Chapter 8
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Chapter 8
feF;kn’kZukfojfr&izekn&d”kk;&;ksxk cU/kgsro%AA 1AA
yoga bandhahetavah
_Wrong belief, attachment, negligence, passions
and activities are the causes of bondage.
ld”kk;RokTtho% deZ.kks ;ksX;kUiqn~xyk& ukn�ks l cU/k%AA 2AA
Sakashayatvajjivah karmano yogyanpudgalanadatte sa bandhah
_Owing to wrong belief, passions etc. the self attracts subtle matter pervading the same space points occupied by the self, capable of turning into karmic matter, which is called influx. When such karmic matter is combined by interpenetration with the space points of the self, it is called bondage.
izd‘fr&fLFkR;uqHko&izns’kkLrf}/k;%AA 3AA
_Bondage is of four kinds according to the nature or species of karma, duration of karma, fruition of karma, and the quantity of space-points of karma.
vk|ks Kkun’kZukoj.k&osnuh;eksguh;k& ;qukZe&xks=kUrjk;k%AA 4AA
Adyo gyanadarshanavarana-vedaniyamohaniya-
_The nature of karmas is of eight kinds i.e. knowledge-obscuring, perception-obscuring, feeling-producing, deluding, life-determining, name-determining (physique- making) status-determining and obstructive karmas.
iap&uo&}�”Vkfoa’kfr&prqf}ZpRokfja’kn~& f}&iap&Hksnk ;Fkk�ee~AA 5AA
Pancha-nava-dvyastavinshati-chaturdvichatvarinshaddvi-pancha-bheda yathakramam
_The subdivisions of these eight kind of bondage are five, nine, two, twenty-eight, four, forty-two, two and five kinds respectively.
efr&Jqrkof/k&eu%i;Z;&dsoykuke~AA 6AA
_Karmas which obscure sensory knowledge, scriptural knowledge, clairvoyance, telepathy and omniscience are the five kinds of knowledge-obscuring karmas.
p{kqjp{kqjof/kdsoykuka funzk&funzkfunzk& izpyk&izpyk&izpyk&LR;kux‘);’pAA 7AA
Chakshurachakshuravadhikevalanam nidra-nidranidra-prachala-prachala-prachala-styanagrddhayashcha
_The four karmas that cover ocular perception, non-ocular intution, clairvoyant perception and perfect perception, and sleep, deep sleep, drowsiness (sleep in sitting posture), heavy drowsiness (intense sleep in sitting posture) and somnambulism (committing deeds in sleep and not remembering) are the nine subtypes of perception-covering karmas.
lnl}s|sAA 8AA
_The two karmas which cause pleasant feeling and unpleasant feeling respectively are the two subtypes of feeling-producing karmas.
n’kZu&pkfj=eksguh;kd”kk;&d”kk;& osnuh;k[;kfL=&f}&uo&”kksM’kHksnk% lE;DRo&feF;kRo&rnqHk;kU;d”kk;& d”kk;kS gkL;&jR;jfr&’kksd&Hk;&tqxqIlk& L=hiq�iqaldosnk vuUrkuqcU/;&izR;k[;ku&izR;k[;ku laToyu& fodYik’pSd’k% �ks/k&eku&ek;k& yksHkk%AA 9AA
vedaniyakhyastri-dvi-nava-shodashabhedah samyaktva-mithyatva-tadubhayanyakashaya-kashayau hasya-ratyarati-shoka-bhaya-jugupsa-stripunna-pumsakaveda anantanubandhya-pratyakhyana-pratyakhyana-sanjvalana-
vikalpashchaikashah krodha-mana-maya-lobhah
_The deluding karmas are of twenty-eight kinds. These are the three subtypes of faith-deluding karmas – wrong belief, right belief and mixed belief, and twenty five subtypes of conduct-deluding karmas which cause and which are caused by the passions (sixteen types – each of the four passions i.e. anger, pride, deceit fulness and greed is divided into four classes i.e. very intense, intense, mediocre and weak) and the quasi-passions (nine types – laughter, liking for certain objects, dislike for other objects, grief or sorrow, fear, disgust, hankering after men, hankering after women and hankering after both men and women).
ukjd&rS;ZX;ksu&ekuq”k&nSokfuAA 10AA
_The life-karmas determine the quantum of life in the states of existence as infernal beings, plants animals, immobile beings, human beings and celestial beings.
xfr&tkfr&’kjhjkaxksikax&fuekZ.k&ca/ku& la?kkr&laLFkku&laguu&Li’kZ&jl&xa/k& o.kkZuqiwO;kZxq#y?kwi?kkr&ij?kkrkr& iks|ksrksPN~okl&fogk;ksxr;% izR;sd’kjhj& =l&lqHkx&lqLoj&’kqHk&lw{e&i;kZfIr& fLFkjkns;&;’k%dhfrZ lsrjkf.k rhFk�djRoa pAA 11AA
podyotochchhvasa-vihayogatayah pratyekasharira-trasa-subhaga-susvara-shubha-
setarani tirthankaratvam cha
_The name (physique-making) karmas comprise the state of existence, the class, the body, the chief and secondary parts, formation, binding (union), molecular interfusion, structure, joint, touch, taste, odour, colour, movement after death, neither heavy body falls down nor light body flies away, self-annihilation, annihilation by others, emitting warm splendour, emitting cool lustre, respiration, gait, individual body, mobile being, amiability, a melodious voice, beauty of form, minute body, complete development of the organs, firmness, lustrous body, glory and renown, and the opposites of these (commencing from individual body), and Tirthankaratva.
mPpSuhZpS’pAA 12AA
_The status determining karmas comprise of the high and the low.
nku&ykHk&HkksxksiHkksx&oh;kZ.kke~AA 13AA
_The obstructive karmas are of five kinds, obstrucing the charity, gain, enjoyment of consumable things, enjoyment of non-consumable things and potency.
vkfnrfLrl‘.kkeUrjk;L; p f=a’kr~
lkxjksie&dksVhdksV~;% ijk fLFkfr%AA 14AA
Aditastisrnamantarayasya cha trinshat-
sagaropama-kotikotyah para sthitih
_The maximum duration of the knowledge obscuring, perception obscuring, feeling producing and obstructive karmas is thirty sagara kotikoti.
lIrfreksZguh;L;AA 15AA
_Seventy sagara koti-koti is the maximum
duration of the deluding karma.
foa’kfrukZe&xks=;ks%AA 16AA
_Twenty sagara kotikoti is the maximum duration of the name-karma and the status-determining karma.
=;fL=a’kRlkxjksiek.;k;q”k%AA 17AA
_Thirty-three sagaras is the maximum duration of life karma.
vijk }kn’keqgwrkZ osnuh;L;AA 18AA
Apara dvadashamuhurta vedaniyasya
_The minimum duration of the feeling-producing karma is twelve muhurtas (one muhurtas is equal to 48 mintues).
uke&xks=;ksj”VkSAA 19AA
_The minimum duration of the name-karma and the status-determining karmas is eight muhurtas.
‘ks”kk.kkeUreqZgwrkZAA 20AA
_The minimum duration of the rest is one antarmuhurta (one antarmuhurta is almost anything less than one muhurta).
foikdks�uqHko%AA 21AA
_Fruition is the ripening or maturing of karmas.
l ;FkkukeAA 22AA
Sa yathanama
_The nature of fruition is according to the names of the karmas.
rr’p futZjkAA 23AA
Tatashcha nirjara
_After fruition (enjoyment), the karmas fall off or disappear. This is called savipak nirjara. The karmas can also be made to rise and disassociate from the soul through penance and this is called avipak nirjara.
ukeizR;;k% loZrks ;ksxfo’ks”kkRlw{eSd& {ks=koxkgfLFkrk% lokZReizns’ks”ouUrkuUr& izns’kk%AA 24AA
Namapratyayah sarvato yogavisheshatsukshmaikakshe-travagahasthitah sarvatmapradesheshvanantananta-pradeshah
_The karmic molecules of infinite times infinite space-points always pervade in a subtle form the entire space-points of every soul in every birth. And these are absorbed by the soul because of its activity.
l}s|&’kqHkk;qukZe&xks=kf.k iq.;e~AA 25AA
Sadvedya-subhayurnama-gotrani punyam
_The good variety of feeling-producing karmas and the auspicious life, name and status-determining karmas constitute merit (punya).
vrks�U;Rikie~AA 26AA
_The remaining varieties of karma constitute demerit.
Causes of bondage of karma are:
deluded perception,
lack of conscientiousness,
passion, and
activities of body, speech and mind.
Bondage and Its Phases:
Bondage is defined as the assimilation of material particles which are fit to form karmas, by soul, owing to the soul having passions.
There are four phases of bonding of karmic matter:
Nature (species) of karma,
duration of bondage,
intensity of bondage, and
quantity of karmic particles.
The species of karma are:
Perception obscuring,
knowledge obscuring,
feeling producing,
life span determining,
physique determining,
status determining and
There are maturing and fruition of karma.
The karma particles fall off after fruition.
Meritorious karmas are:
pleasant feeling producing karma,
good life span determining karma,
good physique determining karma and
good status determining karma.