagiri Khandagiri Caves |
Art of firing vessels |
Artistic Valuation |
Asoka’s Conquest |
Authors |
Authorship |
Ayukta |
Bagha cave |
Baudhayana Dharma Sutra |
Brahamanic Literature |
Brahmanas & Aranyakas |
Brihaspatimitra |
Brihatsamhita |
Cave Architecture in Orissa |
Change in Asoka |
Chedi Vamsa |
Childhood of Kharavela |
Circumstantial Evidences |
City Administration |
Composition |
Condition of the Record |
Conquests of Kharavala |
Coronation of Kharavala |
Cultural Aspect – Problem of |
Date of Kharavela |
Date of Separate Kalinga Edicts |
Duta |
Economic Condition of the people |
Education of Kharavela |
Epoch of Kharavela |
Equipment |
Estimate of Kharavela |
Excavations |
Excavations and Drainage |
Extent of Empire |
Extent of Empire |
Extent of Empire |
Ferocious Nature of the Army |
Food Stuffs |
Forest Administration |
Forest Wealth |
From after Asoka to Kanva Rule |
Ganana |
Ganesa Cave |
Geographical Factors |
Governorships in Kalinga |
Habitations |
Hathigumpha |
Identification of Kalinga – Jina |
Identification of Nandaraja |
Internal Evidences |
Jail Administration |
Jayavijaya Cave |
Kalaberia |
Kalaberia |
Kalinga |
Kalinga under the Magadhan Imperialism |
Kalinga under the Mauryas |
Kamata – Quarry C |
Kanva Period |
Karankar |
Kautilyas Arthasastra |
Kavya Style |
Kharavela Administration |
Koilisuta |
Kongoda |
Kuliana |
Kuliana – Quarry C |
Kuliana – Tank A |
Kuliana – Tank B |
Lakes |
Lakes – Chilka |
Lakes – Sar |
Languages |
Latest Sites |
Lekha |
Lineage of Kharavela |
Lipikara |
Mahabharata |
Mahamatras |
Mahameghavahana Dynasty |
Mahapadma Nanda |
Mani Mekhlai |
Marriage of Kharavela |
Maurya Art in Kalinga |
Military Forces |
Militia |
Mode of Occurence |
Name Kharavela – its Etymology |
Nandas and Kalinga |
Nuaberi |
Numerical Strength |
Odra |
Origin of Kalinga and Utkala |
Orissa Finds |
Orissa, the Name |
Palaeography |
Panini’s Ashtadhyayi |
Pariakoli |
Pativedika |
Peoples |
Peoples and their Conditions |
Phrase `Ti-Vasa-Sata |
Physical Features, Prehistorical and Traditional History |
Policy of Kharavela |
Political Condition of the Country at Kharavela’s Accession |
Political Divisions |
Pradesika |
Pradesika |
Precedessors of Kharavela |
Precious Stones |
Prehistoric Orissa |
Prevalence of Jainism in Kalinga |
Proportions of Different families |
Pulisa |
Pulisa |
Puranic Traditions |
Rajjuka |
Ramayana |
Rani Gumpha |
Ready Money |
References to Nandaraja Considered |
Region |
Religious Life (Image Worship) |
Religious policy |
Rivers |
Rupa |
Sanga Period |
Satakarni |
Sava-vija |
Selection of Officers |
Serpent Cave |
Sisupalgarh Excavations |
Size |
Sources of Historicity of Kharavela |
Sources of Income |
Sources of Information |
State of Sculpture and Architecture |
Svargapuri Manchapuri |
Texts of Hathigumpha Cave , Inscription of Kharavela |
Texts of Manchapuri Cave Inscription of the Chief Queen of Kharavela |
Texts of Manchapuri Cave Inscription of Vakradeva |
The Buddhist Literature |
The City of Kalinga |
The Dhauli Elephant |
The Greek Literature |
The Hathigumpa Inscription |
The Hiatus |
The Jaina Literature |
The Lithic Age |
The Metallic Period (Copper Age) |
The Microlithic Period |
The Nanda rule in Kalinga |
The Neolithic Period |
The Palaeolithic Period |
Their habits and Practices |
Tishya Nakshatra and Kalinga |
Titles `Maharaja’ and `Chakravarti’ |
Topography |
Topography and Solid Geology |
Tosala |
Tour System of Government |
Traditional History as Depicted in Ancient Indian Literature |
Trikalinga |
Trilinga |
Under a Kumara Viceroy |
Under Chandragupta and Bindusara |
Utkala |
Vachabhumika |
Vavahara-vidhi |
Vedas |
Vegetables and Flora |
Wealth and Prosperity of Kalanga |
Yavanaraja Dimits |
Yukta |
Yukta |
Zoology of the Caves |
Epitome of Jainism |
Jindal, K. B. |
Cosmology-Old & New |
Dravya Samgraha |
Gommatsara, Jiva Kand |
Gommatsara, Karma Kand, Part II |
Niyamsara |
Panchastikaya Sara |
Parikshamukham |
Purusartha Siddhyupaya |
Samaysara |
Tattvartha Sutra |
Aspects of Early Jainism |
Singh, Jai Prakash |
A list of Jaina Tirthankaras |
Important Centres of Jainism |
Pantheon |
Religious Organisations |
Schools in the Jaina Church |
The Dynasty of Adhichhatra |
The Jaina Religious Practices |
The Jaina Religious Thought |
The Types of Jaina Gods |
Aspects of Jaina Art and Architecture |
Bhayani, H. C. |
On the meaning of the Terms Balanaka and Caitya |
Deva, Krishana |
Jaina Art and Architecture under the Candellas |
Deva, Krishana |
Jaina Temple at Un |
Deva, Krishana |
Jaina Temples called Bhand Dewal at Arang |
Deva, Krishana |
Mahavira Temple, Ghanerav |
Deva, Krishana |
Mahavira Temple, Sewadi |
Deva, Krishana |
Santinatha Temple, Jhalarapatan |
Dhaky, M. A. |
Ganga Jaina Sculpture |
Dhaky, M. A. |
Santara Architecture |
Dhaky, M. A. |
The Western Indian Jaina Temples |
Dwivedi, V. P. |
Jaina Wood Carvings in the National Museum Collection |
Gai, G. S. |
Jaina Monuments of |
Gai, G. S. |
Mathura Jaina Inscriptions of the Kusana Period – A Fresh Study |
Jamindar, Rasesh |
Reflection on the Jaina Caves in Gujarat |
Kansara, N. M. |
Jaina Temple as envisaged by Dhanapala in the Tilakamanjari |
Kramrisch, Stella |
Jaina Paintings of western India |
Krishna, Anand |
Illustrated Leaves from a Pancatatra Manuscript of the fifteenth century |
Krishnan, K. C. |
Jaina Monuments of Tamil Nadu |
Malvania, D. D. |
The Jaina Concept of the Deity |
Mankodi, Kirit |
A Rastrakuta Temple at Hallur in Bijapur District |
Meister, Michael W. |
Jaina Temples in Central India |
Nagaswamy, R. |
Jaina Art and Architecture under the Colas |
Nagaswamy, R. |
Jaina Art and Architecture under the Pallavas |
Rajan, K. V. Soudara |
Jaina Art and Architecture in Tamilnadu |
Ramesh, K. V. |
The Jaina Art and Architecture of Tulunadu |
Sarkar, H. |
Jaina Art and Architecture in Kerala |
Settar, S. |
The Classical Kannada Literature and the Digambara Jaina Iconography |
Shah, Umakant Premanand |
Evolution of Jaina Iconography & Symbolism |
Shah, Umakant Premanand |
Evolution of Jaina Iconography & Symbolism |
Shah, Umakant Premanand |
Jaina Bronzes – A brief survey |
Singh, Harihar |
The Jaina Temples of Kumbharia |
Sompura, Prabhasankar O. |
The Jaina Architecture and Iconography in the Vastusastras of western India |
Srinivasan, K. R. |
Jaina Art and Architecture under the Gangas of Talakad |
Aspects of Jaina Monasticism |
Tatia, Nathmal |
Abbhutthana |
Acara-Vinaya |
Accepting food form him who has offered residence |
Accordng to Ayaradaso |
Admonition to other Monks |
Admonition to the Successor |
Adoption of the Victor’s Course |
Agama |
Ahakammabhoanam |
Ana |
Appendix: A Note on the word Monastcism |
Appucchana |
Asayana or Direspectful Conduct |
Avassiya |
Ayara |
Bhara-paccoruhanaya |
Bhavana |
Bibliography |
Chandana |
Changing gana more than once within six months |
Committing injury to life deliberately |
Comprehension of meaning |
Conclusion |
Consummation |
Crossin navel deep stream ten times a year |
Crossing navel-deep stream trice a month |
Ctttasamahitthanas or The Ten Stages of the Concentrated MInd |
Dedication |
Deliberately standing, lying down or sitting on live earth, The above ascts on earth wet with live water coverd with live dust |
Deliberately taking it form hands or pot or ladle, or utenil moist with livewater |
Departure |
Deportment |
Deportment |
Dharana |
Dosa-nigghayana-vinaya |
English Words |
Enjoyment of a given-up article repeatedly |
Essential Features |
Extension of the Rules of Victor’s Course and their Exceptions |
Forgiveness and its merits |
Ganisampada or The Qualifications of the Gamin (Religious Head) |
Hatthakamma |
Icchakara |
Important aspects of the Samacari |
In Brahmanism |
In Brahmanism |
In Brahmanism |
In Buddhism |
In Buddhism |
In Buddhism |
In Buddhism, In Brhamanism |
In Buddism |
In Jainism |
In Modern Law |
Initiation and Ordination |
Introduction |
Introduction |
Introductory |
Itinerary |
Jina -kalpa or the Course of the Victors |
Jina-kalpa |
Jiya |
Kiyam |
Life of a Wanderer |
Mati |
Meaning |
Meaning |
Meaning |
Meaning and Literary Sources |
Mehuna-padisevana |
Memory of one’s own past lives |
Micchakara |
Monastic Outfit |
Nisiiya |
Padipucchana |
Paoga |
Pariharavisuddhika or Suddhapariharika or Purifictory Cooperative Course |
Parikarma |
Partaking of asana, pana, khama, etc. |
Points of Agreement and departure |
Posture |
Practising deceit thrice a month |
Practising deciet ten times a year |
Preface |
Publishers’ note |
Pure and Perfect disembodied existencd |
Pure and Perfect intuition |
Pure and perfect knowledge |
Qualifications according to Ayaradaso |
Raibhona |
Raipimada-bhoanam |
Sahilaya |
Same as for stone slab |
Samgaha-Parinna |
Sanskrit, Prakrit and Pali Words |
Sarira |
Sthavira-kalpa or the Course of the Eiders |
Suya |
Suya |
Suya-Vinaya |
Tahakkara |
Taking deliberately what is not given |
Telling a lie deliberately |
The Asamahitthanas or The Twenty Occasions of the Imbalance of mind |
The Basic conditions |
The Five Sources |
The Five Vyavakaras or The Sources of Monastic Legislation |
The Four Monastic Courses |
The Four Stages of Sin |
The Ideal Monk |
The Sabalas or the Twenty-One Types of Monks iwth Tainted Conduct |
The Samacari or The Ten Rules of Monastic Dportment |
The Ten Samacaris |
The Ten Stages: Dhamma-cinta |
The Victor’s Penance |
Thirty-three types of asayana according to Avasyaka Sutra |
Thirty-three types of asayana accoridng to Ayara-daso |
To Partake of deliverately the root, bulb, stem, skin, sprout, etc. |
Training |
Tulana |
Twenty-one Sabalas: |
Uvagarana-uppayanaya |
Uvasampaya |
Vannasamjalanaya |
Vayana |
Vayana |
Veritable dreams never experienced before |
Versified Summary |
Vikkhevana-Vinaya |
Vinaya-padivatti of the Antevasin |
Vinaya-paivatti of the Acary |
Yathalandaka or the Time-bound Course: |
Astronomy & Cosmology |
Jain, L. C. |
Abbreviations |
Another Value of Rajju |
Appendix-A |
Appendix-B |
Astromnomical Concepts |
Astronomical Theory |
Bibligraphy of Source Material |
Bibliography of Books |
Bibliography of Some Research Material |
Calendrical Yuga System |
Celestial diagram |
Certain Contributors |
Chinese Li |
Comparability |
Concept of Kalpa |
Concepts of Palya and Sagara |
Constructive Theories |
Cosmic Periods and Cycles |
Cosmological Concepts |
Date of Adoption of Calendar |
Eclipse Theory |
Evaluation of Rajju |
Evolutiion of epicycles |
Evolution of Yojana |
Foreword |
Frame of Descartes |
Graduation of Celestial Sphere |
Height as Latitude |
Index of the Diagram |
Introduction |
Jaina Cosmos |
Jaina Tradition |
Kinematics of Astral Bodies |
Literature in Digambara School |
Literature in Svetambara School |
Mathematical Astronomy |
Motion of Astral Bodies |
Naksatra System Abroad |
Note |
Pancanga |
Paravartana Periods |
Precession of Equinoxes |
Principle Theories |
Rationalization |
Rationalization of Yojana |
Relative Motion of Nakstras |
Relative Motion of the Moon |
Relative Motion of the Sun |
Science Awakening |
Shadow Planets |
Source Material |
Symmetric Setting |
Tchnical Terms |
Types of Angulas |
Vedanga Jyotisa |
Vedic Literature |
Volume of Universe |
What is Jaina Theory? |
Yuga Bhagana |
Atma Siddhi of Shrimad Rajchandra |
Jaini, J. L. |
Characteristics of a fit pupil |
Characteristics of an unfit pupil |
Conclusion |
Duties of a True Pupil |
English Translation |
Gujarati Original Text |
Introduction to book Atma Siddhi |
Life of Rajchandra |
Philosophy of Six Padas or Spiritual Steps of Shrimad Rajchandra |
Pupil’s Joy |
Sanskrit Translation |
The 6 propositions : Contra and Pro |
True Teacher |
Atma Tatva Vichar or Philosophy of Soul |
Vijaya Laxmansurishverji, Acharaya |
Annihilation of Karas |
Avoiding Sins |
Bliss of Soul |
Bondage of Actions |
Causes of Karmic Bonds |
Eight Karmas |
Essentiality of Religion |
Existence of Soul |
Further Consideratin about Karmic Bondage and its Causes |
Glossary |
How to acquire Self Knowledge |
Identification of Religion |
Indvisibility of Soul |
Karana (Instrument) |
Karma |
Karmas: Good and Evil |
Manifestation of Karmas |
More Reflections about Causes of Karmic Bondages |
Omniscience |
Power of frivolity of Soul |
Power of Karma |
Power of Religion |
Practice of Religion |
Rebirth |
Religion |
Resolutions of Soul |
Right Conduct |
Right conviction-Faith |
Right Faith |
Right Knowledge |
Righteous Conduct |
Soul |
Soul is distict form body etc |
Spiritual Joy |
Stages of the Attributes of the Soul |
The number of Souls |
The Power of Soul |
The treasures of Soul |
Varieties of Religion |
What is Karma? |
Atonement in the Ancient Rituals of the Jaina monks |
Caillat, Colette |
Atonement: Isolation |
Atonement: Mixed |
Atonement: Repentance |
Atonement: Restitution |
Atonement: The Undisturbed Abandonment of the body |
Atonements: Demotion and Exclusion |
Atonment: Confession |
Bibliography |
Complemetary Observance: The Service |
Conclusion |
Dispensations. Exceptions to the second and fourth `Great vows’ |
General Priciples |
Organisation of the Monastic Life |
The Atonements |
The Atonements and Modification |
The Changes of Gana |
The Hierarchy |
The Jaina Religious : Their Title |
The limits Of the Distinctive Character of Jinism |
The Offenses |
The Subdivisions of the Monastic Community |
The Teacher |
The Texts |
Theoretical Problems |
Transgressions and Merits . Freedom and Resposibility |
Awakening |
Padmasagarsuri, Acharya Shree |
Benevolence |
Good Company |
Health |
Humanity |
Let us become Fearless |
Pride and Attachment |
Rightness or Thoroughness |
Salvation through Knowledge |
Sathchidanand |
Science and Religion |
Self-kwoledge |
Some Great Statements of Acharyashri Padmasagar Sooriji |
Some Rituals and Festivals |
Story of Anjana |
Story of Madan Rekha |
The Aim of Life |
The Flowering of Life |
The Four Difficult Attainments |
The Place of Dharma |
The Pupil |
The Pure Mind |
The Renunciation of Pleasures |
The Right Use of Means |
The Teacher and the Disciple |
The True Jain |
Ayaro (Acaranga Sutra) |
Kumar, Mahedra Muni |
A Hypocritical Ascetic |
Abandonment of Clothes |
Abandonment of Clothes |
Abandonment of Food by an ailing monk |
Abandonment of Medicine by Bhagwan Mahavira |
Abandonment of Possessiveness by Ascetic |
Acquisitiveness |
Acquisitiveness and its Evils |
Admonition to Ascetics |
Advanced Asceticism (Dhuta) |
Ahimsa |
Air-beings : Their Animation and Experience of Pain |
Attachment |
Avoiding Heretics |
Avoiding the Forbidden |
Behavior of Recluse |
Bhagwan Mahavira Seats and Retreats |
Bhagwan Mahavira’s Endurance of Hardship |
Bhakta-pratyakhyana |
Bondage and Riddance of Karma Particles |
Cause of Influx of Karma Particles |
Comparison of Plant Life with Human Life |
Comprehension and Renunciation of Weapons |
Conduct of the Unattached One |
Conscious Preparation for Death |
Consequences of Influx of Karma Particles |
Contenplation of Solitariness |
Dedication to the Aim |
Definition of Monk |
Dejection amongst Sadhakas lacking in Spiritual Insight |
Dietary Routine |
Discourse on Knowledge |
Dispelling Ennui |
Earth-beings : Their Animation and Experience of Pain |
Emancipation |
Equality |
Equality of Beings with the Self |
Eschewing Taste |
Evils of Sensuality and Self Indulgent Persons |
Existence of Soul |
Existence of the Beings of Fire-body |
Existence of the beings of Water-body |
Faith |
Fast unto Death called Imgini (Itvarika) |
Fasting unto Death |
Fasting unto Death called Prayopagmana |
Fire-beings : Their Life and Experience |
Forswearing of Passions |
Forswearing of Violence |
Forswearing of Violence to Air-beings |
Forswearing of Violence to Ascetics |
Forswearing of Violence to Fire-beings |
Forswearing of Violence to Mobile Living Beings |
Forswearing of Violence to Monks |
Forswearing of Violence to Plants |
Forswearing the Use of Fire |
Fundamental Motives of Actions |
Guidance |
Ignorance |
Imgini Marana |
Improper Conduct |
Initiation into Ascetic Life |
Injury to Earth-beings |
Knowledge of the Supreme Reality |
Liberation from Bondage |
Lust |
Manifold Desires of Man |
Manner of Moving (For an Ascetic) |
Mobile Living Beings : Their Animation and Experience of pain |
Non-Acquisitiveness and Detachment from sensual Pleasures |
Non-attachment to Desire |
Non-attachment to Food |
Non-Violence |
Observance Non-violence in Medical Treatment |
On Preaching Sermons |
Practice of Asceticism in Solitariness by an immature Ascetic |
Practice of Celibacy |
Practice of Self-discipline |
Practice of Stoppage of Karma |
Prayopagamana |
Preceptor |
Remedy of the Maladies |
Remedy of the Maladies |
Renunciation of Aquisitiveness |
Riddance of Kasaya |
Right Ascetic Discipline |
Right Austerities |
Rules for Service |
Rules for Service |
Spiritual World |
Stoppage of Influx |
Subjugation of the World (passions) |
The (True) Monk |
The Dhuta of Abandonment of Conceit |
The Dhuta of Forbearance |
The Dhuta of Freedom from Passions |
The Dhuta of Humbleness |
The Dhuta of Self-discipline |
The Dhuta of Sermons |
The Dhuta of the abandonment of Clothes |
The Dhuta of the abandonment of Karma |
The Dhuta of the abandonment of Relatives |
The Dhuta of the attenuation of the body |
The Essence in the world |
The Excellence of Righteousness |
The Immaculate Soul-The Supreme Soul |
The Knowledge: Critique of the Doctrine of Ahimsa |
The path of Vigilance |
The Practice of Truth |
The Rambles of Bhagwan Mahavira |
The Relinquishment of Clothes |
The Relinquishment of Clothes |
The Shifting sands of Life |
The Soul |
The Torpid and the Wide-awake |
The True Doctrine: Non-violence |
The Truth |
Tormentation of beings by other beings |
Unattachment |
Unbiased Attitude |
Use of Violence |
Vegetable-beings : Their Animation and Experience of Pain |
Violence to Beings of Vegetable-body |
Violence to Mobile Living Beings |
Violence to the Beings of Air-body |
Viveka |
Wakefulness by Contemplation of being unprotected |
Water-beings : Their Animation and Experience of Pain |
World of Recurrent Transmigration |
Bhagavan Mahavira |
Tulsi, Acharya |
Before the Advent of Bhagavan Mahavira |
Epilogue |
Foundation of Religious Order |
Kaivalya (OmniScience) and the Bhagavan’s Sermons |
Nirvana (Liberation) |
Philosophy and Exhortation |
The Period of Sadhana (Spiritual Disicipline) |
The Relevance of the Jaina Religion to Modern Problems |
Thirty Years of Family Life |
Transvaluation |
Bhagavati Sutra Vol-1 Book 1-2 |
Lalwani, K. C. |
Activities due to movement and passions |
Activities that end all activities |
Activity |
Angular movement |
Asurakumaras |
Ativities |
Body of Infernal beings |
Bondage of faith deluding Karmas |
Cause and victory and defeat |
Celetial beings |
Celetial beings |
Cells in the hells |
Cells of Asurakumaras |
Cells of Earth bodies |
Change and non-change |
Clarification on Life span |
Course of Life of the non restrained |
Delusion of faith |
Dialogue with Arya Roha |
Distance at sunrise and sun set |
Division of molecules |
Duration in Life cycle |
Earth bodies |
Earth bodies |
Endeavour to move up |
Energy |
Energy |
Eternality of Matter |
Faith delusion of infernals and monks |
Harm to self, to others, to both, to none |
Infernal beings: their life span , respirations and intake |
Infernal beings: their life span , respirations and intake, more on intake |
Infernal beings: their life span , respirations and intake, more on intake |
Infernal beings: their life span , respirations and intake, timing of intake |
Intake by Asurakumaras |
Intervals before fresh arrivals |
Kalasavesiyaputra’s questions to the elderly monks |
Karma bondage |
Karma bondage of |
Karma bondage of infernal beings |
Karma divisions |
Knowledge |
Liberation at the exhaustion of Karma |
Liberation of the monk |
Life |
Life in the Mother’s womb |
Life of Asurakumaras |
Life of the celetial beings |
Life of the earth bodies |
Life of the five-organ non-humans |
Life of the human beings |
Life of the two-organ and other beings |
Life span of the fool, the prudent etc. |
Limbs of the embryo |
Man’s activities |
migration of the embryo to infernal and other existences |
Minute water bodies |
Mon human beings with five organs and human beings |
Mon human beings with five organs and human beings |
More on infernal beings |
More on infernal beings |
Movement down |
Nagakumaras |
Nine questions on karma bondage |
Non-renunciation |
Non-restrained homeless |
Outcome of taking permitted things |
Outcome of violating prohibitions |
Phyical dimensions |
Relation between soul and matter |
Self created misery |
Sound import, suggestions |
Space limit and sundry items |
Standard of pain of infernal beings |
State of being and not being |
State of being and state of not being |
State of Pregnancy |
The base of space |
Three or four organ beings |
Tinge , outlook of the infernal beings |
Tinge , outlook of the infernal beings |
Tinges |
Two organ and more organ and more beings |
Two organ beings |
Weight of the Living beings |
wholesome for the monk |
Bhagavati Sutra Vol-2 Book 3-4-5 |
Lalwani, K. C. |
A city named Campa |
A scene at Balicanca |
Ability of the Masters of 14 Purvas |
Abodes of Asurakumara |
Absolute Knowledge of Omniscient |
Acquisition of matter by cloth and soul |
Activities of the Asurakumaras |
Activities of the infernals |
Activities of the two-organ beings and the rest |
Airbodies power to transform |
Astikayas |
Asurakumara disrespect Tamalis dead-body |
Asuras beg to be forgiven |
Asurendra Camara |
Attitude of two Indras towards each other |
Beneath the heavens |
Beneath the world (hells) |
birth of Camarendra |
Bondage of Karma |
Bondage of life span |
Camara story ends |
Camara-Canca |
Camara’s body-guard Gods |
Camara’s body-guard Gods |
Camara’s challenge to Sakra |
Camarendra craves for support |
Camarendra craves for support |
Camarendra routed by Sakra |
Camarendra’s remorse |
Capital cities of Lokapalas |
Celetial beings |
Characterisation of molecules of matter |
Cloth and soul : with beginning and end |
Cloud’s power to transform |
Couplet |
couplet |
Couplet |
Couplet |
Couplet |
Couplet |
Couplet |
Couplet |
Couplet |
Couplet: Lokapalas of Isanendra |
Devas power to transform |
Deva’s power to with-hold |
Dharanendra |
Dharmastikaya |
Dharmastikaya |
Dialogue and Skandaka |
Downward movement of Asurakumara |
Energy of the Omniscient |
Fourteen gates |
Gods are non-restrained |
Happiness and misery |
Harinaigamesi |
Height of the Vimanas of Sakrendra and Isanendra |
Hells and final vimanas |
Hot spring at Rajagrha |
Increase and decrease in number of living beings |
Indras |
Indra’s Assembly |
Isanendra |
Isanendra worships Mahavira |
Isles and seas |
Karma and its span |
Karma: great and little |
Knowledge of Omniscient |
Krsnaraji or dark formation |
Language |
Life span determined by renunciation |
Lokantika Devas |
Lokantika Devas |
Lokapala Somadeva and others |
Meaning of Rajagrha |
Monk Kurudattaputta and other heavens |
Monk transforming into horse form |
Monks |
Monk’s power to fly over a mountain |
Monk’s power to fly over a mountain |
Monk’s power to know and see |
More on Isanendra |
More on monk’s power transform |
More on the movement of Indras |
Movement with life span |
Objects of senses |
On activities |
On activities |
On archer’s activity |
On cause and non-cause |
On fire – bodies |
On grains, pulses and wine |
On happiness and misery again |
On hearing of sound |
On heretical tenets |
On infernal beings |
On Intake |
On intake |
On intake |
On knowing by the monks |
On Language of the Gods |
On light and darkness |
On measurable time |
On pain from , and exhaustion of, karma |
On Patriarchs |
On preceptors and teachers |
On prohibited acts |
On short and long span of life |
On soul |
On sun rise and sun set; measure of day and night |
On the bondage of liars |
On the bondage of life span |
On the commencement of rainfall |
On the indivisibility of molecules |
On the monk and the Omniscient: their respective laghter |
On the Omniscient |
On the perfection of the monks |
On the span of existence of molecules of matter |
On the sprouting of corn |
On the throbbing of molecules |
On the touch between molecules of matter |
On those who bind karma |
On those who bind karma |
On time sense |
On tinges |
On tinges |
On winds |
On winter etc |
Organs of senses |
Power of the deceitful and the deceit-free to transform |
Pregnancy |
Previous birth of Camarendra |
Previous Birth of Ishanendra |
Procreation |
Progeny |
Questions by monk Nirgranthiputra |
Rage of Isanendra |
Respirations |
Sakrendra |
Salt sea |
Samanika Gods of Asurendra Camara |
Samudghata |
Samudghata |
Sanatkumara |
Silent questions by two Gods |
Skarendra withdraws his thunderbolt |
Sky |
Soul |
Soul and Instruments |
Soul and renunciation |
Sphere of time |
Sun rise in Dhatakikhanda and Puskaradha |
Sun rise in salt sea |
Tamali is born in Isanakalpa |
Tamali rejects prayer |
Tamaskaya or bodies formed by dark matter |
Tidal bores in Salt sea |
Time by comparison |
Time by comparison |
Time cycle |
Time taken by infatuated restrained |
Time taken by matter of sound to retransform |
Time taken by molecules of matter to transform |
Transformation by one with a right outlook |
Transformation by one with a wrong outlook |
upnward movement of Asurakumara |
Vairocanendra Bali |
Why Asurakumaras go to Saudharmakalpa |
With senior monks from the order of Parsva |
With the Sravaka from Tungika |
Worlds |
Bhagavati Sutra Vol-3 Book 7-8 |
Lalwani, K. C. |
A dialogue between senior monks and heretics |
Account of Kalodai |
Account of Mahasilakantaka battle |
Account of Rathamusala battle |
Activities – iriyapathiki and sampataiki |
Activities again |
Activities of a zealous monk |
Activities without renunciation |
Body type bondage |
Bondage and experience of life span |
Bondage due to the formation of a fluid body |
Bondage due to the formation of a Karman body |
Correlation between the bondage of bodies |
Couplet |
Couplet |
Criteria for purity |
Criteria for purity |
Devotion and devotee |
Eight worlds |
Eternality or otherwise of infernal beings |
Experience with and without desiring |
Flow of movement |
Followers , belongings |
Food intake by plants |
Goal of a karma free soul |
Karma bondage of the soul |
Karma experience and exhaustion |
Karma painful and painfree |
Karma pleasant and unpleasant |
Last life of a devotee |
Last phase of the time cycle in Bharata |
Matter as a mixture |
Matter spontaneously transformed |
Merit in offering pure and right food |
merit on bestowing food |
Objects not known to a junior monk |
On adversaries |
On behavior |
On birds |
On bondage |
On bondage again |
On deeds |
On desires and experiences |
On devotion to conduct and canon |
On Karma and hardship |
On knowledge as power |
On lapses in intake |
On relative activities |
On renunciation; right or wrong |
On the chadmasta again |
On the chadmasta and the Kevalin |
On the touch of pain |
On the transformation of matter |
On transformation of matter |
On transformation of one object |
Pain from sin |
Poisonous beings |
Prohibition regarding space |
Question of eternality |
Question of eternality |
Relative position of the outcome |
Renounced and unrenounced |
Section (dandaka) eight ; on sense organs and color |
Section (dandaka) five ; regarding body and sense organs |
Section (dandaka) four ; regarding sense organs |
Section (dandaka) nine ; on body, sense organs and color |
Section (dandaka) one ; general classification |
Section (dandaka) seven ; on body and color |
Section (dandaka) six ; regarding color till body structure |
Section (dandaka) three ; on body types |
Section (dandaka) two ; with or without attainment |
Space points of matter |
The shape of the universe |
The sun and the sun shine |
Timing of Intake |
Tinges and karmas |
Touch of space points of the soul by weapon |
Transformation when two objects are involved |
Transgression of a Sravaka’s vow |
Twenty gateways of acquisition of knowledge and non-knowledge |
Types of Knowledge |
Types of renunciation |
Types of trees |
Types of wordly beings |
Unrestrained monk |
What is it that is burning in a lamp |
when four objects are involved |
when three objects are involved |
Bhagavati SUtra Vol-4 Book 9 |
Lalwani, K. C. |
Activities |
An Interview with Gangeya |
Ascetic Pudgala |
Ascetic Pudgala |
Body |
Council of Sakrendra and others |
Directions |
Ekoruka and other Isles in Salt Ocean |
Family of Camarendra |
Family of Indras of the Vyantaras and others |
Family of Jyotisendra and others |
Family of Sakrendra and others |
Family of Valindras |
Interview with Syamahasti on thirty-three Gods of Camarendra |
Isles in Salt Ocean |
Jamali the Rebel |
Killer of a man or no-man |
Killer of a monk or no-monk |
Killer of a monk or no-monk |
Language |
Life in Karnik |
Life in Kumbhika |
Life in Nalika |
Life in Nalina |
Life in Padma |
Life in Palasa |
Life in Saluka |
Life in Utpala |
Life of Mahavala |
Men in the Isles in the Salt Ocean |
Moons in Jambudvipa |
Moons in Jambudvipa |
One-Organ and their respiration |
Power of Gods |
Power of Gods |
Questions of Merchant Sudarsana on time |
Rajarsi Siva |
Resolve and Devotion |
Rsabhadatta and Devananda |
Rsibhadraputra, the worshipper of Sramanas |
Sound of a horse |
Space-points of the Soul placed on a Space-point of the sky: Example of a Dancer |
The knowledge of the Law on hearing |
The knowledge of the Law without hearing |
Thirty-three Gods of Sakrendra |
Thirty-three Gods of Valindra and Dharanendra |
Types of Universe |
Uterus and pain |
Vastness of Non-world i.e. Vacant Space |
Vastness of the Universe |
Bhavana Bodh |
Rajchandra Shrimad |
Anitya Bhavana ( Aspiration of Transience ) |
Anytva Bhavana ( Aspiration of Every thing as separate than ourself ) |
Ascuchi Bhavana ( Aspiration of Impurity ) |
Asharan Bhavana ( Aspiration of Want of Protection ) |
Asrav Bhavana ( Aspiration of Incoming Elements ) |
Ekatva Bhavana ( Aspiration of Loneliness ) |
Lokaswarup Bhavana ( Aspiration of knowing the nature of fourteen wordls) |
Nirjar Bhavana ( Aspiration of shedding of bondages ) |
Nivrutti Bodh |
Samvar Bhavana ( Aspiration of restrainment of new bondages ) |
Twelve Liberating Aspirations |
Wherein lies real Happiness |
Bhavana Sataka |
Ratnachandraji, Maharaja Pandit Munishri |
Anitya Bhavana |
Anyatva Bhavana |
Asarana Bhavana |
Asrava Bhavana |
Asuci Bhavana |
Bodhi durlabha Bhavana |
Dharma Bhavana |
Ekatva Bhavana |
Loka Bhavana |
Mangalacaranam |
Nirjara Bhavana |
Prasastih |
Samsara Bhavana |
Samvara Bhavana |
Upasamharah |
Brahmanism Jainism and Buddhism in Andhra Desa |
Arundhati, P. |
Brahmanism |
Brahmanism Jainism and Buddhism in Andhra Desa – Chapterisation |
Brahmanism Jainism and Buddhism in Andhra Desa – Introduction |
Brahmanism Jainism and Buddhism in Andhra Desa – Political Background |
Brahmanism Jainism and Buddhism in Andhra Desa – Scope of Book |
Brahmanism Jainism and Buddhism in Andhra Desa – Sources |
Buddhism |
Dharma |
Introduction to Buddhism |
Minor Cults |
Monachism, Teachers, Canon and Philosophy |
Mythology and Institutions |
Popular Religious Rites, Festivals, and other beliefs |
Religious Life of Buddhist House-holder |
Religious Thoughts |
Sadharna Dharma |
Saivism |
Saktism |
Schools of Buddhism |
Smarta Dharma |
Srauta Dharma |
Tantrism |
Vaisnavism |
Catalogue of the Indian Collections in the Museum of Fine arts, Boston |
Coomaraswamy, Ananda K |
Bibliography of Jainism |
Bibliography of Jainism |
Further Explanation of Various Terms |
ife of Mahavira and other Jinas |
Jaina Cosmology |
Jaina Literature |
Jaina Paintings |
Jainism |
Jinas |
List of Donors |
List of Manuscripts |
Miscellaneous Drawings |
Summary of the story of Kalakacarya |
Summary of the story of Salibhadra |
Catalogue of the Jaina Manuscripts at Strabourg |
Tripathi, Chandrabhal |
A correspondence table of numbers |
Author – Prasasti |
Author and Authorship |
Author and Authorship – manuscripts |
Beginning of Manuscript |
Beginning of the Text |
Brackets and Signs |
Brief Evaluation of The Strasbourg Collection |
Canonical texts |
Caritas |
Catalogue – Indian, Especially Jaina Manuscripts |
Collection – Prasasti |
Collections of Arhanta Stories |
Collections of other Stories |
Collections, – Indian, Especially Jaina Manuscripts |
Colophon |
Commentary – Manuscripts |
Components of the Headings |
Cosmographical Texts |
DAte – Manuscript |
Dates of Composition |
Dates of copying |
Digambara Siddhanta |
Donor – Prasasti |
Early Exegetical Literature |
Early Svetambara Works |
End of Text |
Explanation of Basic Terms |
Floating Verses |
Free or Ornamental Areas |
Function of The Citations |
Further |
Further specimen of the Text |
Gacchas and Kulas |
General Philosophical works |
General Remarks |
Glosses |
Glosses |
Headings |
Hymns (other languages) |
Hymns (Sanskrit and Prakrit) |
Indian, Especially Jaina Manuscripts |
Jaina Manuscripts |
Karma Literature |
Kriyakalapa Text |
Language – Manuscripts |
Later Avasyaka Literature |
Lines and Columns – Manuscripts |
Mantras |
Manuscripts |
Manuscripts – The Numbering |
Material |
Miscellaneous |
Narrative Literature |
Non Jaina Texts |
Non Jaina Texts |
Notes on Authors |
Notes on Manuscripts |
Notes on Texts |
Number of Folios and Foliation – Manuscripts |
Persons |
Philosophical and Dogmatical Works |
Places and Religions |
Places and Religions |
Points not included in the Description – Manuscript |
Pramana etc. |
Prasasti |
Previous studies in Indian Manuscriptology |
Pujas |
Puranas |
Relation between Manuscripts and Texts |
Relation between Manuscripts and Texts |
Relation between Manuscripts, Texts and Entries |
Ritualistic works and hymns |
Scheme of the Citations |
Scheme of the Citations |
Scribal Remarks |
Scribal Remarks |
Scribal Remarks and their translations |
Script |
Semi-historical and Historical Texts |
Short History of The Strasbourg Collection |
Size of Folios – Manuscripts |
Sravakacara and Anthologies |
Supplement |
Svetambara Agama |
Terms of Indian Chronometry |
Text |
Text – Prasasti |
Texts |
The Citations |
The Citations |
The Description – Manuscripts |
The Entries |
The Entry and its Elements |
The References |
The Strasbourg Collection |
Title of the Text |
Titles |
Traditional Terms for Manuscripts |
Transcription |
Tripatha, Pancapatha etc. |
Types of Manuscripts |
Types of Manuscripts |
Unidentified Verses |
Viddhis |
Works by Kundakunda |
Works by other authors |
Works by Umasvati |
Confluence of Opposites, Scientific Study of Comparative Religion |
Jain, Champat Rai |
Ancient and extinct faiths |
Comparative Religion is Science |
God |
Islam |
Metaphysics |
Mythology |
Religion as a Science |
Rituals |
Solution of allegories |
Soul blissful by Nature |
Summary and Conclusion to Confluence of Opposites |
The Method of Comparison |
The Teaching of New Testament |
Dasavaikalika Sutra, Arya Sayyambhava’s |
Lalwani, K. C. |
Classification of Humility |
Code of Conduct |
Faith in & Practice of Restraint |
Merits of one with Humility, etc., |
On an Arhat |
On Behavior and Misbehavior |
On Great Conduct |
On Humility |
On Mental Health that Humility imparts |
On Restraint of Self and others |
On the Mode of search |
On the selection of Right Food |
Purifying Speech |
Rati-vakya |
Sa-bhiksu |
The Blossoms of the tree |
Vivikta-charya |
Dravya Sangrah |
Goshal, Sarat Chandra |
Characterstics of Ajiva |
Characterstics of Jiva |
Conventional Meditation |
Mangalacharan |
Practice of Meditation |
Real Meditation |
Seven Elements (Tattvas) |
Six Substances and Five Astikayas in them |
The Right path and means of Liberation |
Dravya-Samgraha of Nemichandra Siddhanta-Chakravartti |
Ghoshal, S. C. |
A Guide to Transliteration |
Adharma |
Alphabetial List of Works Consulted |
Alphabetical Index of the Prakrit Gathas |
Alphabetical Index of the Sanskrit Chhayas |
Alphabetical Index to the Introduction |
Appendices |
Bandha, according to Prakriti, Sthiti, Anubhaga nd Pradesa |
Bhava-moksa and Dravya-moksa |
Bhava-samvara and Dravya-samvara |
Bhavasrava and Dravyasrava |
Bhavasrava nd Dravyasrava |
Brahmadeva’s commentary |
Chamunda Raya |
Chandragiri and Vindhyagiri |
Chandragiri at Sravana Belgola in Mysore |
Characteristics of Dravyasrava |
Charitra |
Commentaries on Gommatasara |
Connection of Jiva with Karmas |
Darsana |
Definition of Astikaya |
Definition of Pradesa |
Dharma |
Dravya-Samgraha: Text and Translation |
Excellent meditaition |
Ganga Raja |
General Index |
Gommatasara |
Gommatesvara |
How to succeed in meditaion |
Inscribed slabs below the image of Vahuvali in Gommatesvara temple on Vindhyagiri |
Inscription at the foot of the image of Vahuvali in Gommatesvara temple on Vindhyagiri |
Introduction |
Jiva-without form, according to Nischaya Naya, and having form, according to Vyavahara Naya |
Jiva, according to Suddha Naya |
Jiva, according to Vyavahara and Nischaya Naya |
Ksapanasara |
Labdhisara |
List of Illustrations |
Lokakasa and Alokakasa |
Lokakasa containing the Dravyas and Alokakasa beyond it |
Marasimha II |
Mukta Jivas |
Nemichandra Siddhanta-chakravartti explaining the scriptures to Chamundaraya |
Nemichandra Siddhanta-chakravartti, the author of Dravya-samgraha |
Nischaya Dhyana |
Notes on Important References |
Paryapta and Aparyapta Jivas |
Paryapta and Aparyapta Jivas |
Perfect Conduct |
Perfect knowledge |
Points of time |
Pradesa in Jiva, Pudgala, Dharma, Adharma, Akasa, and Kala |
Pratisthapatha |
Preface |
Punaya and Papa |
Rachamalla II or Rajamalla II |
Sanskrit Commentary (Vritti) by Brahmadeva |
Sravana Belgola |
Sthavata and Trasa Jivas |
Sub-divisions of Jnana |
SUBJECT-MATTER of Dravya-samgraha |
The anointing ceremony of Vahuvali Gommatesvara |
The Causes of Liberation |
The characteristicas of Jiva |
The date of the construction of the image |
The Dravyas, Jiva and Ajiva |
The efficacy of practising penances, keeping vows and reading Scriptures |
The Extent and Existence of Jiva |
The five Astikayas |
The four kinds of Darsana |
The fourteen Gunasthanas |
The fourteen Marganas |
The fruits of Karmas-whether enjoyed by Jiva |
The Ganga Dynasty |
The Gurus of Nemichandra |
The importance of Dhyana |
The Inscriptions below the image of Gommatesvara |
The Legendary account of Bhujavali |
The legendary accounts of he establishment of the image by Chamunda Raya |
The meditation of Mantras |
The modification of Pudgala |
The Pancha Paramesthis |
The rise of Jnana and Darsana in Samsarts and Kevalts |
The six kinds of Dravya |
The Soul, with reference to Liberation |
The Story in Rajavali Kathe |
The story in Sthala-purana |
The story in Vahuvali Charitra |
The sub-divisions of Bhavasrava |
The Temple of Neminatha by Chamundaraya (lengthwise) |
The Temple of Neminatha by Chamundaraya on Chandragiri (Southern Side) |
The Temple of Vahuvali Gomateswara by Chamundaraya on Vindhyagiri at Sravana Belgola |
The three kinds of Samaropa |
The two kinds of Akasa |
The two kinds of Nirjara |
The two kinds of Upayoga |
The varieties of Ajiva |
The Works of Nemichandra |
Trilokasara |
Vahuvali Gommatesvara |
Varieties of Bhava-Samvara |
Varieties of colour, taste, smell and touch |
Vyavahara and Paramarthika Kala |
Who is a Sadhu? |
Who is a Siddha? |
Who is an Acharya? |
Who is an Arhat? |
Who is an Upadhyaya? |
Why Pudgala is Kaya? |
Dvyasrayakavya, Hemchandra’s (A Literary and Cultural Study) |
Narang, Satya Pal |
Accurate Information of Hemacadra supported by other Historical evidences |
Administration |
Agastya, Aditya |
Agriculture |
Airavata, Kama, Kartaviryarjuna, Kubera |
Alphabetical |
Animals |
Army and warfare |
Arrangement |
Arthasastra |
Astronomy |
Asvasastra |
Attitude of Brahmanas |
Ayurveda |
Beliefs and superstitions |
Birds |
Brahmanism |
Buddhism |
Camundaraja, Vallabharaja |
Canto-wise |
Caritas |
Caste system |
Characterization |
Cities |
Combination of groups ; obsolete and usage |
Commentaries |
Communication; debt |
Creepers |
Description |
Descriptions |
Dharamsastra |
Dictionaries |
Dress |
Durlabharaja |
Dvyasrayakavya; A Mahakavya |
Economic conditions |
Education |
Elliptical examples |
Epic Mythology |
Epithets |
Exaggerations and transformation of facts |
Examples of negation |
Fares and Festivals |
Fauna and flora |
Figures of Speech |
Flowers |
Food and drinks |
Foreign trade; coins |
Gajasastra |
Games and amusement |
Gathas |
Geographical data |
Graharipu |
Grammar |
Grammar |
Grammatical Study |
Group of Irregular forms |
Hemacandra’s Erudition (General) |
Historical Evaluation |
Indra |
It letters; further classifications |
Jainism |
Jayasimha |
Kamasastra |
Karuna, Bhima |
Kings |
Krna, Brahama, Brhaspati, Manu, Mainaka, Yama |
Kumarapala |
Language and Style |
Life and Personality of Hemacandra |
Long lists of suffixes |
Long Lists of words or roots in a sutra |
Marriage |
Meeting with Jayasinhha |
Meeting with Kumarapala |
Metrical Analysis |
Metrics |
Miscellaneous |
Moksa, Music, Dance, and Dramaturgy |
Mountains |
Mularaja |
Music |
Mythologica allusions in the Dvyasryakavya |
New facts only for grammatical illustration |
New Information not given by contemporary sources |
Occupations |
Officers |
Omens |
Omissions and their probable causes |
One root in many senses |
Optional examples |
Ornaments |
Other Minor Characters |
Other works ascribed to Hemacandra |
Philosophical Systems |
Philosophy |
Pilgrimage |
Poems |
Polity and administration |
Position of women |
Prefixes; one word, many senses; group of words (Gana) |
Propagation of Jainism |
Puranic Legends |
Ratnasastra |
Religious position |
Reptiles |
Rhetorics |
Rhetorics, Epics and Puranas |
Rituals |
Rivers |
Rudra, Laksmi, Varuna, Visnu |
Saivism |
Sanjna and Adhikarasutras |
Sanjna employed in a sutra |
Semi-Gods |
Sentiments |
Siksa, Nirukta |
Siva, Sesanaga, Sarasvati, Skanda |
Social conditions |
Society |
States and territorial divisions |
Sun-worship, Agastya-worship, Mother Goddesses |
Synonyms |
Trees |
Tribes |
Vaisnavism |
Vedangas, Metrics |
Vedas |
Vedic Mythology |
Weights and measurements |
Works of Hemacandra |
Early Jainism |
Dixit, K. K. |
A Historical Evaluation of Uttaradhyayana and Dasavaikalika |
A special relevance of Suttanipata for Jaina studies |
Acaranga II |
Arambha and Parigraha |
Extremely Hard Ascetic Life |
General Statement |
Introduction |
Kasaya and Mahavrata : No well-established concepts |
Monastic Jurisprudence: Not yet formulated |
No Special Epistemology |
No Special Mythology |
No Special Ontology |
No Superhumanization of the biography of Mahavira |
Parisaha and Bhiksadosa : No well-established concepts |
Prasanavyakarana |
Rsibhasita |
Six-fold objects of Arambha |
Some Noteworthy features of the Jaina Speculation as occuring in Accaranaga I and Sutrakrtanga I |
Some Relevant Passages from Acaranga I considered |
Sutrakrtanga II – A Historical Evaluation |
The Animate and Inanimate Objects of Parigraha |
The five Anga Texts of the form of a story-collection |
The four old Chedasutras |
The Karma Doctrine in Primitive form |
The problem of Employment of speech |
The problem of Moving about |
The problem of Proving Alms |
Unconditional Emphasis on World Renunciation |
Elements of Jaina Iconography |
Tiwari, Nandan Prasad |
A note on the Identfication of a Tirthankara Image at Bharat kala Bhavan, Varanasi |
A Unique Door-Lintel from Khajuraho |
A Unique Image of Rsabhanatha in the Old Arhaeological Museum, Khajuraho |
A Unique Image of Rsabhanatha in the State Museum, Lucknow |
An Image of Mahavira in the Bharat Kala Bhavan, Yaranasi |
An Image of Neminatha From Deogarh |
An Unique Tri-Tirthika Jina Image from Deogarh |
An Unpublised Tri-Tirthia Jina Image from Deogarh |
Bharata Cakravartin at Deogarh |
Iconogaphic Features of the Sixteen Jaina Mahavidyas |
Image of Rama and Sita on the Parsvanatha Temple, Khajurahoaina |
Images of Ajitanatha at Khajuraho |
Images of Neminatha at Khajuraho |
Images of Sambhavanatha at Khajuraho |
Introduction |
Jaina Sculptures at Kumbharia |
Jaina Sculptures of Ganesa from Western India |
Jaina Yaksi Ambika at Deogarh |
Jaina Yaksi Cakresvari at Deogarh |
Jina Images in the Archaeological Museum, Khajuraho |
Jinas or Tirthankaras |
Mahavdyas |
Minor Deities |
Preface |
Sarasvati in Jaina Sculptures of Khajuraho |
The Sixteen Jaina Godesses on the Adinata Temple at Khajraho |
Yaksi Ambia at Khajuraho |
Yaksi Padmav ati at Deogarh |
Yaksis |
Essence of Jainism |
Sukhalalji, Pnadit |
A Religion teaching Abstention |
Absence of exception in Celibacy |
Abstention and Activity |
Activity leading to Abstention |
Adoption of Niscayanaya Vyavaharanaya |
Aim of Sadhu |
Alternative Stages of Development Laid down |
Anatmavada |
Another important Difference |
Anticipation of Death and Non-Violence |
Asoka, Samprati and Kharvel |
Atmavidya and Theory of Evolution |
Austerity and Endurance of Calamities |
Avasyaka Kriya |
Background of Sramana and Brahamana thinking |
Beginningless of Karma |
Belief of Jain and other Philosophies regarding Isvara as the Creater of Universe |
Believers only in Dharma, Artha and Karma |
Brahama and Its meaning |
Brahama and Sama |
Brahamana and Jaina Bhandaras |
Brief Classification of Answers |
Brief in eternity of Scriptures |
Buddha and Mahavira |
Caritra vidya |
Celibacy according to Janism |
Change of Place and community Welfare |
Clarification on Buddha’s Repudiation |
Clarification on Jain Vision |
Classification of Religions |
Co-ordination of Kriyayoga and Jnana-yoga in Jain Austerity |
Compassion of Neminatha |
Concept of Equality in Sramana Dharama |
Conventional meaning of Pratikramana |
Definition of Celibacy |
Development of Austerity |
Development of the spirit of non-violence |
Difference among Acaryas |
Difference in Knowledge and Conduct |
Difference of philosophical vision of Niscaya in Jainism and Upanisads |
Doctrine of different viewpoints |
Domination of Austerity even before Mahavira |
Dravyarthika and Paryayarthika Naya |
Eastern and Western Philosophy, A Comparison |
Emphasis on a state of Detachment |
Erection and Development of Treasures of Knowledge |
Essence of Jain Culture |
Essence of Jainism |
Excellent arrangement for the preservation of Divine Wealth |
Expectations and Anekanta |
Five Paramesthis |
Four Institutions |
Four Sanghas |
Fourteen Stages of Gunsthana |
Function of Saptabhangi |
General Explanation |
Genuine Undefilement |
Glory of Knowledge and its means |
God , Preceptor and Religious Elements |
Heart of Jaina Culture |
History of Independence |
Hoary Path of Nirgrantha Cult |
Ideals of Jain Tradition |
Indefinability of the Nature of Jiva |
Independent existence of Atma and Rebirth |
Influence of Nigrantha tradition on Buddha |
Influence on each other and synthesis |
Initial Background |
Institution of Holy Places |
Institution of Knowledge |
Isvara , Why he is not the Creater of Universe |
It is not doubtful Knowledge |
Its Belief and Thoughts |
Its Ceremony in Ancient Days |
Its Influence and Development |
Jaina Philosophy |
Jaina View and Ishvara |
Jainas and Mimamsakas |
Jainas and of the Jaina Discussion |
Jainism , Gita and Gandhiji with regard to Heroism |
Jiva , the cause of its own obstruction |
Jiva and Isvara |
Jiva and Isvara |
JIva and Pancaparamesthi |
Jiva Self-evident or the Result of material mixture |
Karma Elements |
Karma vidya and Freedom from Bondage |
Karmasastra , a part of spiritualism |
Kumarapala and Akbar |
Lokavidya |
Mahavira’s Non-violence |
Meaning of Paramesthi |
Meaning of the Word Karma and its synonyms |
Narration of Non-Violence in Agamas |
Naturalness and Propriety of the Order |
Nature and Purpose of Types of Salutations |
Nature of Jaina Stream of Thought |
Nature of Karma |
Nature of Six Avasyakas |
Nayavada |
Need of Karma Element |
Nigrantha cults in Jainism |
Nigrantha Tradition dominated by Austerity |
Nirgrantha Cults |
Niscaya from Acara poit of view |
Nivartaka Dharma |
Non-Sectarian vision of Jaina Bhandaras |
Non-Violence |
Non-violence |
Non-Violence and Nun-Hurt |
Non-Violence but spiritual Heroism |
Oneness of basic Questions on Life |
Opposition against Vedic violence |
Origin of the word `Naigama’ and its meaning |
Other Propagators |
Other six meaning |
Other-world-line of Arihantas |
Parisah hardship |
Parsvanatha’s Protest |
Paryusana and Samvatsari |
Peculiar thinking of Jain Philosophy about Karma |
Perspective of Religion, its sublimation |
Philosophical Questions |
Philosophy and Cult |
Philosophy and Religion, their Relation |
Pitfalls in Celibacy |
Pravartaka Dharna |
Principal Sramana Cult |
Prohibitive and Prespiritive Forms of Amari |
Promulgators of the Sramana Tradition |
Proof of Spread of Non-violence |
Purpose of Culture |
Purpose of Jaina festival |
Qualified Men and Women |
Reasons of Opposition between Jains and Buddhas |
Reference to four important options |
Religion – Universal wealth |
Religion and Culture |
Religion and Ethics |
Religion and Intellect |
Religion and Sect |
Religion and Thought |
Religion, Philosophy, Culture |
Repudiation of the vision of non-absolutism |
Research |
Right Faith , Wrong Faith |
Sadhusanstha |
Sama and Samata |
Samayikas etc. |
Samvatsari |
Sangha of Female Ascetics and its impact on the Buddha Sangh |
Saptabhangi |
Saptabhangi and its basis |
Service to Humanity |
Some Detailed Comparison |
Some Problems |
Some Thinking on Jiva |
Some thinking on meanig of Avaktavya |
Sphere of activity of seven Nayas |
Spirit of Equality and Theory of Non-Extremism |
Spiritualism and Avasyka Kriya |
Stages of Spiritual Development |
Stages of the Jaina Discussion |
Stautvidya and Pramanvidya |
Stream of Culture |
Suicide in Buddism |
Test of Papa and Punya |
The Aim of Celibacy and Means |
The Aim of Religion |
The Brahamana and Sramana Tradition |
The First Type of Eight Visions |
The Jaina Process |
The Meaning |
The Paryusana |
The Second Type |
The seed of Religion |
The seven Bhangas |
Their Difference |
Theory of Non-Absolutism |
Things worth knowing |
Thinking on Karma |
Those whose Purusartha was Emancipation |
Thoughts on the element of karma and its Knowers |
Three Stages of Atma |
Truth , the basis of non-absolutism |
Two Forms of Jain Culture |
Two Forms of Religion, external and internal |
Two Religious Institutions |
Variety and Widening of the form of Celibacy |
View of non-absolutism by Mahavira |
Viewpoint of Supreme Reality that inspires unity inspite opposition |
Violence of the Non-Violent Type |
Vision of non-absolutism in other philosophies |
Ways of Freedom from Karma |
What Culture Indicates |
When is End of Body , a Suicide |
Wide view of Karmavada |
Wise Constitution |
Essential of Jainism |
Jain, Devendra Kumar |
My Aspirations, English trans. of Meri bhavana of `Mukhtar’ |
Essential of Jainism |
Jain, Duli Chand |
How Karma Theory Relates to Modern Science |
Selections from Tattvartha Sutra of Acharya Umaswami |
Essential of Jainism |
Jain, Rajendra Kumar |
Meditation in Jain Scriptures , English Adaptation of Dhyan by Nemichandra |
Essential of Jainism |
Jain, Ratan Kumar |
A Panoramic View of Jainism |
Facets of Jaina Religiousness in Comparative Light |
Joshi, L. M. |
Anityanupreksa |
Asarananupeksa |
Asravanupreksa |
Asuctvanupreksa |
Bodhidurlabhanupreksa |
Comparative Notes |
Dharmasvakhayatatvanupreksa |
Ekatvanupreksa |
Introduction : Jaina Faith |
Jaina Conception of the Holy Pentad |
Lokanupreksa |
Nirjaranupriksa |
Preliminary Remarks |
Prthakatvanupreksa |
Samsaranupreksa |
Samvaranupreksa |
Some Related Terms and Concepts |
The Acaryas |
The Arhats |
The Formula of Five-fold Obeisance |
The Meaning of Anupreksa |
The Purpose of Anupreksas |
The Sadhus |
The Series of Twelve Themes |
The Siddhas |
The Upadhyayas |
Themes of Soteriological Reflection in Jainism – I |
Themes of Soteriological Reflection in Jainism – II |
First steps to jainism Part I, five basic steps |
Sancheti, Asoo Lal |
Five Worships (Panch Parmeshthi) |
Ground Work to First steps to Jainism |
The Seven Fundamentals (Tatva) |
The Three Hallmarks(Lakshana) |
The Three Jewels (Ratna) |
The Universe – Six Substances (Dravya) |
Ganadharavada |
Bhuvanbhanusuri, Vijay Acharya |
Prag-abhav” is not absolutely an absent state” |
A refutation for the theory that effefts are created accidently”” |
Achalabhrata, The ninth ganadhara |
Akampit , the seventh ganadhara |
All reals have three phases: just as gold, creation – destruction |
Anekantvada in creation |
Are the five basic elements real |
Are there bondage and deliverance |
Are there really celetial beings |
Argument for `Soul differet from body’ |
Argument for `The body is the soul’ |
Arguments of similar and dissimilar births |
Arthapati, – Evidence unable to prove the soul |
Awareness possible |
Bauddha-darshana |
Be afraid of invisible Karmas |
Bhagvan Mahavirdeo’s austerities and realisation |
Birth is a modication of the soul |
Birth is not natural: four meanings of nature |
Body a mansion, a machine |
Body a subject of affection: Who keeps affection |
Body-soul like cart-horse |
Buddhas theory of momentariness is disproved |
Causative aggregation is logical |
Child’s first sucking due to past impression |
Child’s quality differ from parents |
Concepts of two relatives gradually or not |
Concepts of two relatives gradually or not |
Consciousness not created by mother’s consciousness |
Creation is not possible |
Difference of nature etc. in twin children |
Do good fortunes and misfortunes exist |
Does Hell exist |
Does the Jiva take the same form in the next birth |
Don’t despair salvation possible |
Dravya-yog : Bhavayog |
Eight proofs of heaven |
Eleven Brahmin Scholars and their 11 doubts |
Everything is relative |
Evidence (Pramana) of `Upamana’ |
Evidence of Inference, (Anumana ) for soul |
Examples of negation of samyoga etc. (contacts) |
Experiencer of Mental Jow-sorrows is soul |
Felicity – bliss , the quality of the soul |
Five alternatives regarding `punya’ and `papa’ |
Five arguments for all being void |
Five Bhutta-Jivas and Vanaspatikaya-Jiva proved by Syptoms |
For the fruit of deeds , intention not necessary |
For the soul six evidences of perception i.e.(Pratyaksa) |
Four kinds of objects – swatah siddha”” |
Four proofs for existence of hell |
From same sources why effects differ |
Happiness in Samsar invites sorrows in next birth |
Happiness mixed with anxiety is really sorrow |
Happiness of two kinds: inherent and creative |
His doubt: Is the body itself the soul or both are different |
His submissive attitude before Bhagvan |
How can attachment and hatred be utterly destroyed |
How can Karmas effect the soul |
How can knowledge comprehend all the objects of cosmos |
How creation at particular time-place-nature |
How infinite bliss in Moksa |
How infinite Siddha – souls can coexist in Moksa |
How Karman bulks stick to the soul |
How non-violence possible in world pervaded by Jivas |
How pot is constant |
How soul is different from senses |
How soul, when all karmas perish , goes upward |
How to frustrate Karmas |
If `all unreal’ why not walking with closed eyes |
If `all unreal’ why short is not long |
In all unreal” particular answer improbable” |
In `all unreal’ how dealings are fixed? and particular |
In `all unreal’ there cannot be `others’ , nor mutual comparison |
In Omniscience the perfect of infinite objects |
Indrabhuti’s self Introspection |
Inferences to prove Karma |
Inferences to prove soul |
Interpretation of the vedic word `vaa-vasantam’ |
Is each of the causes potential |
Is heaven logical |
Is Illusion real |
Is propounder of all real” real or unreal” |
Is reality different from real or not |
Is the body itself the soul |
Is there next life |
Is there salvation |
Jiva (soul ) a pure word |
Joy is formless, body has a form , both created by karmas |
Karmas a link between past deeds and present fruits |
Karmas have forms |
Karmas not visible |
Karmas, like intellect, being invisible cannot be denied |
Knowledge etc. is Preceded by knoledge etc. |
Logic for `good and evil’ mixed bhavayog notexisting |
Lord discloses his doubts |
Mandits, The sixth ganadhara |
Mauryaputra, The seventh ganadhara |
Meanings of I”” |
Metarya, The tenth ganadhara |
Moksa existent from the times immemorial |
Necessary direction on punya and papa |
Nihilist’s words real or unreal |
No difference between front and back |
No proofs for the existence of soul |
Nyaya-Vaisheshik Philosophies |
Obstacles in the theories of soul’s omnipresence |
Only `Pratyaksha’ evidence is not enough |
Only Karma is not the seed of rebirth |
Other Inferences on soul |
Prabhas, the eleventh ganadhara |
Pramana of Agama |
Pramana of Aitihya |
Pramana of Arthapati |
Pramana of Sambhava |
Pride of Indrabhuti and his approach to conquer Shri Mahavir Bhagwan |
Proofs for existence of `Aloka’ sky, `Dharmastikaya’, `Adharmastikaya’ |
Proofs for Rebirth |
Proofs of salvation |
Proofs supporting punya and papa as separate entities |
Punyanubandhi Punya etc. |
Questions on causelessness |
Reasons disproving salvation |
Reasons for coming and not coming of Deity here |
Reasons why knowledge a quality of the soul |
Rebirth : four reasons |
Refutation of `all void’ theory |
Refutation of only Punya or only papa , combined punya and papa does not exist |
Regarding cause self – modification and non-self |
Reincarnation of soul |
Relationship between substance and its existence |
Relativity : real or unreal |
Review of five arguments favouring all void”” |
Sambhava- Aitihya – Agam can’t prove Soul |
Samkraman (the intermingling ) in Karmas |
Sankhya -Yoga Philosophy |
Sensual delight a sheer remedy of sensual thirst |
Sensual pleasure is virtually sorrow |
Shocked and surprised to see Mahavirdeo’s glory |
So regarding cognition two forms |
Soul is both transient and constant |
Soul the most beloved |
Soul the Prompter and pereventer of body – speech – mind |
Soul: a proprietor of body-mansion |
Soul: Dispute settlers of senses |
Soul: The governor – controller of senses |
Sudharma, The fifth ganadhara |
The aim of saying , ‘Purusha , soul is whole and sole’ |
The Anekant Theory of the quality-separate ane non-separate from the supporting substance |
The belief of Creator-God is faulty |
The Doubt regarding Karma (Destiny) |
The enjoyer of the body is the soul |
The existence of knowledge in salvation |
The Existence of the Soul |
The First Ganadhara Indrabhuti |
The four meanings of Nature |
The fruits of benevolence and violence |
The proof for the soul on the basis of `Da’ `Da’ `Da’ |
The refuting view: Bondage and deliverance do exist |
The Second Ganadhara Agnibhuti |
The series of Karmas can come to an end |
Theories of various Philosophies |
Theory of Relativity conquers |
Things self caused impossible |
Three causes that create Karmas |
Three entities, sweet, bitter and tasteless |
Three reasons for Karmas logically improbable |
Three sorts of Inference-evidences |
Three sorts of statements : Vidhivad” |
True meaning of Vijnan-ghan”” |
Two eyes are not relatively created |
Two forms of the objects – `dependent and independent’ |
Two Inferences 1. by cause 2. by effect |
Two kinds of Dharmas: natural and created |
Two kinds of variations : removable and irremovable |
Two modifications of the soul : Samsar and Moksa |
Two sorts of Vyapti (co-existential relationship etc.) |
Utterance and acceptance are real or unreal |
Various reasons of things though in front being invisible |
Vayubhuti, the third Ganadhara |
Vedanta-Darshana (Philosophy) |
Violence – Nonviolence internal and external attitude |
Visibility is impossible |
Vyakta, The fourth ganadhara |
What connection between Karmas and the soul |
What is Bhavyatva |
Which is doubted or negated is real |
Which is the first karma or soul |
Wht doubt about destiny |
Why believe karma as cause of pleasure |
Why Bhavyatva perishing while salvation happens |
Why Bhavyatva perishing while salvation happens |
Why difference between Knower and Known |
Why does not samsar become empty of bhavya souls |
Why happiness does not lie in sensual objects |
Why Jiva is not destroyed in long future |
Why Jivas not attaining moksa are not styled as `abhavyas’ |
Why Karmas of the formless soul have form |
Why moksa liked , if there are no means of bliss |
Why not Consciousness in a dead body |
Why punya and papa not formless |
Why salvation in long future not perishing ? |
Why sky-flower invisible |
Why words of omniscient totally trust-worthy |
Glimpses of Jainism |
Diwaker, S. C. |
Jainism and Peace |
The Antiquity of Jainism |
The Doctrine of Ahimsa |
The Doctrine of Syadvada |
The Philosophy of Karma |
Gommatsara Jivakanda |
Chakravarti, Nemichandra Siddhanta |
406 Soul – Classes of Mundane souls |
8 – Kinds of Knowledge |
Action |
Assimilation |
Attention |
Bhoga Bhumi |
Brief Statement of 21 kinds of Numbers |
Capacity of Liberation |
Cause |
change |
Color |
conation |
conation |
Conditions of Existence |
Conditions of Existence |
Consciousness Attention Knowledge |
control |
Description |
description of Degrees |
Developableness |
Developments |
Differentia |
Differentia |
Early Jaina Sacred Literature |
Embodiments |
Extent |
Extent of Existence |
Five Parikarmas |
Fourteen Purvagatas |
Function |
Group – souled Vegetables |
Impulses |
Internal |
Jaghanya Parita Ananta |
Jaghanya Parita Asamkhyata |
Knowledge |
Modification |
Modifications & Quantity |
Name |
Name |
Nigoda |
Number |
Number |
Omniscience |
Passions |
Place |
Popular aspect of the Philosophy in the Book |
Possessions |
Possibility of Omniscience |
Prathamanuyoga |
Rationality |
Right-belief soul-quest |
Senses |
Sex Inclination |
Siddhanta Chakravarti |
Siddhanta Chakravarti |
Soul – clauses |
Soul – Quest |
Soul – Quests Condition of Existence |
Soul Classes |
Spiritual Stages |
Sutra |
Table of Names of Numeration |
The Anga-Bahya Shruta |
The author |
The author |
THe Contents OF Gommatasara |
The Five Chulikas |
The Four Anuyogas or Vedas of Jainism |
The Jaina Theory of Numbers |
The name and origin of the book |
The Nuclei |
THe Soul acts and Enjoys |
THe Soul and the Body |
The Soul is Immaterial |
The Spiritual Stages |
The Twelve Angas |
Thought Paint |
Time |
Time of Existence |
Vibratory Activities |
Vitalities |
Vitality |
11 Pratimas |
148 Subclauses of Karmas |
4 Age |
5 Knowledge – Obscuring |
5 Obstructive |
9 Conation Obscuring |
93 Body Making |
Age |
Attributes |
Body Making |
Bondage |
Bondage, Operation and existence of Karmas |
Carelessness |
Causes of Bondage |
Deluding |
Deluding |
Differences in Inflow |
Dravya |
Duration of Bondage |
Family Determining |
Family Determining |
Feeling |
Feelings |
Fruition of karma |
Inflow of Karmic Matter |
Inflow of the Eight Karmas |
Karmic Matter |
Kinds of Bondage |
Kinds ofInflow |
Knowledge and Conation Obscuring |
Liberation |
Matter |
MOdifications |
Nature of Karmic Matter |
Obstructive |
Passions |
Shedding of Karmic Matter |
Stopping of Inflow |
The 14 Stages and 148 Karmas |
The 7 Tattvas |
The Embodied Soul |
The Quantity of Bondage |
The six Substances |
Various Stages of Karmas |
Vibrations |
Vowlessness |
Vows |
Wrong Belief |
Guidelines of Jainism |
Bhadrabahuvijay |
Ajiv |
Akshay Tritya |
Alcoholic drinks should be renounced |
Anuvrat |
Ashadh Chaturdasi |
Ashravtatva |
Atthai Mahotsav |
Ayambilshala |
Bandh-tatva |
Before Assuming Dharma |
Bhagwan Mahavir |
Bhai Beej |
Bhavanas |
Conferring a status or a title |
Dhawajarohan |
Dhyan |
Diwali |
Even the egg is dangetous |
Figures relating to the item of food containing protein |
Gochari ( obtaining food ) |
Gunavrat |
It is necessary to filter water |
Jain Literature |
Jap and Dhyan ( Meditation ) |
Jnan |
Jnan Panchami |
Karma |
Kartik Poornima |
Kashay Passions |
Leshya |
Malaropan |
Maun Ekadashi |
Moksha-tatva |
Navapad Oli |
Navpad |
Naya |
Nirjara-tatva |
Paptatva |
Paryushan Mahaparva |
Paush Dashami |
Penance and the code of conduct |
Praman |
Prarthana ( Prayer ) |
Prathist a Mahotsav |
Punarjanma (re-birth) |
Punyatatva |
Rathyatra |
Sadharmik Vatsalya |
Samiti and gupti |
Samjana (Gonads) |
Samvar-tatva |
Samyaktva |
Sangh Yatra |
Shantisnatra |
Shikshavrat |
Siddha-chakra Mahapoojan |
Some Influential Jain Personalities |
Some minor and major austerities for daily practice |
Some special and important Austerities |
Some special rules of Conduct |
Some Suggestions |
Sri Tatvarthasutra |
Syadvad |
The Anjan Shalaka |
The Arrangement of Ara, the phases of time |
The Atharah Abhishek |
The Birthday of Mahavir |
The Deshviriti Dharma ( Grihastha Dharma ) |
The eighteen sources of Sin ( Papasthanak ) |
The Exposition of the Philosophy |
The External Austerities |
The Five Great Vows |
The Five samvay (reason ) |
The four Astakays |
The Fourteen Pledges |
The Internal Austerities |
The Jain Celebrations |
The Jain Choultries |
The Jain Dharma |
The Jain Festivals |
The Jain Libraries |
The Jain Panjarapol |
The Jain Philosophy |
The Jain Pilgrimage Centres |
The Jain Schools |
The Jain Temples |
The Jain UPashray |
The Jaina Dharma prohibits the following kinds of food containing protein |
The Jivatma – the kinds of Jivas |
The mode of their life |
The Navkar Mantra |
The Nine Doctrines |
The Organisation of the Jain Society |
The Path of Achievement |
The process of spiritual elevation ,The fourteen gunasthanas |
The Sects among Jains |
The six essential duties for everyday |
The six Praryaptis/ 10 Panas / 568 kinds of Jivas |
The Snatra Mahotsav |
The system of the seven institutions of the Jains |
The systim of the seven institutions of the Jains |
The title of Acharya |
The title of Panyas and Gani |
The title of Upadhyay |
The titles of Sadhvis |
The Twelve Austerities ( Vratas for Shrawakas ) |
Three gems of Jaina Conduct |
Time ( Calculation of time ) |
Tirtha and Tirthankar |
Tripadi |
Udhayapan |
Upadhan |
Virtues |
Virtues |
Vishwa Vyavastha |
We should not take food at night. Why? |
What is Jain Dharma or Jainism |
Who is a Jain ? |
Who is a Jin ? |
Why is fasting essetial? |
Why should not people eat meat |
Why should water be boiled? |
Why should we not certain types of food |
Why should we not eat green and raw vegetables on special days |
Haribhadra’s Yoga Works and Psychosynthesis |
Desai, S. M. |
I. Haribhadra, Jainism and Yoga |
II. Haribhadra’s Synthesis of Yoga |
III. A Model for Psychosynthesis Today |
Homage to Sravana Belgola |
Anand, Mulk Raj |
The Lapsing of the Jina as the source of the living force of the images in Jain Art |
Bonta, Robert J. del |
Temples and Monuments of Shravana Belgola |
Doshi, Saryu |
The Art Treasures of Shravana Belgola |
Doshi, Saryu |
The Pilgrims path of Shravana Belgola |
Gorakshkar, S. V. |
Jain Metal Images from Deccan Karnataka |
Heggade, Veerendra Dr. |
Yakshagana and its relevance to Jainism |
Jain, Jyotindra |
The Rituals of Bath in Jainism |
Jain, L. C. |
The Legend of Bahubali, quintessence of quest and conquest |
Kalghatgi, T. G. |
The Three Jewels of Jain Philosophy |
Ritti, Shrinivas |
Jain Inscriptions |
Sanghave, Vilas |
The Mahamastakabhisheka |
Srinivasan, L. K. |
Shravana Belgola in legend and history |
Sundara, A |
Nishidhi Stones and the ritual of sallekhana |
India as described in early Texts of Buddhism and Jainism |
Law, Bimala Churn |
Education and Learning |
Geography |
Kings and People |
Religion |
Social Life and Economic Conditions |
India as known to Haribhadra Suri |
Shukla, R. S. |
Economic Life |
Political Condition of Western India in the time of Haribhadra |
Polity, Administration and Judicial System |
Religious Life |
Social Life |
The Life, Learning, Works and Date of Haribhadra |
Indian Philosophy |
Sukhalalji, Pt. |
Concluding Remarks |
Foreward |
Index |
Lecture Five |
Lecture Four |
Lecture One |
Lecture Three |
Lecture Two |
Philosophy and Life |
Philosophy or the Science of Fundamental Principles-its Origin and its Subject-matter (World, Soul and God) |
Soul: The Conscious Element |
The Element God |
The Relation of Cause and Effect: The Foundation of Philosphical Cognition and the Limitation of Knowledge-Capacity |
World: The Non-conscious Element |
Jain Miniature Paintings from Western India |
Chandra, Moti |
Carrers and Implements |
Costumes and Ornaments |
Descriptions of the Plates |
Esthetic Considerations in Western Indian Painting |
Historical Background |
Introduction |
Miniatures in the Paper Period (Circa 1400-1600 A.D.) |
Miniatures on Palm-leaf |
Nomenclature |
Painted Wooden Book-covers |
Painting on Cloth |
Pigments, Brushes, Pencils, etc. |
Preface |
Technical Process and the Treatment of the Human Figure and Landscape |
Jain Moral Doctrine |
Bhattacharya, Hari Satya Dr |
Basic Principles of Religion and Morality |
Cardinal Virtues |
Operative factors in Immorality |
Opposition to Immorality |
Stages Inthe Moral Progress |
The Indispensable Associates of Caritra |
The Jaina Charitra as the basis of an Universal religion and Morality |
Jain Paintings Vol. I |
Nawab, Sarabhai |
Discription of the Colour Plates |
Discription of the Monochrome Plates |
Hstorical Background |
Miniatures of Palm-leaf |
Painted Wooden Book-covers |
Jain Philosophy Historial Outline |
Bhattacharya, Narendra Nath |
A Comparative Study |
A Review of the Jain Metaphysics |
A Subjectwise Comparative Study of the System |
Ajita Kesakambalin |
Archaeological Sources: Architecture and Sculpture |
Archaeological Sources: Epigraphs |
Classification of Karma and the Gunasthanas |
Contemporary Philosophical Schools |
Ecclesiastical History |
Introduction |
Jain Atheism |
Jain Cosmography |
Jain Logic |
Jain Philosophy in Historical Outline |
Jainism and Ajivikism |
Jainism and Buddhism |
Jainism and Indian Philosophical Tradition |
Jainism and Materialism |
Jainism and Mimamsa |
Jainism and Nyaya – Vaisesika |
Jainism and Samkhya |
Jainism and Vedanta |
Jainism and Vedic Tradition |
Jainism and Yoga |
Literary Sources |
Makkhali Gosala |
Material Basis of the Great Intellectual Movement |
Pakudha Kaccayana |
Parsva and Mahavira |
Psychological Ingredients |
Purana Kassapa |
Researches on Jainism |
Sanjaya Belattiputta |
Scientific Enquiries: Astronomy |
Scientific Enquiries: Atomism |
Scientific Enquiries: Biology, Physiology |
Scientific Enquiries: Classification of Jiva |
Scientific Enquiries: Cosmology |
Scientific Enquiries: Diseases and Medicines |
Social Experiences of Mahavira |
The Conflicts in the History of Indian Thought |
The Historical Background |
The Incipient Stage |
The Jains as they are |
The Nine – Absolutist Standpoint |
The Nine Fundamentals and the Doctrine of Karma |
The Prehistory of Jainism |
The Social Basis of Jain Ethics |
The Sophisticated Stage |
The Unfounded Speculations and their Ethical Consirations |
Theory of Knowledge |
Jain Tarka Bhasha |
Bhargav, Dayanand Dr. |
On the organ of knowledge |
On the Partial Point of View |
On the Symbol |
Jaina Art and Architecture Vol I |
Editorial Observations to Jaina Art and Architecture |
Banerjee, P. |
East India – Monuments and Sculpture 600 A.D. to 1000 |
Champakalakshmi, R. Dr. |
South India – Monuments and Sculpture 300 B.C. to 300 A.D. |
Deo, S. B. Dr. |
Expansion of Jainism |
Deshpande, M. N. |
The Background and Traditions |
Deva, Krishna |
Central India – Monuments and Sculpture 600 A.D. to 1000 |
Deva, Krishna |
North India – Monuments and Sculpture 600 A.D. to 1000 |
Deva, Krishna |
West India – Monuments and Sculpture 600 A.D. to 1000 |
Jain, Jyoti Prasad Dr. |
Genesis and Spirit of Jaina Art |
Joshi, N. P. Dr. |
Mathura – Monuments and Sculpture 300 A.D. to 600 A.D. |
Mishra, R. N. Dr. |
East India – Monuments and Sculpture 300 A.D. to 600 A.D. |
Mitra, Debala Shrimati |
East India – Monuments and Sculpture 300 B.C. to 300 A.D. |
Mitra, Debala Shrimati |
Mathura – Monuments and Sculpture 300 B.C. to 300 A.D. |
Shah, U. P. |
Central India – Monuments and Sculpture 300 A.D. to 600 A.D. |
Shah, U. P. |
Central India – Monuments and Sculpture 300 A.D. to 600 A.D. |
Shah, U. P. |
West India – Monuments and Sculpture 300 A.D. to 600 A.D. |
Shah, U. P. |
West India – Monuments and Sculpture 300 B.C. to 300 A.D. |
Srinivasan, K. R. |
The Deccan – Monuments and Sculpture 600 A.D. to 1000 |
Upadhye, A. N. Dr. |
The Ethical Background |
Jaina Art and Architecture Vol II |
Bajpai, Krishna Deva |
Central India – Monuments and Sculpture A.D. 1000 to 1300 |
Bhattacharya, Asok K. Dr. |
West India – Monuments and Sculpture A.D. 1000 to 1300 |
Deva, Krishna |
Central India – Monuments and Sculpture A.D. 1000 to 1300 |
Deva, Krishna |
West India – Monuments and Sculpture A.D. 1000 to 1300 |
Joshi, M. C. |
North India – Monuments and Sculpture A.D. 1000 to 1300 |
Joshi, M. C. |
North India – Monuments and Sculpture A.D. 1000 to 1300 |
Joshi, M. C. |
North India – Monuments and Sculpture A.D. 1000 to 1300 |
Rajan, K. V. Soundara |
The Deccan and South India – Monuments and Sculpture A.D. 1000 to 1300 |
SAraswati, S. K. |
East India – Monuments and Sculpture A.D. 1000 to 1300 |
Saraswati, S. K. |
East India – Monuments and Sculpture A.D. 1000 to 1300 |
Sivaramamurti, C. |
Mural Paintings |
Srinivasan, K. R. |
South India – Monuments and Sculpture A.D. 600 to 1000 |
Srinivasan, P. R. |
The Deccan and South India – Monuments and Sculpture A.D. 1000 to 1300 |
Jaina Art and Architecture Vol III |
Agrawala, R. C. |
Museums in Rajasthan – Art Objects in Museums |
Amar, Gopilal |
Architecture |
Chandra, Moti Dr. |
Prince of Wales Museum, Bombay – Art Objects in Museums |
Dwiwedi, V. P. Dr. |
Wood Carvings |
Gai, G. S. Dr. |
Epigraphic and Numismatic Sources |
Ghosh, A. |
Museum for indische Kunst, Berlin-Dahlem – Art Objects in Museums |
Jain, Balchandra |
Museums in Madhya Pradesh – Art Objects in Museums |
Jain, Bhagchandra |
Collections at Deogarh – Art Objects in Museums |
Jain, Bhagchandra |
Some Jaina Bronzes from American Collections – Art Objects in Museums |
Khan, Mohd Abdul Waheed |
Museums in Andhra Pradesh – Art Objects in Museums |
Khandalavala, Karl |
Miniature Paintings |
Shah, U. P. Dr. |
Iconography |
Sharma, B. N. |
British Museum, London – Art Objects in Museums |
Sharma, B. N. |
Musee Guimet, Paris – Art Objects in Museums |
Sharma, B. N. |
National Museum, New Delhi – Art Objects in Museums |
Sharma, B. N. |
Victoria and Albert Museum, London – Art Objects in Museums |
Srinivasan, K. R. |
Museums in Tamil Nadu – Art Objects in Museums |
VAnaja, R. Miss |
CAnons and Symbolism |
VAnaja, R. Miss |
Symbols on South Indian Coins |
Jaina Community |
Sangave, Vilas adinath |
A list showing gotras, dynasties, places of origin and family deities found in the Khandelvala caste. |
Achievements of Jainas |
Age Distribution of Jaina Population |
Age of Marriage |
Attemts of Reconciliation |
Caste and Education |
Caste Feasts |
Castes and Charitable Institutions |
Castes and Social Reform |
Castes and Subcastes |
Castes and Temples |
Castes Panchayatas |
Causes of Decline of Jainism |
Choice of Occupation |
Choice of Partners |
Consummation of Marriage |
Criticism of Jaina Ethics |
Death Ceremonies |
Death Ceremonies |
Dissolution of Wedlock |
Distinguished Personalities in families |
Distribution of Jaina Population by Civil Condition |
Dress and Ornaments |
Early History of Jaina Religion |
Epilogue |
Ethics and Miscellaneous Customs and Manners |
Family Organization |
Fertility and Longevity of the Jainas |
Festivals and Fasts |
Food and Drik |
Forms of Marriage |
Fundamentals Principles of Jainism |
General |
Gotra |
Institution of Bhattaraka |
Inter-marriage |
Inter-Relation of Castes |
Introduction to Social Divisions in Jaina Community |
Introduction to The Working Model |
Introductory to Ethics and Miscellaneous Customs and Manners |
Jaina and Hindu Castes |
Jaina Caste System |
Jaina Castes in the Deccan |
Jaina Castes in the North |
Jaina Castes in the South |
Jaina Conception of Varnas and Classes |
Jaina Culture |
Jaina Ethics |
Jaina Fasts |
Jaina Festivals |
Jaina Institutions |
Jaina Language |
Jaina Philosophy |
Jaina Priests |
Jaina Priests |
Jaina Rites |
Jaina Samaskara |
Jaina Samskaras |
Jaina Superstitions |
Jaina Tirthankaras or Places of Worship |
Jaina Worship |
Jainas in Ascetic Stage |
Language and Literature |
Marriage and Position of Woman |
Marriage Preliminaries and Cerimonies |
Meaning of Jainism |
Migration of Families |
Moksa Marga or Way to Salvation |
Name of 84 Castes in Jaina Community as given by Mr. P. D. Jain. |
Name of 84 Castes in Jaina Community as given by Prof. H. H. Wilson |
Name of 84 Castes in Jaina Community from Gujarat |
Name of 84 Castes in Jaina Community with places of their origin |
Name of Castes and subcastes with their population figures as given by Svetambra Jaina directory 1909 for Gujaratha |
Name of Castes in Jaina Community from the Deccan. |
Name of Castes with their population figures as given by All India Digambra Jaina directory |
Name of Digambra Castes and subcastes with their population according to Provinces 1914. |
Names and Surnames |
Names of Gotras found among agarvala Jainas as given by various authors. |
Names of Gotras found in the Srimala caste of Jainas. |
Normality of Marriage |
Number of Criminals |
Occupation and Profession |
Occupations and Professions |
Origin of Castes |
Polygyny |
Polygyny |
Population and Distribution of Castes |
Present Problem and the Way out |
Problem of Widows |
Qualifications of Parties to the Union |
Reasons for Survival of Jainas |
Regional Distribution of Jaina Population |
Religious Disabilities |
Religious Divisions in Jaina Community |
Religious Education |
Religious Sanctions to Castes |
Retrospect |
Rise of Sections and Sub-sections |
Rules of Endogamy and Exogamy |
Rural – Urban Distribution of Jaina Population |
Sacred Thread |
Sangha, Gana, Gachha and Sakha |
Sects and Subsects |
Sex Distribution of Jaina Population |
Social Divisions in Jaina Community |
Some Important Things about Jaina Castes |
Statement showing age distribution of 10,000 of each sex in the Jaina Community in the Bombay Presidency from 1881 to 1931 |
Statement showing Distribution and Percent increase of Jaina Population 1951, 1961. and 1971 censuses |
Statement showing distribution by Main Age Periods and civil condition of 10,000 of each sex and Religion in Bombay Presidency from 1881 to 1931 |
Statement showing distribution by Main Age Periods and civil condition of 10,000 of each sex and Religion in Bombay Presidency according to 1931 census. |
Statement showing Distribution of Jaina Population 1971 Census |
Statement showing Distribution of Jaina Population among the the former British Provinces and Indian States according to census from 1911 to 1941 |
Statement showing Districtwise density of Jaina Population (arranged in descending order 1971 census) |
Statement showing number per 10,000 of Jaina Population who live in Towns according to 1901 to 1941 census. |
Statement showing Rural Distribution of Jaina Population ( 1971 census) |
Statement showing sex Distribution of Jaina Population ( 1971 census) |
Statement showing the Districts having more than 2 Percentage of Jaina Population of the District (1971 census) |
Statement showing the mean ages by sex for the different Provinces and States and for Religions according to 1931 census |
Statement showing the number per 10,000 of the Population who are Jainas at the Censuses from 1881 to 1941 |
Statement showing Urban Distribution of Jaina Population ( 1971 census) |
The Family Diety |
The Great Schism |
The Historical Backgroud |
The Major and Minor Subsects |
The Object of Marriage |
The Position of Woman |
The Two Main Sects |
The Working Model |
Theory of Karma |
Total and Growth of Jaina Population |
What is Marriage |
Widow Remarriage |
Worship of Hindu Deities |
Jaina Literature in Tamil |
Chakravarti, A. |
Appendix: Jaina Epigraphs in Tamil |
Cultureal Background of Jainism |
Estimate of Jaina Influence |
General Editorial |
Index |
Introduction |
Jaina Literature in Tamil |
Jainas in the Tamil Country |
Jivaka Cintamani: Its contents |
Kavya Literature |
Kural: Its Authorship and date |
Merumandirapuranam |
Minor Didactic Works |
Miscellaneous Works |
Naladiyar |
Nilakesi: its Analysis |
Perunkathai |
Preface (first edition) |
Prof. A. Chakravarti (A Biography) |
Silappadikaram: Its Author and contents |
Sripurana |
Tamil Lexicons |
Three Sangams and Jaina Influence |
Tolkappiyam and its commentaries |
Works on Prosody and Grammar |
Jaina Monastic Jurisprudence |
Deo, Shantaram Bhalchandra |
BThe Custodian of Monastic Jurisprudence |
Laws of Jurisprudence and their Working |
The Background to Monastic Jurisprudence |
Transgressions and Punishments |
Jaina Monuments of India |
Ramchandran, T. N. |
Jaina Iconography |
Jaina Painten Manuscript Covers |
Metal Images |
North India |
Painting |
South India |
Jaina Monuments of Orissa |
Mohapatra, R. P. |
Background and Tradition |
Bibliography |
Foreword |
History of Jainsim of Orissa |
Index |
Jaina Arcitecture of Orissa |
Jaina Art of Orissa |
Jaina Icongraphy of Orissa |
List of Abbreviations |
List of Illustrations |
Preface |
Survey of Jaina Monuments of Orissa |
Jaina Moral Doctrine |
Bhattacharya, Satya, Hari |
6. Chapter IV Opposition To Immorality |
7. Chapter V Cardinal Virtues |
Jaina Paintings Vol II |
Nawab, Sarabhai |
Description of the Colured Plates |
Description of the Ilustrated manuscripts |
Description of the Plates |
Miniatures in the Paper Period |
Jaina Psychology |
Jain, C. R. |
A Train of Thought |
Association of ideas |
Attention |
Dreams and Visions |
Ethics |
Faith |
Free will and Predestination |
Inhibition |
instincts |
Intellect |
Lesiyas |
Material Parallelism |
Memory and Recollection |
Motor Mechanisms |
Omniscience |
Passions |
Pleasure and Pain |
Preface |
Recognition |
soul an Intelligent Substance |
The Central Organ of the Mind |
The Jnanavaraniya Cover |
The Lotus of the Heart |
The Nature of Knowledge |
The Orgaizing Forces of the Gody |
The Soul |
The Subconscious |
The Will |
Varieties of Sensation |
Jaina Psychology |
Mehta, Lal, Mohan |
Apprehension and comprehension as identical |
Causes of bondage and liberation |
Chance |
Cognition as one of the attributes of living being |
Consciousness and cognition |
Consciousness as the essential characteristic of soul |
Determinism and freedom of will |
Differentiation of apprehension and comprehension |
Indeterminate cognition and Indian schools of psychology |
Intensity of fruition |
Introspection and observation |
Jaina account of karma |
Jaina account of sense-organs |
Jaina conception of indeterminite congnition |
Karma: The Basis of Jaina Psychology |
Law of Karma |
Length of duration |
Matter |
Meaning of karma |
Modern psychology on indeterminate cognition |
Nature |
Nature and functions of sense-organs |
Nature of karma |
Physical sense-organs |
Pre-dermination |
Quantity of karmic matter |
Realisitic account of apprehension |
Sensory and Mental Comprehension |
Simultaneity of apprehensiion and comprehension |
Some other theories |
Soul as the principle of consciousness |
Successive occurrence of apprehension and comprehension |
Temporal relation between apprehension and comprehension |
Time |
Various states of karma |
Jaina Psychology |
Metha, Lal, Mohan |
Activity and its control |
Anger |
Animal beings |
Apprehension and comprehension |
Arguments for the existence of omniscience |
Auspicious conduct |
Austerity |
Bibliography |
Categories of non-verbal comprehension |
Cause of feeling |
Celestial state of life |
Clairvoyance |
Clairvoyance |
Classes of beings |
Classes of beings |
Co-existence of emotions |
Co-existence of emotions |
Co-existence of pleasure and pain |
Cognition |
Conclusion and Recapitulation |
Conditions of the control |
Conquest of affliction |
Contact-awareness and object-apprehension |
Contemplation |
Control of activity |
Deceit |
Denizens of hell |
Differentiation of non-verbal and verbal comprehension |
Differneces of emotion, attitude, and activity |
Eight stages of self-realization |
Eightfold path of self-realisation |
Emotion |
Extra-sensory perception |
Extra-Sensory Perception |
Fear |
Feeling and the omniscient |
Feeling and the omniscient |
Feeling as a positive experience |
Greed |
Human state of existence |
Index |
Individual immortality |
Jaina account of extra-sensory perception |
Jaina account of karma |
Jaina account of transmigration |
Karma and soul |
Kinds of meditation |
Laughter |
Liking, disliking, and disgust |
Meaning of karma |
Meditation |
Memory and its process |
Mental activity |
Mild emotions |
Mind |
Moral virtue |
Motor organs |
Nature of activity |
Nature of emotions |
Nature of meditaion |
Non-verbal sensory and mental comprehension |
Omniscience |
Omniscience |
Perception |
Physical activity |
Physical austerity |
Physical senses |
Pleasure and pain |
Position of mind |
Pride |
Principle of consciousness |
Problem of contact |
Progression and retrogression |
Psychical research on extra-sensory perception |
Quasi-passions: |
Reasoning |
Reasoning |
Recognition |
Recollection |
Recollection and recognition |
Retention |
Role of mortification |
Self-regulation |
Sensation |
Sense-feeling |
Sense-Feeling and Emotion |
Sense-object-contact |
Sense-organs |
Sensory and mental comprehension |
Sex drive |
Sex-drive |
Significance of the doctrine of karma |
Some objections to rebirth |
Sorrow |
Speculation |
Strong emotions |
Telepathy |
Temporal relation between apprehension and comprehension |
Tlepathy |
Transmigration |
Transmigration |
Types of sense-feeling |
Typws of strong emotions |
Varieties of attitude |
Verbal comprehension |
Verbal comprehension |
Vocal activity |
Jaina Religion and Philosophy |
Sastri, Muni, Devendra, Sri, Vacaspati, Sahitya |
A Glossory of Jian Technical Terms |
A Major Religion |
After Lord Mahavira |
Anekantvada |
Appendix |
Art |
Atmavada (A doctrine of soul) |
Bhasyas |
Cheda Sutras |
Conclusion |
Curnis |
Discrimination in Food (Ahara Viveka) |
God’s doing (Isvara-kartrtva) |
Gunasthana |
Introduction |
Jaian-Dharma: Historical Introduction: |
Jaina Culture: |
Jaina Dharma: |
Jaina Literature |
Jaina Literature |
Jaina Literature in apbhransa language |
Jaina literature in Gujrati language |
Jaina literature in Hindi and other languages |
Jaina literature in Kannad language |
Jaina literature in Marathi language |
Jaina literature in Rajasthan language |
Jaina Literature in Sanskrit Language |
Jaina literature in Tamil language |
Jaina literature in Telgu language |
Jaina Metaphysics |
Jaina Philosophy |
Jaina yoga |
Karmavada) The Doctrine of Karma) |
Lesya |
Lokasthiti (The world situation) |
Lord (Bhagvan Rsabhadeva |
Lord Mahavira |
Mahamantra Navkar |
Naya |
Niksepa |
Niryuktis |
Patimayen |
Penance |
Pramana (Source and Proof of knowledge |
Samanvaya (unity and equainimty of all) |
Samllekahna-Santhara |
Saptabhamgi (Seven-modalities) |
SDatdravya (The sic substances) |
Some special Rules to be observed by the Jaina Saints |
Special Jaina Festivals (Visista Jaina Parva) |
Sramana-Dharma the ideal of a renunciate |
Sravaka Dharm- The Role of a good house-holder |
Tatva-vada (Fundamentalism) |
Ten Sraman Dharmas |
The eight karmas |
The Historical form of Jaina-Dharma |
The Importance of Jainism |
The Jaina Ethical Principles |
The other twenty two Tirthankaras |
The six essantials (Sadavasyaka) |
The use of the word Jain-Dharma”” |
The vows of Sravaka |
Thirthy five qualities of a follower of the Path-Marganusari |
Tirthankara |
Tirthankara Parsva Nath |
Twelve meditaions (Dvadasa Bhavnayen) |
Upanga |
Uttarvada |
Jaina Sutras Part II |
Jacobi, Hermann |
A monk encounters many difficulties |
Another school of Materialists and the forerunners of the Vaiseshikas |
Ardraka; (his dispute with Gosala, a Buddhist, a Vedi priest, a Vedantin, and a Hastitapasa) |
Carefulness. (Smemore injunctions and prohibitons) |
Conclusion |
Death against (and with) one’s will |
Description fo the wicked. (No living beings should be destroyed; no merit in ablutions and tending the sacrificial fire. A monk should not be selfish) |
Description of the hells |
Exhortation to follow the true Law |
Fatalists, Agnosticas, Kriyavadins, Buddhists |
Freedom from error; (what should be maintained and what not) |
Harikesa, (a kandala, turned monk; his victory over a Brahman, who he converts) |
He easily desponds. The opinion refuted that amonk should not provide a sick brother with food |
He is tempted back to domestic life |
How they treat him afterwards |
How women tempt a monk |
Impurity (Carefulness required for obtaining the end) |
Index of Names and Subjects |
Index of Sanskrit and Prakrit Words |
Introduction |
Ishukara. (A legend, illustrating the excellence of a monastic life0 |
Kesi and Gautama. (The followers of Parsva are brought over to the church of Mahavira) |
Kitra and Sambhuta. (A dialogue on the vanity of worldly pleasures) |
Knowledge of food (On the generation of living beings) |
Knowledge of women |
Kspilas’s verses (in praise of good conduct) |
Materialist, Vedantins, other materialists, Akriyavadins, forerunners of the Vaiseshikas, Bauddhas, Ganayas |
Mode of life. (Alist of articles of the Gaina faith according to the number of ther sub-divisions) |
Nalanda.(Udaka, a follower of Parsva, is converted by Gautama) |
On activity |
On discipline (especially for pupils) |
On exertions (Exertion not leading to workds recommended) |
On Lesya |
On living beings and things without life. |
On troules. (About the twenty-two things that cause trouble to monks) |
Pauranikas, the followers of Gosala, Vainayikas |
Praise of Mahavira |
Rathanemi. (The renunciations of Arishtanemi his wife Rajimati exhorts Rathanemi0 |
Refutation of the 363 heretical philosophical schools |
Renunciation of activity. (An action is isnful though it be done unconsciously) |
Right conduct of monks, and of laymen |
Samudrapala, (turned monk. On the duties of a monk.) |
Sangaya (KIng S. turned monk; he preaches that the state of amonk is preferable to taht of a king; illustrations form Gaina history) |
Second Book |
Several objections removed |
Some more wicked practices |
Some popular beliefs, Conclusion |
Some wicked practices described |
Sutrakritanga |
The bad bullocks (compared to bad pupils by Garga) |
The bad Sramana; (what a monk should avoid) |
The causes of carelessness; (what excites the passions and produces Karman) |
The correct behaviour (of monks during the several parts of day and night) |
The creed. (On the four heresies: Agnosticism, Vinanyavada, Akiriyavada, Kriyavada |
The destruction fo Karman; (how to lead a holy life) |
The doctrine. (On some heretical doctrines) |
The exertion in righteousness. (On the fundamental principles of Gainism) |
The exertion in righteousness. (On the fundamental principles of Gainism) |
The exertion in righteousness. (On the seventy-three articles necessary for reaching perfection) |
The false ascetic (Wrong conduct leads to perditionm, right conduct to salvation) |
The fatalists |
The four requisites (for the attainment of beatitude |
The great duty of the Nirgranthas (A dialogue between king Srenika and a monk on the happiness obtained by righteousness.The bad monk is lost) |
The houseless monk (The chief duties of a monk) |
The knowledge of troubles |
The Law. (Wat amoonk should astain from) |
The leaf of the tree. (A sermon by Mahavira on the punishment of the sinner and the reward of the righteous) |
The Lotus. (The parable of the Lotus.) |
The Materialisits |
The nature of Karman, (and the subdivisions of it) |
The Nirgrantha. (The same subject continued) |
The parable of the ram, &C. (illustrative of the folly of the sinner who misses his chance of reaching a more exalted state of existence) |
The Path. (The same subject continued and concluded) |
The Pravragya of king Nami. (A dialouge between him and Indra who advised him to retain the royalty) |
The real truth. (Some duties of a pious monk) |
The road of penance. (On external and internal austerities) |
The road to final deliverance. (On the fundamental principles of Gainism) |
The road to final deliverane. (On the fundamental principles of Gainaism) |
The Samitis (and the Guptis) |
The son of Mriga (On the punishment in the hells) |
The song. (On the virtues of a true monk) |
The ten conditions of perfect chasity |
The true monk; (how he should conduct himself) |
The true sacrifice. (Gayaghosha, the monk, converts Vigayaghosha, the Brahman) |
The twelve kinds of committing sin, and sinless actions |
The Vedantins |
The very learned (monk; his virtues and his superiority) |
The Ymakas. (Miscellaneous topics treated in artificial verses) |
Transliteration of Oriental Alpabets adopted for the Translations of the Sacred Books of the East |
Uttaradhyayana |
Jaina Temples of Western India |
Singh, Harihar |
Abbreviations |
Acknowledgments |
Historical and Cultural Background |
Indo-Greek Period |
Ksatrapa Period |
List of Illustrations |
Mauryan Period |
Political Situation |
Pre-historic and Proto-historic Period |
Pre-Mauryan Period |
Preface |
Jaina View of Life |
Kalghati, T. G. Dr. |
A note on Ahimsa |
A note on Samlekhana |
A note on the theory of Lesya |
A priori way leading to Absolutism far removed from the common sense |
Ahimsa as Mahavrata and Anuvrata |
Analysis of fourteen Gunsthanas |
Analysis of the Nayas |
Anuvratas, gunavratas and siksavratas |
Approach to Reality |
Avasykas |
Bahiratman Antaratman and Paramatman |
Cetna |
Compared with distinction between `Me’ and `I’ of William James |
Concept of man in philosophy |
Concept of Mind |
Conception of soul in philosophy |
Consciousness |
Considered from noumenal and phenomenal point of view |
Considered from the noumenal and the phenomenal point of view |
Criticism of theory |
Critique of Knowledge |
Development of theory of Anekanta |
Dhayana |
Divinity of Man |
Dravya manas and Bhava manas |
Eleven Pratimas |
Empiricist way |
Epilogue |
Ethical codes analysed |
Freedom of soul from Samsara |
Gunasthana as stages in the spiritual progress |
Historical perspective |
Historical Survey |
Historical Survey |
Human values |
Human values |
In this our Life |
Instrumental Nature of Mind |
Interpretation of Ahimsa |
Introduction to Approach to Reality |
Jaina Arguments against the existence of Creator God |
Jaina Concept of Jiva |
Jaina conception of Moksa |
Jaina Ethics |
Jaina Mysticism |
Jaina theory of Karma |
Jaina theory of soul |
Jaina theory of Soul |
Jaina theory of the Soul |
Jaina Yoga compared with Patanjali Yoga |
Karma to explain provident inequalities in Life |
Leading Philosophy to the brink of Extinction |
Logical Positivism |
Mahavratas, Samitis, five types of sense control, |
Man in Physical and social environment |
Manah paryaya and Kevala as supersense experience |
Manah paryaya and Kevala as supersense experience |
Meaning of Anekanta |
Meaning of Karma |
Meaning of Philosophy |
Men or Gods |
Mind as a quasisense organ |
Moksa is an ideal |
Nature of Divinity in Jaina philosophy |
Nature of Knowledge |
Nature of Man |
Nature of sense perception |
Nayavada |
Need for physical and mental discipline |
Need for the present day |
No place for Divine Grace |
Operation of karma |
Origin and development of Karma theory |
Philosophy in India |
Potter’s View and Jung’s Interpretation analysed |
Problem of the soul and Karma Analysed |
Psychological Analysis of Dhyana |
Right Understanding – some hurdles |
Samayaktcaritra as Munidharma and Sravakdharma |
Samayaktva |
Samlekhana as a form of Suicide refuted |
Sayadvada analysed |
Sayadvada as a logical expression of Nayavada |
Seat of the soul classification of Samsari Jivas |
Self consciousness |
Sense and Supersense Experience |
Some criticism of the theory discussed |
Some Observations |
Some observations on the basis of modern researches in Parapsychology |
Soul’s entanglement in the wheel of Karma |
Sravakadharma |
Stages of Sense perception |
Stages of Yoga |
State of the Liberated soul |
Supersense experience and experience |
Synoptic Philosophy |
The Doctrine of Karma in Jaina Philosophy |
The End as Moksa |
The final stage |
The Jains attitude as empiricist and realistic |
The Pathway to Perfection |
The phases of mind |
The spirit of Anekanta pervading the Jaina Ethics |
The spirit of Anekanta pervading the problems of Life and experience |
The way out to be found in the synoptic philosophy as expressed in the Anekanta View of the Jainas |
Types of Dhyana |
Types of Karma |
Upayoga as characteristic of soul |
Yoga and Siva yoga compared |
Jaina Yakshas |
Sharma, J. P. |
Conclusion to Yakshas |
Introduction to Yaksas |
Yakshas as Guardians of the Jinas |
Yakshas in the Bhuddhist Literature |
Yakshas in the Early Jaina Sources |
Yakshas in the Hindu Sources |
Authors – Digambara Sampradaya |
Authors – Svetambara Sampradaya |
Categories of food |
Categories of Sravakas |
Dhayana |
Pramada |
Pratikaramana and Alocana |
Pratyakhayana |
Ratri bhojana |
Samyaktva and mithyatva |
Svadhyaya |
Tapas |
The Abhaksyas |
The Ananta-kayas |
The Anartha-danda-vrata |
The Anupreksas |
The Aparigraha-vrata |
The Asatanas |
The Bhavanas |
The Bhogopabhogo parimana vrata |
The Brahama Vratas |
The Caitya |
The Caitya vandana |
The Dana vrata |
The Desavakasika vrata |
The Dig Vrata |
The Dina – carya |
The Gatis |
The Kalas |
The Kayotsarga |
The Kriyas |
The Mula-gunas |
The Namaskara |
The Necessary Duties |
The Posadhopavasa vrata |
The Pratimas |
The Professions |
The Puja |
The Ratna – Traya |
The Samayika vrata |
The Seven Vyasanas |
The Sravaka gunas |
The vandanaka |
The Vratas |
The Yatra |
Vinaya and Vaiyavrttya |
Jaina-Rupa-Mandana |
Shah, Umakant |
Devadhideva-Tirthankara |
Four Mour Popular Yaksinis |
Iconography of 24 Tirthankaras |
Index |
Introduction |
Kulakaras and Salakapurusas |
List of Plates with Acknowledgements |
Notes on the Jaina Pantheon |
Origin of the Jina-Image and the Jivantasvami Pratima |
Panca-Paramesthis |
Parents of the Tirthankaras |
Preface |
Sasana-Devatas |
Jainism |
Granthmala, Navjivan |
Jainism and World Peace |
Principles of Jainism |
The Jain Notion of the Soul |
Jainism |
Talib, Singh, Gurbachan |
Foreward |
I. Historical Survey of Jainism |
II. Jaina Philosophy |
III. Jaina Faith and Morals |
Jiana Monastic Discipline |
Our Contributors |
V. Jaina yoga and Mysticism |
VI. Jaina Literature and Arut |
Jainism ( Some Essays ) |
Malvania, Dalsukh D. |
A Note on Lord Mahavira’s Clan |
Bhagvan Buddha and Bhagvan Mahavira |
Bhagvan Mahavira Sramana Samskriti and God |
Bhaktimarga and Jainism |
Epithets of Lord Mahavira in Early Jaina Canon |
Fundamentals of the Jaina Code of Conduct |
Hindu Religion and Jaina Religion |
Jaina Religion |
Jaina Theory of Practice of Non-Violence |
Jainism and Buddhism |
Some of the Common Features in the Life-stories of the Buddha & Mahavira |
Theory of Manifold Aspects |
Jainism in a Nutshell |
Kirtichandera, Acharaya Sri |
Atma (Soul) |
is God a Creator of the Universe? |
Jain Dharma (Religion) |
Jain Layman |
Jain Monks |
Jain Religion as no beginning |
Karma (Law of Casation) |
knowledge and Conduct |
Modern Science |
Nocturnal Meals |
Penaces |
Six substances |
Some views of the great men |
Syadvada |
The most miraculous benedictoy hymm |
Worship of God |
Jainism in Early Medieval Karnataka |
Singh, Ram Bhusan Prasad |
Idol Worship and Tantrism |
Origin and Growth of Jaina Monachism in Karnataka |
Religious Rituals and practices of the Jaina in Karnataka |
Sources |
Jainism in North India (800 B. C. – 526 A. D.) |
Shah, Chamanlal J. |
A gradual change in the history of Indian thought and outlook on life |
A Great flourish of religion in India |
Ascetic career of Mahavira |
Connection between the Jaina church of Parsva and Mahavira |
Early references to Jainism in Buddhist Literature |
Exchange of Embryo |
Grounds of Parsva historicity |
Increasing Influence of the Brahamans and the privileges of the caste system |
Indication of the term Jainism |
Jainism before Mahavira |
Jainism in general |
Jinas the spiritual leader of the Jains |
Jiva, Ajiva, Punya, Papa, Asrava, Samvara, Nirjara, Moksa |
Life of Mahavira |
Mahavira and His times |
Mahavira comes two hundred and fifty years after Parsva |
Mahavira’s nudity and the interpretation of the Jaina canon |
Mahavira’s parents are worshippers of Parsva and followers of Sramanas |
Mahavira’s wanderings covered a wide area |
Modern scholars on the antiquity of Jainism |
No anti-Brahaman prejudices at the root of this great revolution |
Origin of Jainism |
Origin of the world according to the Jainas |
Parsva and Mahavira considered historical personages |
References to Jainism in Hindu literature |
Some details about Parsva |
The date of Mahavira’s Nirvana |
Traditional claim to Antiquity higher than modern criticism admits |
Virtual ending with with Mahavira and Buddha of the abuse begotten of the privileges of the caste system |
Jainism in North India (800 B. C. – 526 A. D.) |
Shah, Chimanlal J. |
A lacuna of two hudred and fifty years |
A mania why Jainism is still a living sect |
Absence of all data from Parsva to Mahavira |
After Kharavela comes Vikramaditya of Ujjain |
All these clans had directly or indirectly come under the influence of Mahavira’s Teaching |
An absolved soul said to enjoy all the attributes of God |
Ayagopatas of Mathura |
Bhadrabahu the oldest commentator |
Caves of Orissa- their artistic importance etc. |
Certain characteristics of Indian art in general |
Commentatorial works called the Nijjuttis or Niryuktis |
Contents of Inscription |
Dated and undated Kushana inscription |
Dharmadasagani the contemporary of Mahavira |
Dhruvasena I, the fourth in the Vallabhi list, and the end of the unrecorded period of Jaina history |
Different Dynasties that rule over Magadha and the Jaina church |
Digambara belief regarding the Svetambara canon |
Doctrine of Syadvada or Anekantavada |
Dr. Barua and the Ajivika sect of Gosala |
Empire of Magadha and its importance in the llight of Jaina history |
Epigraphic evidence of the sympathy of the Guptas toward the Jainas |
Era of Vikrama and Siddhasena Divakara |
Extent of the Gupta Empire |
Final separation about the period of the great council at vallabhi |
Four Mulasutra |
Fourteen Purvas |
Gardhabhilla, the predecessor of Vikrama, and Kalikacarya |
General unanimity about the priod of schism |
Gosala Mankhaliputta the most prominent rival of Mahavira |
Gosala’s influence on the formulation of the reformed church of Mahavira |
Grounds in favour of the Svetambara |
Historical background from the Kushanas down to the advent of the Guptas |
Historical Importance of this fragmentary evidence |
Ideal of Ahimsa |
Importance of Orissa in the light of Jaina history |
Indication of the term Tirthankara |
Introductory Remarks |
Jaina Art in the North |
Jaina Literature of the North |
Jaina literature the only data for the period of Parsva |
Jainism finds its best expression in Architecture |
Jainism in Kalinga Desa |
Jainism in Kalinga Desa is Jainism of the days of Kharavela |
Jainism in Royal Families 800 B.C. – 200 B.C. |
Kharavela and the Jaina religion |
Language of the canon |
Mathura Inscriptions |
Mathura inscriptions and their importance in the light of the history of the Jaina church |
Mathura inscriptions connected with the satraps of Mathura |
Mathura Sculptures and the great schism |
Ornamental slab showing Nemesa’s feat |
Padaliptacarya and the traditions connected with him |
Prominence given to Parsva |
Relative position of Mankhaliputta in the great wave of religious enthusiasm in India |
Rise of the vallabhis and the end of the Guptas |
Root cause of schism : Is nudity a necessary condition of saintship |
Royal patronage in the days of Parsva |
Ruins neighboring the Hathigumpha insciption |
Saint Kalka and Satayana and Pratishthanapura |
Samyag-Darsana (Right Belief), Samyag-jnana (Right knowledge) and samak-charitra (Right conduct) |
Siddhasena Divakara and his times |
Siddhasena Divakara and Pudaliptacarya the outstanding luminaries of Jaina history |
Six Chedasutra |
Some of the archetectural and pictorial remains beyond our period |
Some of the most important scisms of the Jaina church |
State of Jainism during the Gupta period |
State of religion during Gupta period |
Ten Painnas |
The Ajivika sect from an historical point of view |
The Barabhuji, Trisula and Lalatendu-kesar’s caves |
The chief points on which the two divisions do not agree |
The date of Gosala’s death |
The days of Mahavira |
The eight lines of the insriptions and the date of Kharavela |
The epoch of Parsva |
The father Siddartha |
The Ganarajas of Kasi-Kosala |
The Ganarajas of Kasi-Kosala |
The Hathigupha Insciptions |
The Hathigupha inscriptions the only historical source for Kharavela |
The Idolatrous sect and other minor divisions in the Jaina chuch |
The Institution of relic worship in form of Stupa and that of Idolatry among the Jainas |
The Jaina Temple on the Khandagiri Hill |
The Jainas and the cult of nudity |
The Jainas and the cult of Nudity |
The Jayavijaya, Swargapuri, Tiger and Serpent cave |
The Jnatrikas |
The Jnatrikas |
The Jnatrikas |
The Khandagiri and Udagiri Hills sculptured in 2nd or 3rd cent. B.C. |
The Kuvalayamala tradition and the Jaina chronicle of the Gupta period |
The Licchavi |
The Mallakins |
The Mallakins |
The Mauryas |
The Nandas |
The Rani and Ganesa caves |
The Rani and Ganesa Caves |
The remains in Mathura |
The Saisunagas |
The Satbakhra, Navamuni and Ananta caves |
The Second Epoch making division in the Jaina church |
The seven Ninhagas or Ninhavas – Jamali, Tisagutta, Asadha, Asvamitra, Ganga, Chalue, and Goshtamahila |
The Siddhanta of the Jainas |
The sixteen Mahajanapadas and the Jaina church |
The Svetambara and Digambara sect of the Jainas |
The Vajjis |
The Vajjis |
The Videhans |
The Videhans , Licchavis, the Jinarikas and the Ganarajas of Kasi-Kosla |
The Vodva Stupas built by the Gods |
Those of our period |
Tirthakaras and Kevalins or Samanya-Siddha |
Torana sculptures of Mathura |
Traditional literature of the Jainas and the reality of Vikrama and his era |
Twelve Angas |
Twelve Upangas |
Two disciplines of Samayika and Pratikarmana |
Two distinct divisions not in existence till the beginnig of the christiana Era |
Two Isolated Texts |
Umasvati and his works |
Various traditions about the schism |
Jainism in Rajasthan |
Jain, K. C. |
Account of the Greek writers of western India |
Agarvala Caste |
Alankaras |
Astronomical works |
Bhamasaha, the savior of Mewar |
Bilaner and Jaina Statesmen |
Brihad Gachchha , Kharatara Gachchha, Tapa Gachchha…Kula Gachchha |
Canonical and Philosophical Works |
Chandra Gachchha, Nagendra Gachchha,..Gachchhas named after influential persons |
Characteristics of the Kushana and Gupta Jaina Images |
Charitras and Puranas |
Chaturmukha and Samavasarana Style of Architecture |
Chitoda and Nagada Castes |
Contribution of merchants and bankers |
Contributions of Jainism to Rajasthan |
Decorations |
Decorative Statues |
Destruction caused by Muslims |
Devotion of Kriparama towards his master |
Dharkata Vamsa |
Dieties |
Different Gachcha Bhandara |
Different types of Metal Images |
Difficulty of knowing exact Jaina Literature composed in Rajasthan |
Diplomacy and Loyalty of Indraraja |
Divisions and Subdivisions of Jainism |
Dravida Samgha |
Epics |
Epigraphy |
Farsightedness of Mehta Devichanda |
Foundation of the Western school by Sringadhara |
Gachachas originated from Sirohi, Marwar, Mewar States etc. |
Gegraphical works |
General Characteristics of Jaina Images |
Gotras of Osavalas, Territorial, Occupational, after personal names, Kulas, after actions and Srimalis |
Gotras of Srimalis, Poravalas |
Grammar |
Granthabhandaras of Beawar |
Granthabhandaras of Bundi |
Granthabhandaras of Dablani |
Granthabhandaras of Jain Temple Badadhada, Ajmer |
Granthabhandaras of Jodhpur city |
Granthabhandaras of Kotah |
Granthabhandaras of Maroth |
Granthabhandaras of Nainva |
Granthabhandaras of Phalodhi |
Granthabhandaras of Todarasingh |
Granthabhandaras of Tonk |
Granthabhandaras of Udaipur |
Hambada Caste |
Haribhadra |
Harishima as an administrator |
Harsagara Jnanabhandaras of Lohavata |
Hemachandra |
Heroic and Philonthropic deeds of Muhanota Jayamala |
Hindu Gods and Goddesses |
Hiravijayasuri |
Historical & political Works |
Historical Role of Jainism |
Historical writings |
Illustrated manuscripts |
Images of donors and patrons |
In the time of Mahavira |
Installation ceremonies of Images |
Jaina Architecture |
Jaina Architecture through the ages |
Jaina Arts |
Jaina granthabhandaras of Jaisalmer |
Jaina Iconography |
Jaina Literature |
Jaina Literature valuable from the point of view of Philosophy |
Jaina Monks |
Jaina Monks and Statesmen |
Jaina Painting |
Jaina Plastic Art |
Jaina Sastrabhandaras |
Jaina Statesman |
Jaina Statesmen of Jaipur |
Jaina Temples of the eight , ninth, and tenth centuries |
Jainism during the Gupta period |
Jainism during the Kushana period |
Jainism during the period of Mahavira |
Jainism in Alwar state |
Jainism in Jaipur states |
Jainism in Jodhpur and Bikaner states |
Jainism in Sirohi State |
Jainism in the different States of Rajasthan |
Jainism in the Kota States |
Jainism in the States of Dugarpur, Banswara, and Pratapagarh |
Jainism under Chauhanas |
Jainism under surasena |
Jainism under surasena |
Jainism under the Chavadas and Solankis |
Jainism under the Mauryas |
Jainism under the Pramaras |
Jainism under the Rajputs |
Jainism under the Rathors of Hathundi |
Jainism under the rulers of Jaisalmer |
Jainism under the Scythias |
Jinachandra |
Jinadatasuri |
Jinakusalasuri |
Jinesvarasuri |
Jinevallabhasuri |
Kashtha Samgha |
Kashtha Samgha in Rajasthan |
Kathakosas |
Kathas and Kathanakas |
Kavyas, Mahakavyas, and other small poems |
Khandelavala Caste |
Kharatara Gachchha , Tapa Gachchha … in Sirohi State, Jodhpur state… |
Letters and documents |
Lexicography |
Literary works |
Literature |
Lonka sect, Sthanakvasi sect, Terapanthi sect, Taranapanthi sect, Gomanapanthi sect, Bisapanthi sect; Castes and Gotras in Rajasthan |
Loyalty of Dhanaraja |
Loyalty of Mehta Chilaji |
Mehta Agarachanda as a diplomat and Statesman |
Military and Philanthropic Deeds of Karmachandra |
Military and philanthroptic deeds of Dayaladasa |
Miniatures in the paper period |
Minor Protestants and non-protestant sects |
Modern Jaina Architecture |
Monuments |
Muhanota Nainasi as an administrator |
Mula Samgha |
Mula Samgha in Rajasthan |
Nagaur Granthabhandaras |
Narasimhapura and Jaisavala Castes |
Narrative Illustrations |
No Samgha in early period |
Osavalas |
Other Bhandaras |
Other Medieval Jain Temples |
Padmanandi, Sakalakirti, Bhuvanakirti, Juanabhushana and Bhattarakas of Ajmer, Chitor, Nagaur Patta, Ajmer Patta, Chityavasi system in Rajasthan |
Painted wooden covers |
Paintings on Cloth |
Paliavala Caste |
Panchatatra Literature |
Pattavallis |
Prasastis |
Rasas |
Ratnasimha as a warrior |
Rayachanda as a diplomat |
Record of the Muslim visitors about Jainism in western India |
Record of Yuanchawang |
Regional Gotras, Occupational Gotras, Titles Surnames, Bhagervala Caste, |
Restoration of the kingdom of Amber by Ramachandra |
Restoration of the kingdom to Kalayanasimha by the effort of Nagaraja |
Revival of Jaina Architecture from fifteenth century |
Rich narrative Literature of the Jainas |
Samasera as a general |
Samgha, Gana, and Gachchha |
Sanghi Jhotarama as a diplomat |
Sastrabhandaras of Jhalrapatan |
Scientific and Technical Literature |
Share of the Jaina monks in founding them |
Shastrabhandaras of Basava |
Shastrabhandaras of Bayana |
Shastrabhandaras of Deeg |
Shastrabhandaras of Duni |
Shastrabhandaras of Jaina temples, Vair |
Shastrabhandaras of Kama |
Shelter to Prince Udaisimha by Asasaha |
Siddarshi |
Sivijilala as administratorand warrior |
Some peculiar features of Jaina Architecture |
Srimodha Caste |
Statues of Acharyas |
Stone Images |
Sub-branches of Kharatara Gachchhas, Gachchhas of Marwar, Jaisalmer, Jaipur, Mewar, and Samghas & Ganas in Digambaras |
Suppression of Refractories by Amarchanda Surana |
Svetambara and Digambara |
Temples as the seats of learning |
The golden age in Jaina Architecture |
The Illustrated palm-leaf manuscript |
The Patronage of kings and ministers |
Tirthamalas |
Tirthastavanas |
Udaipur and Jaina Statesmen |
Udayana |
Under Pratiharas |
Underground Temples |
Vadisridevasuri |
Vamsavalis |
Vastupala |
Vastupala, Jodhpur |
Vastupala, Jodhpur |
Vijayarama Chhabara as a diplomat |
Vijnaptipatras |
Vijnaptipatras |
Vimala |
Warlike deeds of Vimaladasa |
Why Sastrabhandaras in Rajasthan have survived |
Works on Mathematics |
Works on Medicine |
Worship of Yantras |
Writings of foreigners |
Jainism The Path of Purity and Peace |
Oldfield, Ken |
An Outline of Jain History |
Further reading for Teachers and Pupils |
Jain Art and Architecture |
Jain Life-styles |
Jains in Britan |
Non-violence- The Universal and Eteranl Law |
Taking a Jain World-view |
The Life of Mahavira |
Why Study Jainism? |
Jainism, Non-Violence and Vegetarianism |
Salgia, Tansukh J. Dr. |
Jainism , Vegetarianism and Health |
Jainism in a Nutshell |
Vegetarianism and Medical Scientists |
Vegetarianism and Moral Thinkers |
Vegetarianism and Religions of the World |
Views on Jainism and Ahimsa |
Jeevan Vigyan |
Mahapragya, Yuvacharya |
Educatiion and the Problme of the Mind |
Jeevan Vigyan (The Science of Living) What? and Why? |
The Development of an Independent Personality |
The Problem of Education (I) |
The Problem of Education (II) |
The Science of Living and Experiments in Intuition |
The Science of Living and the Building of a New Generation |
The Science of Living: A New Dimension of Education |
The Science of Living: Its Basis and Process |
Why Teach the Science of Living? (I) |
Why Teach the Science of Living? (II) |
Jnanasara |
Yashovijayaji Mahopadhyaya |
Abandoning of Possesion |
Anatmasansa |
Anubhavah |
Aversion to Worldly Existence |
Aversion World-Consciousness |
Avoidance of self-praise |
Bhavapuja |
Bhavodvegah |
Colophan |
Conclusion |
Contents |
Correct Knowledge |
Descrimination |
Desirelessness |
Dhyanam |
Experience |
Fearlessness |
Indriyajayah |
Introduction |
Jnanam |
Karmavipaka-cintanam |
Knowledge |
Kriya |
Loksamjna-tyagah |
Madhyasthata |
Magnata |
Maunam |
Meditation |
Mohatyagah |
Neutrality |
Nirbhayata |
Nirlepata |
Niyagah |
Non-Delusion |
Non-Greasiness |
Parigraha-tyagah |
Penance |
Perfection |
Philosophical Insight |
Prasastih |
Purnata |
Religious Activities |
Renunciation |
Sacrifice |
Samah |
Sarvanayasrayah |
Sarvasamrddhih |
Sastram |
Satiety |
Scriptures |
Self-absorption |
Silence |
Stability |
Sthirata |
Synthesis of All View-Points |
Tapah |
Tattvadrstih |
The victory over sense-organs |
Thoughts on Maturing of the Karmas |
Total Prosperity |
Tranquility |
Trptih |
Tyagah |
Upasamharah |
Vidya |
Visayakrama-nirdesh |
Vivekah |
Worship |
Yoga |
Yogah |
Kalpa Sutra |
Lalwani, K. C. |
Arhat Aristanemi |
Arhat Parsva |
Arhat Rsbha |
Biographical Sketches of the Jinas |
List of Senior Monks |
Notes and Comments |
On Twentu Tirthankaras |
Presciption for the Parjusana |
Sramana Bhagawan Mahavira |
Karma Philosophy in Jainism |
Chandrashekharvijayji, Muni Shri |
Atom |
Bondage of Karma |
Causes and Bondage of Karma |
Emancipation from the Bondage of Karma |
Energy of Matter |
Modern Science & Law of Karma |
Nature of Soul Orignal and Assumed |
Oddities and Eccentricities of Karma |
Soul , World and Karma |
Laghutattvasphota of Amrtacandrasuri |
Jaini, P, S. |
`Anushtupchand’ |
`Harinichand’ |
`Mandakranta’ |
`Matmyuramchand’ |
`Prahrshichand’ |
`Pushpitaya chand’ |
`Shardoolvikritchand’ |
`Totakchand’ |
`Vasanttilakavritam’ |
`Vashansthvritam’ |
`Viyoginichand’ |
‘Manjubhasani’ |
‘Upjativritam’ |
‘Vanshasthvritam’ |
Lectures on Jainism, Annual Lecture series #1 |
Tatia, Nathmal |
Asava |
Asceticism |
Atma as empirical and transcendental |
Attachment to life |
Bondage and Emancipation |
Buddist Asceticism |
Catuyama samvara |
Caujjama – dhamma |
Clusters of Concepts |
Definition and types of Dhyana |
Dhayana |
Fearlessness and friendship |
Greek Ascetism |
Hindu Asceticism |
In Christianity |
In Judaism |
In Non-Jaina thought |
In the Avesta |
In the Avesta |
In the classical period |
In the classical period |
Introduction to The Ascetism of Jaina |
Jaina Asceticism |
Japanese Asceticism |
Jnana and Darsana |
Later Thinkers |
Mysticism |
Nirvana |
Non-violence |
Orphism |
Orphism |
Pannana |
Pithy sayings |
Plato |
Pythagorianism |
Raudra Dhyana |
Reconciliation |
Renunciation |
Samdhi |
Samvara as Anekanta, Ahimsa and aparigraha |
Sarvanata |
The Anuyogadvaras and Niksepas |
The Arta Dhyana |
The Ascetism of Jaina |
The Classical period |
The Dharama Dhyana |
The Doctrine of Anekanta |
The five Mahavratas |
The Jaina Philosophy of Samvara |
The marga |
The Origin |
The place of Dhayana in Jainism |
The six external tapas |
The six external Tapas |
The six internal tapas |
The Sukla Dhyana |
The three stages |
The transition period |
Twelve types of Tapas |
Vital role of Samvara |
Life and Teachings of Lord Mahvira |
Jain, Kailashchand |
Life and Teachings of Lord Mahavira |
Abdication |
Administration of Justice |
Administrative Organisation, |
Adultery |
Agriculture |
Ajivika an Important Sect |
Ajja and Kottakiriya |
Ajnanavada |
Akriyavada |
Aquisition of Spells |
Arboriculture |
Archery |
Architecture |
Arts and Sciences |
Assesment and Collection |
Bhasa |
Bhutaamaha |
Birth |
Brahamanas |
Brahmi and Kharostri Scripts |
Building Industries |
Cane and Leaf Work |
Capital |
Cases |
Causes of Renunciation |
Causes of War |
Cavalry |
Centers of Learning |
Central Administration |
Ceremonies |
Chariots |
Children |
Choice by Divine Will |
Classification of the canon |
Co-wives |
Commerce |
Consecration Ceremony |
Consumption |
Course of Study |
Credit |
Crime and Punishment |
Cunni |
Currency |
Dance and Drama |
Distribution |
Doctrines |
Domestic Life |
Dreams |
Dress |
Dyes, Gums and Chemicals |
Economic Aspects |
Education and Learning |
Elephants |
Eleven Ganadharas |
Ethics of War |
Exchange |
Exports – Imports |
Famine |
Field Crops |
Fiscal Administration |
Flowers, Perfumes and Cosmetics |
Food |
Forms of Marriage |
Fortification |
Four Classes |
Funeral Obsequies |
Gandharva Marriage |
General Attitude towards Women |
Geographical Lexicon |
Geographical Material in the Jain Canon |
Gosala and his Association with Mahavira |
Guild Castes |
Hired Labourers |
Horticulture |
House |
Hunting |
Important Kings and Dynasties |
Indamaha |
Infantry |
Inland Trade |
Interest |
Introduction to Administrative Organisation, |
Introduction to Economic Aspects |
Introduction to Geographical Material in the Jain Canon |
Introduction to Important Kings and Dynasties |
Introduction to Religious Conditions |
Introduction to the Jain Canon |
Introductory to Social Conditions |
Ivory Work |
Jain Aryan Countries |
Jain Conception of the world |
Jain Monks and Magical Practices |
Jain Monks and Meat Eating |
Jain View of a Brahamana |
Jakkhamaha |
Judiciary and Justice |
Khandamaha |
King and Kingship |
Kings and Rulers |
Kriyavada |
Labor |
Land |
Language |
Leather Work |
Light and Fuel |
Local Government |
Love Affairs and Female Ascetic |
Low Professional Castes |
Luxuries |
Magic and Superstitions |
Mahavira |
Mahavira’s Itinerary |
Manners and Customs |
Manufactures |
Marriage |
Marriage by Purchase |
Marriage in Exchange |
Marriageable Age |
Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrology |
Meat Diet |
Medical Treatment |
Medicines, Diseases and Treatment |
Methods of Ploughing |
Military organisation |
Mining and Metallurgy |
Miscarriage |
Miscellaneous |
Modification in the Jain Canon |
Monasticism |
Mukundamaha |
Murder |
Music and Dancing |
Nagamaha |
Nijjutto |
Non Aryan Countries |
Non-Execution of the King’s order |
Omens and Superstions |
Organisation |
Other Centers |
Other Centers |
Other Kinds of Marriage |
Other Occupations |
Other Professions |
Other Religious Sects |
Other Schools and Sect |
Other Sources of Income |
Painting |
Parsvanatha – A historical personality |
Period of Pregnancy |
Political Disturbances |
Polygamy and Polyandry |
Popular Dieties |
Position of the Ganikas |
Position of Women |
Pottery |
Poultry |
Price |
Prisons |
Production |
Profits |
Prostitite |
Public Appearance of Women |
Purohita |
Rearing of Live-stock and Dairy -farming |
Redaction of the Jain Canon |
Relation between Kings and Princes |
Relations and Friends |
Religious Conditions |
Remarriage of a Widower |
Rent |
Residence |
Retrospect |
Robbery |
Royal Household |
Royal Officers |
Ruddamaha |
Sacrifice |
Sculpture |
Self Immolation |
Servants and Slaves |
Setthi |
Seventy-two Kalas |
Shrines and Temples of the Jakkhas (Jakkayayna |
Sickness |
Sivamaha |
Sixty-three Great Men |
Social Conditions |
Social Organisation |
Son-in-Law living in the House |
Sources of Revenue |
Sports and Amusements |
Student Life |
Study |
Succession by Primogeniture |
Succession of Sister’s son |
Svayamvara or Marriage |
Textiles – Weaving and Spinnig |
The Ajiviya Samanas |
The Antiquity of the canon |
The Arya and Anarya |
The Custom of Niyoga |
The Despised and the Untouchables |
The Eighteen Livis |
The Exegetical Literature on the canon |
The Family |
The Four gteat Schools |
The four-fold Army |
The Gahavais |
The Geruya or Parivrajaka Samanas |
The Hardships undergone by Samanas |
The History of Jain Sangh |
The Ideal of the Jain Samanas |
The Jain Canon |
The Jain Monks and their Dress |
The Khattiyas |
The lay Followers of Ajiviyas |
The Loss of Drstivada |
The other Side |
The Pioneers of Jain Order |
The Purvas |
The Renunciation Ceremonies |
The Royal Council and the Minister |
The Sakka Samanas |
The Samana Sangha |
The Samanas Nigganthas |
The Schisms |
The Svetambara and Digambara tradition |
The system of Transaction |
The Tavasa Samanas |
The Teachers and the Pupils |
The Twelve Cakaravartins |
The Twenty-four Tirthankars |
The Vijjaharas |
Their Privileges |
Thieves and Robbers |
Tika |
Transport |
Travelling |
Vesamanamaha |
Viceroyalty and Succession |
Vinayavada |
Wages |
Warfare |
Weapons |
Weights and Measures |
Western Scholars on the Dristivada |
Widow Remarriage |
Wine |
Women |
Women and Succession |
Workers in Metals |
Writing |
Mahavira and His Teachings |
`Komal’, Tara Singh |
Lord Mahavira (Poem) |
Alsdorf, L. |
Jaina Exegetical Literature and the History of the Jaina Canon |
Banerji, Adris |
The Age of Mahavira |
Basham, A. L. |
Mahavira , The Great Propounder of Jainism |
Bender, Ernest |
Towards a Lexicon of Old Gujarati |
Bruhn, Klaus |
Further Observations on the Iconography of the Parsvanatha |
Caillat, Colette |
Fasting unto Death according to Ayaranga-Sutta and to some Painnayas |
Chandra, K. R. |
Vardhamana Mahavira |
Deleu, J. |
Lord Mahavira and the Anyatirthikas |
Gajapathi, S. |
How it Works? |
Gopani, A. S. |
Thus spake Mahavira |
Jain, G. N. |
Hindu and Jaina Concepts of Mahapralaya versus Modern Science |
Jaini, Padmanabh S. |
Bhavyatva and Abhavyatva , A Jain Doctrine of Predestination |
Jhaveri, B. J. |
Consideration of Self in Jaina Philosophy |
Joshi, N. P. |
Jaina Metal Images in the State Museum, Lucknow |
Kremser, Leona Smith |
In Jainism, O Rejoice (Poem) |
Krishna, Anand |
FArther Eye in the East Indian and Nepalese Paintings |
Kulkarni, V. M. |
Niyativada (Predestination, Fatalism, Determinism): A Study |
Mirashi, V. V. |
Patronage to Jainism by the Silaharas of Kolhapur |
Mukerji, R. N. |
The Jaina Logic of Seven fold Predication |
Muthuccumaru, V. Dr. Miss |
Jivakacintamani, A Channel of Mahavira’s Teachings |
Nair, V. G. |
Aganthya |
Nair, V. G. |
Antiquity of Jainism in Tamilnad |
Nair, V. G. |
Art |
Nilakanta, K. A. |
The Ascendency and Eclipse of Bhagwan Mahavira’s Cult in the Tamil Land |
Norman, K. R. |
Kaviliyam: A Metrical Analysis of the Eighth Chapter of the Uttaradhyayana-Sutra |
Patel, K. M. |
Lord Mahavira and His Teachings |
Rau, Heimo |
Jainism and Influences from Western Social Riformers in Gandhiji’s Weltanschauung |
Sankalia, H. D. |
Earliest Jaina Inscription from Maharashtra |
Schwarzschild, L. A. |
Variant Forms of the Locative in Middle Indo-Aryan |
Shukla, D. N. |
Is Jainism an Opponent of Hinduism |
Sinha, Rashistha Narayan |
Concept of Substance in Jain Jainism |
Sinha, Shashi Bhushan Prasad |
Relevance of Jaina Ethics in the Present Age |
Sogani, Kamal Chand |
Jaina Mysticism |
Sternbach, Ludwik |
On Some Noncanonical Subhasita Collections in Jaina Literature |
Tripathi, Chandrabhal |
The Barasa Anuvekkha of Kundakunda |
Upadhye, A. N. Dr., Editor |
History |
Upadhye, A. N. Dr., Editor |
Mahavira |
Upadhye, A. N. Dr., Editor |
Philosophy |
Upadhye, A. N. Dr., Editor |
Religion |
Upadhye, B. |
Mahavira Icon and Indian Archaeology |
Williams, R. |
Accounts of the Jainas taken from Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Authors |
Mahavira His Times & his Philosophy of Life |
Jain, Hiralal |
Background of Mahavira’s Tirthakarahood |
Date of Mahvira-Nirvana |
Growth of Literature on Mahavira’s Biography |
Historical Contemporaries of Mahavira |
Life of Mahavira: Birth and Boyhood |
Literature based on the Teachings of Mahavira |
Mahavira: His Philosophy of Life |
Mahavira: His Philosophy of Life |
Mahavira: His Religious Sermons |
Mahavira’s : His Age |
Mahavira’s Heritage: Jaina Literature |
Mahavira’s Omniscience |
Mahavira’s Place of Birth |
Mahvira Penances |
Place of Mahavira’s Omniscience |
Place of Penance of Mahvira |
The Place of Nirvana of Mahavira |
The Priest and the Recluse |
Thought Ferment in Eastern India |
To Conclude |
Mahavira the Jina |
Jain, Jyoti Prasad |
The Magnficient Murti of Lord Mahavira MAHAVIRA THE JINA |
Meditaion & Jainsism |
Toliya, J. Pratapkumar |
Music for Meditation”” |
Foreword |
Meditaion & Jainism |
Opinions |
References |
Synopsis |
Mokshamala |
Rajchandra, Shrimad |
A Few Words about Knowledge Part I |
A Few Words about Knowledge Part II |
A Few Words about Knowledge Part III |
A Few Words about Knowledge Part IV |
Ananupurvi |
Anathi Mune Part I |
Anathi Mune Part II |
Anathi Mune Part III |
Attachment |
Auspicious Completion of this Garland |
Bahubala |
Beggar’s Dejection Part I |
Beggar’s Dejection Part II |
Best Householder |
Carefulness in doing Every Action (Yatna) |
Common Worthy Desire |
Devotion to Jineshwar Part I |
Devotion to Jineshwar Part II |
Four Analogies to Wordly Life Part I |
Four Analogies to Wordly Life Part II |
Four States of Living Souls |
General Daily Rules of Behavior |
Good Words on Celibacy |
Great Sentences Worthy to be Preserved in One’s Memory |
Happiness of Liberation |
Human body |
Importance of a Community |
Incomparable Forgiveness |
InvaIuable Philosophical Thought |
Kamadeva Shrawaka |
Kapila Muni (monk ) Part I |
Kapila Muni (monk ) Part II |
Kapila Muni (monk ) Part III |
Knowledge of Reality Part I |
Knowledge of Reality Part II |
Knowledge of Reality Part III |
Knowledge of Reality Part IV |
Knowledge of Reality Part IX |
Knowledge of Reality Part V |
Knowledge of Reality Part VI |
Knowledge of Reality Part VII |
Knowledge of Reality Part VIII |
Knowledge of Reality Part X |
Knowledge of Reality Part XI |
Knowledge of Reality Part XII |
Knowledge of Reality Part XIII |
Knowledge of Reality Part XIV |
Knowledge of Reality Part XV |
Knowledge of Reality Part XVI |
Knowledge of Reality Part XVII |
Kshamapana (Seeking Forgiveness) |
Miracles of Actions |
Navkara Mantra |
Night Dinner |
Nine Protective Fences of Celibacy |
Non-Attachment is the Nature of Religion |
Obstacles to Mind Control |
Pancham Kaal |
Pratyakhyana |
Preaching of Devotion |
Protection of all Living Beings Part II |
Religion acceptable to all |
Religious Differences Part I |
Religious Differences Part II |
Religious Differences Part III |
Religious Meditation Part I |
Religious Meditation Part II |
Religious Meditation Part III |
Sanat Kumar Part I |
Sanat Kumar Part II |
Satsanga (contacts of the saints) |
Sense Control |
Strangeness of Greed |
Strangeness of Greed |
Sudershan Sheth |
The Religious Administration of Bhagwan Mahavir |
The Sayings of Jineshwar Bhagwan |
Thirty-two Spiritual Disciplines |
Thought about Equanimity of Mind Part I |
Thought about Equanimity of Mind Part II |
Thought about Equanimity of Mind Part III |
Thought about Equanimity of Mind Part III |
Thought about Happiness Part I |
Thought about Happiness Part II |
Thought about Happiness Part III |
Thought about Happiness Part IV |
Thought about Happiness Part V |
Thought about Happiness Part VI |
Thought about Pratikraman |
To reduce possessions |
To Understand Truth or the Real |
True Greatness |
Truly Divine soul |
Truly Religious Teacher Part I |
Truly Religious Teacher Part II |
Truly Right Religion |
Truth |
Truth Getting Successfully by Modesty |
Twelve Soul Saving Aspirations |
Various Questions Part I |
Various Questions Part II |
Various Questions Part III |
Various Questions Part IV |
Various Questions Part V |
Want of proper respect for Religion |
Want of proper respect for Religion (Pramad) |
What is Discrimination? |
What should be called Impurity? |
Why did the all knowing saints Preach Non-Attachment |
Monolithic Jinas |
Pereira, Jose |
a Conspectus of the Elements of Ellora Jain Iconography |
Acknowledgmets |
Chota Kailas |
Chota Kailas view of Temple Tower |
Detail of facade |
Detail of pillar showing Parsvanatha |
Figures |
Homage to Bahubali |
Homage to Bahubali (Gomata) |
Jainism and its Art |
List of Illustrations |
Parsvanatha-on-the-hill |
Preface |
Shila, the brahmacarin |
The Inscriptions at Ellora |
The Jain Temples of Ellora |
The Kailasa, Unity of Conception and Execution |
The Konkani Origin of the Rastrakutas |
The Temples |
The Themes in the Temples |
The Themes of the ellora Sculptors |
Nakedness of Digamber jain Sanints and Kesh Lonch |
Kanak Nandiji, Maharaj |
Aprigrhavad and Digamber ain saints |
Cause of Living Naked by Jain Saints |
List of Books written by Ailachara 108 sri kanak Nadi Ji Maaraj |
Special and Extra-Virtues of Nirgranth jain Muni |
Why Jain Saints Perform kesh Lonch |
New Dimensions in Jaina Logic |
Mahaprajna, Yuvacarya |
Absense of cdognitium-Cognition Reaionship |
Absense of Co-existence |
Absense of Denotatum-Denotaive Relationship) |
Anekanta: the Synthesizer of Philosophical systems |
Appendicies |
Axioms of Non-Absolutism |
between existene and non-existence |
between the Permanent and the Impermanent |
between the Speakable and the Unspeakable |
Concomitance between the Universal and the Particular |
Concomitance of Being and Non-Being |
Conditional Dialectics and their Results |
Contribution of Jainism to the Devleopment of Indian Logic |
Definition |
Definition of Nyaya |
Definition of Perceptual Knowledge |
Determinants |
Dialogue |
Dialogue |
Dialogue |
Dialogue |
Dialogue |
Dialogue |
Dialogue |
Dimensions of Synthesis |
Diversity of Ontological Systems due to diversity of cognitive Faculties |
Divisions |
Ethymological Viewpoint |
Impossibility of Substantive-Adjective Relationship |
inference |
Inferential Limbs |
Jaina Logic of te Period of Agama |
Jaina Logic of the Agama period |
Jaina Logic of the Philosophical Period |
Knowledge and the Known |
Limits of Knowledge |
Memory |
Modes without Substratum |
Momentary Viewpoint |
Nature of Knowledge |
Naya and Niksepa |
Niksepa |
Non-absolutsm: Results and Problems |
Novelty of Object due to difference in Tense, Gender and Number |
Objects unamenable to Logic |
of Identity and Difference of Substance and Modes |
of One and Many |
of the Permanent and the Impermanent |
Organs of Knowledge |
Pantoscopic Viewpoint (Cause as Effect, Effect as Cause, Content as Container, Container as Content) |
Philosophy and Logic: New Possiblilities |
Probans |
Proccess and Product |
Reasoning |
Reeecognition |
Results of Valid Organs of Knowledge |
Scope of Viewpoints |
Scriptural Knowledge |
Scripture and Logic Reconciled |
Sensory Knowledge and Epistemology |
The Doctrine of Conditional Dialectics and Sevenfold Predicaton |
The Doctrne of Nayas: Infinty of Modes and Approachers: The Syntetic and Analytic Viewpoint |
Three periods of Jaina Logic |
Types of Knowledge |
Types of Probantia |
Ultimate Source and oigin of Knowledge |
Unconditional Annihilation, |
Unconditional Originatioin, |
Universal Concomitance |
validity and Invalidty |
Variety of Knowledge |
Verbal Viewpoint |
Verificatioin of Knowledge |
Viewpoint of Function |
Wide Range of Non-absolutism |
Niyamasara, Kundakunda’s |
Sain, Uggar Shri |
Confession , (Alochana) |
Expiation, (Prayaschita) |
Non-Soul (Ajiva) |
Practical Right Conduct, (Vyavahaar Charitra) |
Pure Consciousness, (Shuddha Upayoga) |
Pure Thought-Activity, Shuddha Bhava |
Real Independence, (Nishchaya Avashaya) |
Renunciation, (Pratyakhyana) |
Repentence, (Pratikramana) |
Soul (Jiva) |
Supreme Devotion, (Parama Bhakti) |
Supreme Equanimity, (Parama Samadhi) |
Origin of the Indian Brahma Alphabet |
Buhler, Georg |
Former Deviation of the Brahmi Lipi |
Further passages from the Jatakas |
Literary evidence for the Antiquity of Writing |
Palaeographic evidence for the antiquity of the Brahmi lipi |
The deviation of Brahma letters from the most ancient North Semitic signs |
The Origin of the Ancient Brahma Numerals |
The Origin of the Kharosthi Alphabet |
The Petroffski MS. from Khotan |
The twelve Phala in the Bengal schools |
Pancastikayasara The Building of the Cosmos |
Chakravartinayanar, A. |
A Biographical Note on the late Prof. A. Chakravarti |
A Philosophical Introduction |
Affection |
Analysis of Sensations |
Conation or the Consciousness of Action |
Different Kinds of Births |
Dravya, Guna and Paryaya |
General Editorial |
Index of Gathas |
Introduction |
Jaina Biology |
Jaina Logic |
Jaina Metaphysicas |
Jaina Physicas |
Jaina Psychology |
Jainism a Dynamic Realism |
Jnana or Knowledge |
Kala |
Knowledge and the Object of Knowledge (Jnana and Jneya) |
Microscopic Beings |
Nayas |
Prakrit Text along with Sanskrit Chaya, English Translation and Commentary |
Prakrit Text along with the Sanskrit Commentary of Amrtacandra |
Pranas |
Preface |
Saptabhangi |
Sensations and Sense Organs |
Sense Perceptiion |
Soul and Body |
The Age of Kundakunda or Elacarya |
The Conception of Motion |
The Historical Introduciton |
The Six Dravyas |
Works by Sri Kundakundacarya |
Perspectives in Jaina Philosophy and Culture |
International Mahavira Jain Mission |
Jain Centers and Societies |
Jain Society: Jain Center |
Shri Atam Vallabh Jain Smarak Shikshan Nidhi |
Bhatt, S. R. Dr |
The Concept of Paryay – A Singular Contribution of Jainism to World Philosophy |
Biltiwala, Gyan Chand |
Svaraj In Ideas in Jainism |
Dharurkar, V. L. Prof. |
The Art and Iconography of Jain Caves in Ellora |
Gunde, Dhananjay Dr. |
Food, Health and Janism |
hagchandra, Bhaskar” Dr” |
Jainism in Buddhist Literature |
Jain, Chander |
Siddhachalam |
Jain, G. R. Prof. |
Space, Time and Universe |
Jain, Jagdish Chandra |
Status of Woman in JainismNamokara Maha Mantra |
Jain, Jyoti Prasad, Dr |
Glimpses of Jaina Cultural Heritage |
Jain, Jyoti Prasad, Dr |
Outstanding Contribution of Jainism in Karnataka Culture |
Jain, K. C. |
Contributions of Jainism to Indian Culture in Ethics and Social Spheres |
Jain, Laksmi Chandra |
The Spell of the Mantra”” |
Jain, Raja Ram Dr |
Sauraseni Jaina Scriptures |
Jain, Sagarmal Dr |
The Relevence of Jainism in the Present World |
Jain, Satish Kumar |
Ahimsa and Vegetarianism |
Jaini, Padmanabh Prof. |
Jaina Concept of the Sacred |
Jhaveri, S. S. Dr |
Ahimsa – Best Solution for all Problems |
Kasliwal, K. C. Dr |
Contribution of the Jaina Poets to Rajasthani Literature (9th to 16th Centuries) |
Kasliwal, R. M. Dr |
Cocept of Soul in Jaina Philosophy and its Scientific Interpretation |
Kasturbhai, Shrenik |
Ahimsa |
Kothari, M. M. Dr |
The Positive Content in the Cocept of Non-Violence |
Mayer, Jon R. A. |
The Role of the Jaina Heritage in the Today’s World |
Mehta, Mohan Lal Dr. |
Jaina Yoga |
Mehta, Nitin |
Vegetarianism |
Patni, G. C. Dr |
Contributions of the Jainas to Mathematics |
Sangave, Vilas Dr |
Jaina Contribution to Indian Culture |
Shah, Bharatbhai B. Dr |
Dynamics of Extinction |
Shah, Pravinchandra J. |
Namokara Maha Mantra |
Singh, Arun Pratap Dr |
The Role of Lay-Votary in Jainism |
Singh, Kripal Sant |
Ahimsa – Non-Violence |
Sogani, Kamal Chand Dr. |
Fundamentals of Jain Mysticism |
Thundy, Z. P. Dr |
Non-Violence: Religions and Common Senc\se |
Vasantharaj, M. D. Dr |
Puja or Worship as practiced among the South Indian Jainas |
Philopsophy and Relgion of Mahaveer |
Charukeerty, Bhattarak Swami |
Philosophy and Religion of Mahaveer |
Philosophy of Scientific religion |
Nandi, Kanank, Upadhyay |
Aahar Daan |
Aath Ang of Samyak darshan |
Abhay Daan |
Achaurya Dharma |
Ack Bhukt bhojan |
Adant dhoyan |
Ahinsa Dharma |
Amrit Vani |
Anakant and Siadwad (Logic of differnt points of view and theory of Relativity) |
Aparigrah Dharma |
Ashirvaad by Acharya Kunthu Sagar ji Maharaj |
Asnan (not bathing) |
Asth Mool Gunas of shravakas: |
Atam Dharma (Religion of Soul) Ahinsa etc. five Religion |
Aushdhi Daan |
Aweful Results of Possessions |
Bhumi Shayan (Sleeping on the ground) |
Brahmacharya Dharma |
Causes of Nakedness |
Chapter 1: |
Chapter 10: |
Chapter 11: |
Chapter 12: |
Chapter 2: |
Chapter 3: |
Chapter 4: |
Chapter 5: Ten Signs of Dharma |
Chapter 6: Moksha Marg (Path of Salvation) |
Chapter 7 : Shrawkachar (Duties of Householder) |
Chapter 8: |
Chapter 9: |
Chaurya vyasan (Evil habit of stealing) |
Code of Conduct for Saints |
Desire of Universal Peace |
Dharma of Pudgal Dravya |
Dyut Vyaan (habit of gambling) |
Editorial |
Evil Results of Abrahmacharya |
External Tap |
Five Samitees (carefulness) |
Gist of the scientific Religion |
Glossary |
Gyan Daan |
Heart Felt Thoughts |
Infallible methods for universal-peace |
Interanl Tap (Praischit, Vinay, Reward of Vinay, viya Vrati Tap, swadayay, Kayoutsarg, Dhyan) |
Jeeva Daya |
Kesh Lonch (Why Jain Saints Perform Kesh Lonch) |
Maans vyasan Harmful Effects of meat eating according to religion & scientific viewpoint Egg is not vegetarian food |
Madhu Tyag |
Madhya vyasan |
Maryada of filtered water |
My feelings |
Nakedness (Achailak gun) |
Natural Religion: Spirtit of universe |
Ocean in droplet |
Panch fal verati |
Panch Guru Bhakti |
Panch Indriya Nirodh |
Par Nari Gaman Vyasan (Evil habit of Adultry) |
Personality of great Scientific thinker-Upadhyayji |
Prayer |
Properties of Adharma Dravya |
Properties of dharma Dravya |
Property of Akash Dravya |
Property of Kaal Dravya |
Quotaions |
Ratan Traya |
Ratri Bhojan Tyag (Viewpoint of Science and Religion) |
Religion and Scientific analysis of Sapt yasan |
Religion Nature of Matter (Religion of six substances) |
Religion of Jeeva Substance |
Reward of Brahmacharya |
Sacred Desire |
Samyak Charitra |
Samyak Darshan |
Samyak Gyan (Right Knowledge) |
Satya Dharma |
Seven (7 Special Virtues) |
Shikar Vyasan (Evil havit of hunting) |
Six everyday duties of house holder. (Dev Puja, Gurupuja) (Award of Service to the Guru), Swadhayay, Sanyam, Tap, Daan (Donation) |
Stithi Bhojan |
Su Bhavana (Beneficial thoughts) |
Teen Mudhta (Three Follies) |
The Religious and Scientific reason of drinking water after filteration |
The sceintific method of Filteration |
Uttam Aakinchan Dharma |
Uttam Arjava Dharma (Virtue of Simplicity) |
Uttam Brahmacharya Dharma |
Uttam Kshama Dharma (virtue of Forgiveness) |
Uttam Mardava Dharma (Virtue of Pridelessness) |
Uttam Sanyam Dharma (Virtue of Self-control) |
Uttam Satya Dharma (Virtue of absolute Truth) |
Uttam Shauch Dharma (absolute Greedlessness) |
Uttam Tapa Dharma |
Uttam Tyag Dharma |
Vaishya Raman Vyasan (Prostitution) Evil effects of Prostitution (A Scientific and religious analysis) (Hinsa in sexual Intercourse) |
Political History of Northern India from Jain Sources (C. 650 A.D. to 1300 A.D.) |
Choudhary, Gulab Chandra Dr. |
Abdication |
Abila |
Accounts Department |
Achievements of Father and Son (Viradhavala) |
Adbhuta Krsnaraja |
Ajayadeva |
Ajayapala |
Aksapatalika or Mahaksapatalika |
Alhanadeva |
Allata |
Ama Nagavaloka |
Anahilla |
Appointment of Vastupala and Tejahpala |
Arjunadeva |
Arjunavarman |
Army Organisation |
Arnoraja |
Arnoraja’s Successors |
Asaraja |
Ayudha Family: A concoction |
Background |
Balaprasada |
Balhana |
Baliraja |
Ballala |
Bhatrapatta |
Bhima |
Bhoja I |
Bhoja I |
Bhoja II |
Cacigadeva |
Cahamana |
Cahamanas of Lata |
Cahamanas of Sakambhari |
Camunda, Vallabharaja an Durlabharaja |
Candradeva |
Capital |
Certain Problems |
Classification and Valuation of the Sources |
Composition of the Council |
Concluding remarks |
Conquests |
Coronation |
Council of Ministers (Mantri Parishas) |
Councillors -heredity |
Court |
Daily Routine |
Death of Bhima II |
Death of Vastupala |
Death of Viradhavala |
Dethronemen |
Devapala |
Devapala |
Devapala |
Dhandhuka |
Dhanga |
Dharanivaraha |
Dharavarsa |
Dharmapala |
Diplomacy |
Dispute over succession |
District Administration |
Durlabharaja II |
Durlabharaja III |
Duta |
Duties of the King |
Dynasties of Saurastra (contd.) |
Early account and position |
Early History of The Vaghela Branch of the Caulukayas |
Early Reference |
Education and Discipline of the king |
Ethics of War |
Evidence |
Expenditure |
Feudatories or Samantas |
Foudation of Anahilapataka |
Founder of the Dynasty |
From Bhuyaraja Raji |
From Kumarsimha to Padmasimha |
Functions of Cabinet |
Functions of the King- |
Ganda and Vidyadhara |
Gangeyadeva |
Gaya Karna |
Genealogy and Chronology |
General condition of the Period |
Govindacandra |
Govindaraja |
Guhilaputras of Naduladagika |
Guhlaputras or Guhilotas |
Guhlas of Mewar |
Gurjara Pratiharas |
Hammiradeva |
Hariraja |
Hariscandra |
Harsa |
His Successor |
His successors |
His Successors |
His Successors |
His Successors |
Identification of Kalyanakataka |
Identification of Sindhuraja |
Jagadeva (Laksmadeva) |
Jaitrasimha |
Jaitrasimha |
Jaitugideva |
Jayacandra |
Jayasimha and Udayaditya |
Jayasimha Siddharaja |
Jayavarman II |
Jinduraja |
Jodhpur branch |
Juries |
Kanhadadeva |
Karna |
Karnadeva |
Katukaraja |
Kelhana |
Kings of the dynasties of Eastern India |
Kings Personal Officers |
Kirtipala |
Kirtiraja |
Kumarapala |
Laksmana |
Laksmana |
Laksmanasena |
Laksmi Karna |
Lavana Prasada |
Law and Justice |
Lineage |
List of Jain Inscriptions (Appendix) |
Literature on Policy |
Location of the dynasties of India |
Mahendra |
Mahendrapala |
Mahipala |
Mahipala alias Devaraja |
Mahipala I |
Mangalaraja |
Members of this branch |
Military Administration |
Ministers |
Miscellaneous Literature |
Mularaja |
Mularaja II |
Mularaja’s ancestors |
Nagabhatta II |
Naravarman |
Narrative Literature |
Oath |
Organization of the Central Government |
Origin |
Origin and Conception of the State |
Origin of Mularaja’s family |
Origin of the Cahamanas |
Origin of the Dynasties of Central India |
Origin of the dynasties of Eastern India |
Origin of The Senas of Bengal |
Original seat of Mularaja’s family |
Other Officers |
Other Sources of Income |
Padmapala |
Pancakula |
Paramaras of Bansawara (Vagada) |
Paramaras of Candravati and Arbunda |
Paramaras of Kiradu |
Paramaras of Malava |
Paramardi |
Parentage |
Pattavali |
Peace and Treaties |
Period |
Personal Safety of the King |
Poet Sri Harsa |
Poet Vakpati |
Political disorder in Bhima II reign |
Position of the King |
Prahlada |
Prahladanadeva |
Prasati(colophons) |
Prime Minister |
Prince and other members of the Family |
Provincial Administration |
Prthvipala |
Prthviraja I |
Prthviraja II |
Prthviraja III |
Punishment |
Pushyabhutis |
Qualification of the Councillors |
Rajyapala |
Rajyapala |
Ratnapala |
Rayapala |
Remarks |
Revenue and Finance Administration |
Rights and Privileges |
Saktikumara |
Samanta |
Samantasimha |
Samantsimha |
Samarasimha |
Samarasimha |
Samkha alias Sangrama simha |
Sarangadeva |
Seven Constituents of the State |
Sindhuraja |
Sindhuraja |
Sixfold Policy |
Siyaka |
Sobhita |
Somasimha |
Somesvara |
Sources of Revenue |
State and Administration |
Subdivisions and other Lower Limits |
Subhatavarman |
Succession |
Tejasimha |
The Cahamanas |
The Cahamanas of Jalor |
The Cahamanas of Naddula |
The Cahamanas of ranathambhor |
The Candellas |
The Caritas and Prabandhas |
The Casadas of Anhilapur |
The Caulukyas (Solankis) of Gujarata |
The City Administration |
The dates from Kirtipala to Padmapala |
The Dynasties of Central India |
The Dynasties of Central India (contd.) |
The Dynasties of Eastern India |
The Dynasties of Madhyadesa |
The Dynasties of Madhyadesa (continued) |
The Dynasties of Rajasthan |
The Dynasties of Rajasthan (contd.) |
The Dynasties of Saurastra |
The Gahadavalas |
The Kaccapaghatas |
The Kacchapagatas of Gwalior |
The Kacchapaghatas of Dubkunda |
The Kalacuris of Dahalas |
The Kesari Dynasty of Kalinga (Orissa) |
The King |
The Madanavrman |
The Ministers of Vastupala and Tejapala |
The Original Seat of the Cahamanas |
The Palas |
The Paramaras |
The Pratiharas of Avanti |
The Rastrakutas of Hastikundi |
The Senas of Bengal |
The term Bhukti |
The Vaghela Branch of the Caulukayas |
Their Hold over Malava |
Titles of Kings and Queens |
Udayasimha |
Vajradaman |
Vakpati Munja |
Vanaraja |
Various Checks and Balances |
Vasovarman amd his Successors |
Vasudeva |
Vatsaraja |
Vigraharaja II |
Vigraharaja III |
Vigraharaja IV |
Vijayacandra |
Vikramasimha |
Vinayakapala alias Mahipala |
Vindhyavarman |
Viranarayana and Vagbhata |
Viravarmadeva |
Visaladeva |
Visaladeva |
Vyuha |
War Officers |
Weapons |
Yasodeva, the author of the Insciption |
Yasodhavala |
Yasovarman |
Yasovarman |
Yasovarman |
Yogaraja |
Yojaka |
Prasamarati – Prakarana, of Vacaka Srimad Umasvati’s |
Bhogilal, Mahesh |
Dhyana ,(Holy Meditation) |
Going to the abode of the liberated |
Happiness of Peace and tranquality |
Holy Invocation and Introduction |
Karma |
Nine Concepts of Reality / substances |
Politeness and Humility |
Pride |
Religion |
Religious stories |
Scenes and Sense Objects |
The Activity of Equalizing the Karmas |
The Final path of Destruction of Karmas |
The Fruit of Ascetic Life |
The fruit of Householder’s Life |
The Great passions |
The Humble request to Goodmen |
The Last Holy Invocation |
The parts of right Conduct |
The Right Conduct |
The Rock like stage |
The Stoppage of the Activities of Mind , Speech and Body |
The way to remove the Defects |
Thoughts and Feelings |
Tools that lead to Moksa |
Victory over the senses |
What is and what is not consumable |
Preksha Dhyanai Basic Principals |
Mahaprajna, Yuvacharya |
Aim of Preksha |
Internal Trip |
Introduction |
Kayotsarga: Total relaxation with self-awareness |
Perception of Breathing |
Perception of Psychic Centres |
Perception of Psychic Colours |
Perception of the Body |
Perception of the Present Moment |
Perception of Thoughts-Equanimity |
Precondition of Preksha Dhyana |
Relection, Contemplation, Concentration |
Self-discipline: Development of Will-Power |
Spirtitual Vigilance |
What is Preksha? |
Proceedings of the Seminar on Prakrit Studies |
Chandra, K. R. |
`Apbhransh Kavi Vibudh Shridhar aur unka badhmanchariu’ : Rajaram Jain |
`Prakrit tatha apbhransh ka aithasik vikas’ : Devendra Kumar Shastri |
`Prakrit tatha apbhransh ka aithasik vikas : Devendra Kumar Shastri |
`Sandhi Kavya – Udbhav and Vikas : R. M. Shah |
`Sandhi Kavya – Udbhav and Vikas : R. M. Shah |
`Somprabhacaryakrit Sumatinathcharit : Kathasamagri aivam bhashasamagri : Kanubhai Br. Shaith |
A Comparative Study of Jhanajjhayana by Jinabhadra and Dhyanastava by Bhaskaranandi : Suzuko Ohira |
A note on Lord Mahavira’s clan : D. D. Malvania |
Applicability of the Rules of Prakrit Grammar to the Formation of Marathi Words : N. A. Deshpande |
Bhoja’s Srgaraprakasa (Chs. XXV – XXVIII) : Prakrit Text Restored : V. M. Kulkarni |
Contribution of Prakrit Literature to Biology of Ancient India: J. C. Sikdar |
Etymological Definitions and Pali Synonyms : M. G. Dhadphale |
Historico – Cultural Contribution of Jaina Acarya through Prakrit Sources : Rases Jamindar |
Influence of Middle-Indo-Aryan in Kannada Literature : B. K. Khadabadi |
Kuvalaymala in Loktatva |
On Studying the Prakrit Literature : K. K. Dixit |
Paramagamasara of Sruta Muni : Gokul Chanda Jain |
Prakrit Studies : Some Problems and Solutions : A. S. Gopani |
Prakritic Influence Revealed in the Works of Panini , Katyayana and Patanjali : S. D. Laddu |
Role of Prakrit Dialect in Sanskrit Dramas : T. N. Dave |
Some Obscure Passages in the Candaleha Sattaka : S. M. Shaha |
Some Prakrit Forms from the Vasudevahindi not available in Pischel’s Prakrit Grammar under Jain Maharastri : K. R. Chandra |
Suddayaccariya , a Lost Romantic Tale in Apabhramsa : H. C. Bhayani |
The Jataka Literature in Pali and its Socio – ethical Importance : N. H. Satani |
The Study of Prakrit Grammar for understanding Tadbhava Words in Kannada P. B. Badiger |
Vratakatha in old Marathi: V. P. Johrapurkar |
Purushartha Siddhyupaya |
Amrita Chadrasuri, Shrimat |
Alphabetical Index of Sanskrit Slokas |
Errata |
Expostion of Purushartha Siddhupaya |
General Index |
Introduction |
Renunciatiion |
Right Belief |
Right Conduct |
Right Knowledge |
Synopsis |
Ramblings of an ascetic |
Mahaprajna, Shri, Yuvacharya |
Am I Free? |
An Assurance of Freedom from Misery |
An Outline of Religion |
Art and the Artist |
Celebacy or Brhmacharya |
Equality and Equanimity: The Essence of Religion |
Eternal and Temporal Truth |
Foreword |
Forgiveness |
Gentleness |
Index |
Institutionalized Religion |
Introduction |
Liberation |
Meekness |
My Existence |
On Myself |
One Religion: Three Views |
Preface |
Prejudice and Open-Mindedness |
Publishers’ Note |
Questions at the Level of the Sense Organs |
Questions Posed by the Intellect |
Ramblings |
Relative Truth |
Relative Values of Reality |
Religion and Worship |
Religion Devoid of Spirituality Breeds Evil |
Religion, Faith and Reason |
Renunciation or Tyaga |
Restlessness of the Mind |
Revolution in Religion |
Self Control |
Some Pressing Questions |
Stages of Mental Development |
Tapa or Penance |
The Chain of Ahimsa |
The Composite Path of Faith |
The Criterion for Judging Religion |
The Definition of Relgion |
The Eteranl-cum-Non-Eternal |
The Feeling of Lightness |
The First Manifestation of Religion |
The Individual and the Society |
The Major and Minor Vows |
The Meaning of Non-Violence |
The Power of Vrata |
The Problem of Existence |
The Pursuit of Pleasure |
The Starting Point of Non-Violence |
The Strength Born of Being Circumscribed |
The Vows (Vratas) and the Nation |
Truth, Sect and Tradition |
Unity in the Midst of Collectivity |
What is Truth? |
Realize What you are: The Dynamics of Jain Meditation |
Chitrabhanu, Shree |
Beginning Meditation: Calming down and Observing Yourself and Your Breathing |
Beginning Practice |
Chapter 1 |
Chapter II |
Chapter III |
Chapter IV |
Chapter IX |
Chapter V |
Chapter VI |
Chapter VII |
Chapter VIII |
Continuing Practice |
Continuing Practice: Meditation on Hrim and Breathing |
Deepening Meditatiion: Emptying and Focusing |
Deepening Meditation: Eliminating Negative Traits |
Deepening Meditation: Who am I? |
Developing One-Pointedness |
Editors Introduction |
Gudied Meditation: Experiencing Light and Life |
How Shall We Approach Life Through Meditation? |
Impediments to Growth: The Ego |
Meditation and the Art of Communication |
Meditation in Jain Philosophy |
Meditation: The Art of Life and Experience of Light |
Perfection Is in Us |
Questions |
Questions |
Realize What You Are |
Review |
Seeking Our True Nature |
Sense Beyond the Senses |
The Use of Mantras: Veerum and Sohum |
What is Meditation? |
Your Place |
Your Posture |
your time |
Rebrith |
Charukeerty, Bhattarak Swami |
Rebirth |
Religion & Peace |
Diwaker, S. C. |
Ahimsa and Aparigraha (The Doctrine of non-injury and Possessionlessness) |
Anekantvada and Syadvada (Doctrine of non-absolutism and philosophical co-existence) |
Heart of Jainism |
Karma Theory |
Religion and World Peace |
Samadhi Maran (The Ideal Death) |
Religion and Culture of The Jains |
Jain, Jyoti Prasad Dr. |
History of Jainism after Mahavira |
Literature |
Places of Pilgrimage , Art and Architecture |
The Doctrine |
The Path |
The Theory of Knowledge |
The Twenty-four Tirthankaras |
Worship, Fasts and Festivals |
Rishibhashit : A Study |
Jain, Sagarmal Dr. |
Aardrak |
Ambad Parivrajak |
Angiras Bhardwaj |
Ariyayan |
Asat Deval |
Bahuk |
Conclusion to Rishibhashit |
Dev Narad |
Dvaipayan (Devayan) |
GArdabahal (Dagbhal) |
GAthapatiputra Tarun |
Harigiri |
Historic Background of Rishis of Rishibhashit |
Indranag (Indanag) |
Jannavakka (Yajnavalkya) |
Ketaliputta |
Kummaputta |
Maatang |
Madhurayan |
Mahakashyap |
Mahashalputra Arun |
Mankhaliputta |
Metejja Bhyali |
Narayan (Tarayan) |
Parshwa |
Ping |
Pushpshalputra |
Questions of Authenticity of Concepts preached in Rishibhashit |
Ramaputta |
Rishibhashit and Principles of Jainism |
Rishibhashit and Rishimandal |
Rishigiri |
Sanjay |
Sariputra (Satiputra) |
Shauryayana |
Soma |
Srigiri |
Style and Period of Rishibhashit |
Tetaliputra |
The Language of Rishibhashit |
The Period and tradition of sages of Rishibhashit |
The Place of Rishibhashit in Jain Literature |
The Separation of Rishibhashit from Prashnavyakaran |
The Writing of Rishibhashit |
Uddalak |
Utkat (Bhautikwadi) |
Vaishraman |
Vajjiputta (Vatsiputra) |
Valkalchiri |
Varattaka |
Vardhaman |
Varishena Krishna |
Varun |
Vayu |
Vidur |
Why the Rishis of Rishibhashit were called Pratyek Buddha |
Yama |
Sallekhana is not Suicide |
Tukol, T. K. |
Jainism and Sallekhana |
Sallekhana by Acharya Shantisagar |
Sallekhana in Practice |
Sallekhana is not Suicide |
Scriptures |
Suicide |
Suicide and the law |
Voluntary deaths under other Religion |
What is Sallekhana? |
Saman Suttam |
Varni, Jinendra Sri |
Hymn to Mahavira |
Precepts on Auspicious |
Precepts on Carefulness and Self-Control |
Precepts on Education |
Precepts on Fundamentals |
Precepts on House-holders Religion |
Precepts on Installation |
Precepts on Karmas |
Precepts on Meditation |
Precepts on Non-Absolutism |
Precepts on Non-possessiveness |
Precepts on Non-Violence |
Precepts on Obligatory duties |
Precepts on Passionless Death |
Precepts on Penance |
Precepts on Reconciliation or Synthesis |
Precepts on Reflection |
Precepts on Religion of Monks |
Precepts on Religious Order |
Precepts on Renunciation of Attachment |
Precepts on Right Conduct |
Precepts on Right Faith |
Precepts on Right Knowledge |
Precepts on scriptural Exposition |
Precepts on Self-Restraint |
Precepts on Soul |
Precepts on Soul Coloring |
Precepts on Spiritual Progress |
Precepts on Spiritual Realization |
Precepts on Substance |
Precepts on the Jina’s Teachings |
Precepts on the path of Liberation |
Precepts on the path of Liberation |
Precepts on the Religion |
Precepts on the Three Jewels |
Precepts on Theory of Relativity and Seven Predictions |
Precepts on Transmigratory Cycle |
Precepts on Two paths of Religion |
Precepts on Universe |
Precepts on Valid Knowledge |
Precepts on view-point |
Precepts on vigilance |
Precepts on vows |
Precepts on wrong faith |
Samantabhadra |
Jain, M. L. |
Samantabhadra |
Samayasara |
Kundakunda, Acharya |
A Discussion of Dreams and Hallucinations |
Ajiva or Non-Soul |
All-pure Knowledge |
Asrava or Inflow of Karma |
Asti-Nasti-Vada |
Bacon and Scientific Methods |
Bandha or Bondage of Karma |
Brahama |
Brhadaranayaka Upanisads |
Cartesianism Mathematical Methods |
Christian Thought |
Deussen on the Upanisads |
Evolution of the Cosmos from the Primeval Prakrti |
Greek Philosophy |
Impurity |
Jainism its age and its Tenets |
Jiva – Padartha or Category of Soul |
Jiva or Soul |
Karta and Karma – The Doer and the Deed |
Katha UPanisads |
Moksa Marga |
Moksa or Liberation |
Moksa or Liberation |
Mundaka UPanisads |
Nature and the external World |
Nirjara – Shedding of Karma |
One and the Many |
Punya and Papa – Virtue and Vice |
Renaissance |
Resposibiliy of the Creator |
Rudiments of Upanisadic Thought in the Samhitas and the Brahamanas |
Samkhya Method |
Samkhya Philosophy |
Samvara – Blocking the Inflow |
Sankara and Amrtacandra |
Sankara and his Point of View |
Sankara and Kundakunda |
Sankara and the Doctrine of Maya |
Sankara and Vedantism |
Self in European Thought |
Self in Indian Thought |
Self in Modern Science |
The age of Jainism |
The Age of Upanisads |
The Chandogya Upanisads |
The Concept of Dravya |
The Date of Upanisads |
The Doctrine of Causation |
The English Empiricism |
The Fundamental Doctrine of the Upanisads |
The General Tendencies of the Upanisadic Period |
The German Idealism |
The Individual and the Samsara |
The Meaning of Upanisads |
The Nature of Prakrti |
The Origin of the Concrete World |
The Originof the Upanisads |
The Samkhya System |
The Sources of Samkhya |
The True Way to Brahama World |
The Upanisads and the Westerner Thinkers |
Uttar mimamsa or Vedanta |
Sambodhi |
Betai, Jaya R. |
Buddhism vs. Manusmrti |
Betai, R. S. |
Kavyabandha or Vakyavinyasa |
Bhaianrin, Harivallabh |
Sankhit trangbai kaha |
Bhat, G. K. |
Bhasa’s Treatment of Krsna Legend |
Bhayani, H. C. |
Vardhamana – Suri’s Apabhramsa Metres |
Chandra, K. R. |
The So-called Sanskrit Drama |
Dhanki, M. A. |
Notices on Buddhist Architecture in Western Indian Vastusastras |
Jamindar, Rasesh, Jamindar |
History and Culture of the First Four Centuries after Christ |
Kalghatgi, T. G. |
Karma – Its Operation and an Appraisal |
Kansara, N. M. |
Art Notes on Design, drawing, Painting and Picture galleries in the Tilakamanjari |
Kulkarni, V. M. |
Nandisuttam and Anuogaddaraim |
Kulkarni, V. M. |
Rasa and its Pleasurable Nature |
Kulkarni, V. M. |
Seminar on Jainism – A Report |
Mainkar, T. G. |
Hymn of Mudgala Bharmyasva, a fresh approach |
Malvania, Dalsukh |
Jain Gunsthan aur bodhicarya bhomi |
Manohar Raghvendra |
Unpublished Inscriptions of Rana Sanga |
Mukherjee, Gauri |
Chitsukhacarya ke anusar savprkashta ki avdharna |
Pagaria, Rupendra Kumar |
Shatpadi prasano uttar – ek avlokan |
Shah, Nagin G. |
Gunsmridhimahatranibadh anjanasundarikathanak |
Shah, Nagin G. |
Gunsmridhimahatranibadh anjanasundarikathanak |
Shah, Nagin G. |
Niyavashaishik darsan main Ishwar |
Shah, Nagin G. |
Niyavashaishik darsan main Ishwar |
Shah, Nilanjana S. |
Bhatti as quoted in the Durghatavrtti |
Shah, R. M. |
Agyat kartrk anathi – Maharshi Sandhi |
Shaith, Kanubhai |
Dharamsundarkrit Nemishwar Ballila phag |
Sharma, Sudarshan Kumar |
Kasiraja of Bhasa – An Appraisal |
Shastri, Y. S. |
Conception of Maya (illusion) in Asanga’s Vijnanavada Buddhism |
Shastri, Yajneshwar S. |
Refutation of Advaita Vedanta in Major Jain Works |
Shukla, J. M. |
Priyam Panthmanuvrajet – a note |
Sikdar, J. C. |
Jaina Theory of Sound |
Sikdor, J. C. |
Origin and Development of Jaina Sangh |
Singh, Arvind Kumar |
Jaysingh Sidhraj ka virupkash Mandir |
Solomon, E. A. |
Avidya – Its Asraya and visaya |
Sanmati Tarka |
Sanghavi, Sukhlalji Pandita |
A discussion of some important points |
A general idea of the times |
Akalanka and Vidyananda |
Anekanta-vada |
Asvaghosa and Kalidasa |
Comparision of all the Prabandhas |
Dharmakirti and Bhamaha |
Dinnaga and Sankar Swami |
Division of the text and commentary |
Dwa. of critical character |
Dwatrimsikas of Siddhasena |
Eulogistic Dwa. |
Hema Candra and Yasovijayaji |
Index |
Information about the author |
Kundakunda and Umaswati |
Language of the texta nd commentary |
Mallavadi and Jinabhadra |
Materials of his life |
Mulacara |
Nagarjuna, Maitreya, Asanga and Vasubandhu |
Names of the two works |
Pujyapada and Samatabhadra |
Sanmati and its Commentary |
Siddhasena and other Jaina Acarya |
Siddhasena and other Non-Jaina Acaryas |
Siddhasena Divakara |
Siddhasena’s date |
Silanka, Vadivetala Santi Suri and Vadi-Deva |
Simhaksamasramana Haribhadra and Gandha Hasti |
Style of Dwa. |
Subject Matter |
Subject-matter |
Subjects connected with Anekanta |
Summary of Prabandha in the Prabhavaka Carita |
Swa. dealing with systems of philosophy and the nature of the things |
The Commentator Abhayadeva |
The nature and style of the works |