Word Meaning
Raga Desire; passion; attachment,Giving up infatuation.
Rajas Principle of motion
in the Samkhya doctrine
Rajoharana A whiskbroom
Rajya-Katha politics
Rakta Rad.
Rasa Taste
Rasa parityaga Daily renunciation
of one or more of six kinds of delicacies Ghee, milk, curd, sugar, salt,
and oil–external austerity.Abandonment of
stimulating or delicious food
Rati Indulgence, Pleasure in sense
Ratnatraya The three jewels
right faith or insight, right knowledge, right conduct
Ratre-bhukta-tyaga Abstinence from
eating at night.
Ratri-bhojana Eating at night
Ratribhakta-pratima The sixth stage, in
which one limits all sexual activity to nighttime hours
Raudradhyana Meditation on the
perverse pleasure of causing injury to others
Rju Analytic
Rju-sutrabhasa False analytical
view point
Rjumati Straight
Rjusutra (Naya) Analytic stand,
Rjusutra-naya Straight-thread view
Rta Vedic concept of
cosmic law
Ruja Illness
Ruksha Rough.
Rupastha-dhyana Concentration on the
form of the Jina
Rupatita-dhyana Concentration on
that which transcends form the nature of the siddha