Word Meaning
Labdhi Attainment
Labdhi (Aksara-sruta) Potential auditory attainment
Labdhi (Indriya) Sense qua attainment
Labdhyaksara Potential auditory
Labha Attainment
Labha Antaraya Gain-Obstructive.
Labha-anfaraya Hindrance to the
attainment of something
Laghu Light.
  Light; loss
Laukika Mundane
Lesya Karmic stain, the
color of which indicates a soul’s degress of purity
Linga Gender
Lobha Greed
Lobha-pratyakhyana Giving up greed.
Loka Universe
Loka anupreksha Universe. The nature
of the Universe and its constituent elements in all thei vast varity proving
the insignificance and miserable nothingness of man in time and space.
Loka-akasa The inhabited
Loka-mudhata False beliefs
pertaining to everyday religious practices