Word Meaning
Daksina-agni One of the sacred fires in the Hindu srauta
Dana Charity
Charity; alms-giving
Dana Antaraya Charity-Obstructive.
Dana-antaraya A type of karma that
hinders the practice of charity
Dandin One who carries a
Darsana Indeterminate
intuition, faith Intuition; a system of philosophy; insight; perception
Darsana-mohaniya Insight-deluding
Darsana-pratima The first step on
the ladder of pratima
Darsanavaraniya Perception-obscuring
Darsantika Thesis
Darshana Faith.
Darshana mohaniya right-belief-deluding karmic matter
Darshana-kriya infatuated desire to
see a pleasing form.
Darshana-mohaniya Right-belief-deluding.
Darshana-vishuddhi purity of
Darshanavarana Conation-obscuring
Dasa-dharma Ten forms of
Dashaya Astringent,
Desa-virata The fifth gunasthana
where desa-virati is attained
Desa-virati The set of
restraints prescribed for a Jaina layman
Desana-labdhi Obtaining
instruction in the Jaina teachings
Desavakasika Limiting the area of
one’s movement
Desha-Katha Scandal
Deshavrata Taking a vow to
limit worldly activity to fixed points for a short period of time, for
example,for one’s weely or daily worldly activity.
Deva Celestial.
Heavenly beings;
untimate divinity
The Celestial beings
Deva Anupurvi Celestial–migratory
Deva-Ayu Celestial-age-karma
Deva-brahmana Divine brahman,
i.e., a Jaina brahman
Deva-dusya Divine cloth; a
finely woven piece of cloth
Deva-mudhata Delusion pertaining
to gods
Deva-nikayas The four orders of
Devagama The arrival of gods
at a holy gathering
Devajiva Soul of the god
Devanupurvi The power of
retaining the last form whatever it was, in going to the celestial condition
of existence.
Devapuja Worship of the
Devayu Celestial age.
Dharana Retention
Dharma Attribute
Holy law; elements
in Buddhist doctrine; righteousness, ten forms
Principle of Motion
The true Religion
Dharma svakhya tattvanupreksha Nature of Right-Path
as said by the conquerors. The true nature of Truth, i.e., the three fold
path to real Liberation.
Dharma-dravya The principle of
Dharma-katha Religious tale
Dharma-labha Increase in
Dharma-svakhyatatva The absolutely true
teachings of the Jinas
Dharma-tirtha Holy path
Dharmadhyana Virtuous
Dharmin Subject
Dhrauvya Continuance
Dhruva (Matijnana) Constant
Dhruva Shunya-Vargana Fixed-indifferent-molecule
Dhruva Vargana Fixed-molecule
Dhupa Incense
Dhvani The word
Dhyana Concentration–internal austerity. Meditation
Digambara Sky-clad; name of
the Jaina sect whose mendicants practice ascetic nudity
Digha-tapassi One who engages in
extended penances
Digvrata Restriction on the
distances a person may travel
Taking a life-long vow to limit his wordly activity to fixed points in all the 10 directions;
East, West, North, South, South-east, East-north, North-west, West-south, and Up and Down.
Diksa Initiation
Dipa Lamp
Divyadhvani Miraculous sound
Dosa Imperfection
Dravya Substance
Substance; external
Dravya (Niksepa) Substance
Dravya-carya Nominal acarya
Dravya-mana Mind-qua-substance
The physical basis of the mind
Dravya-puja Form of worship
employing external objects
Dravya-samyaktva The external aspect
of true insight
Dravyadeva Substantial symbol
of god
Dravyajiva Substantial soul
Dravyajivatva Substantial soul
Dravyakalpana Distinction of
Dravyakriya Pseudo-action
Dravyanikaramba Substance
transformed into sense-data
Dravyartha Through the
Dravyarthika Of the substance
Dravyarthikabhasa False point of view
of substance
Dravyarthikanaya Point of the substance
Dravyastikanaya Material point of view
Dravyatmaka Substantial
Dravyatva capacity by which it is always changing in modifications.
Substantial soul
Dravyendra Sense qua substance
Drsta Perception
Drstanta Example
Drstanta-dosa Fallacy of example
Duh-pramrishta Putting down a thing petulantly or peevishly.
Duhshruti Reading or hearing bad books.
Duhsvara Harsh-voiced, noisy.
Dukha Pain
Durbhaga unprepossessing; even though beautiful.
Durbhiksa Famine
Durgamdha Evil-smelling;
Dusama Unhappy
Dusama-dusama Extremely unhappy
Dvesa Hatred; aversion
Dvesha Hatred in the pleasing and displeasing wordly objects of the five senses.
Dvija Twice-born
Dvindriya Two-sensed.
Dvipa Island
Dvipa-samudra Island-continent