Word Meaning
Eka One; unitary
Eka-ksetravagaha Occupying the same locus
Eka-phalaka Probably identical to eka-sataka
Eka-sataka A mendicant who wears a single piece of cloth
Ekanta One-sided
Taking only one aspect of a many-sided thing e.g., man is mortal and immortal, regarded from
the point of view of body and soul respectively.
Taking only one view.
Ekanta-nitya Absolutely eternal
Ekantavada Extremism;
absolutist doctrine
Ekantavadin One who holds an
absolutist doctrine
Ekartha-samavayin Co-inherent in the
same substratum
Ekatva Unity
Ekatva anupreksha Loneliness, I am
alone the doer ofmy actinos and the enjoyer of the fruits of them.
Ekatvajnana Knowledge of oneness
Ekendriya A being with only
one (namely, the tactile) sense faculty; a synonym for sthavara beings
One-sensed creature
Ennui dissatisfaction.
Esana-samiti Care in accepting
Eva In fact; an
important term in the formula of the sapta-bhangi-naya
Evambhuta (Naya) The such-like
Evambhutabhasa False such-like view