Scale of living beings

The following is a scale of livings, by which we can estimate our position among them. And for those of us who have not yet reached the right attitude or fourth stage of development where soul outweighs matter, this scale is followed by three processes through which we must pass to get the right attitude, also by some thirty-five rules of life which will prevent us from falling spiritually and will bring us to the right attitude.


Samsarin Siddha

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Sayogin Ayogin



Chhadmastha Kevalin



Samohin Amohin



Udita-mohin Anudita-mohin



Badara-mohin Suksma-mohin



Sreni-rahita Sreni-rahita



Aviratin Viratin



Mithyatvin Samyaktvin



Granthi-abhedin Granthi-bhedin



Abhavya Bhavya

This table is read upwards, and is a division by dichotomy. The meanings of the names in the same order are as follows:


Embodied Liberated



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Those embodied ones Those who have done

who have not stopped so. (This is only a

the activity of body, momentary state just

mind and speech. before passing to


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Living beings with Living beings with

imperfect knowledge perfect knowledge,

or omniscience.

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