Kaala (1) Time; (2) Time stages within the progressive and regressive half-cycles. Runs into more than billions of years, per cycle; (3) Duration; (4) The Jaina theory of kala
gives a realistic picture of kala as an independent category.
It is mono-dimensional and therefore it is not an astikaya. (2) Time substance, . Nishchaya or Real Time (3) Vyavahaara kaala (3.1) Apparent time (3.2) Conventional time as hours minutes Clock and calendar time etc,
Kaala kshetra The place reputed for its artistic monuments temples and
Kaala paraavartana Cycle change of time; Cycle of time
Kaala parivartana Timal wheeling/change
Kaalanu Atoms of time; Time particles; Unit of time; Points of time; Real time substance; Time point; Time unit; Chronyme/time-stom
Kaalapradesa Time instant; Time space point
Kaalaraatri Night of destruction
Kaalatikrama Violating fixed time; Beyond time
Kaalika Timely studied; A type of scripture
Kaalki Tyrannical king of mythology
Kaama Desire; Sex; Sensuality Indulgence in the objects of touch and taste senses
Kaama kathaa Cupidistic tales
Kaama sukha Sexual enjoyment
Kaama vikaara Sex emotions
Kaamadeva Category of torch bearers; Cupid
Kaamakami Sensualist
Kaamini Sensual gratification
Kaarak Case (regular grammar); Agent; Cause; Factor
Kaarak karana Generating cause
Kaaraka Case
Kaarana Inference of effect; Cause; Causation; Result
Kaarana kaaraka Means of that deed
Kaarana labdhi Proper Causes, Causal attainment.
Kaarana parmaanu Cause-atom.
Kaarman body Karmic matter body of living beings or souls
Kaarman varganaa Karmic matter; Those matter molecules which transform themselves into karmana(Karmic) body are called karmana varganaa.
Kaarmana Karmic matter
Kaarunya Compassionate feeling
Kaarya Effect; Work; Deed; Activity; Effect
Kaasthakarma Wooden image making, Carpentary.
Kaaussagga (1) Regulating the activities of body speech and mind; (2) Motionless state of body; (3) Kaayotsarga
Kaaya Extension; Body; Corpud embodiment
Kaaya dusprani dhana Improper body movement
Kaaya gupti Bodily guard; Physical self-control
Kaaya pravichaara Physical Sex
Kaaya sthiti Duration
Kaaya svabhaava Nature of body
Kaaya yoga Bodily activity
Kaayaaklesa Physical mortification; An external austerity; Physical suffering
Kaayabhaavastha Born/reborn in the same womb
Kaaya-danda Sinful bodily activity; Body activity
Kaayatva Extension
Kaayotsarga Meditation of the soul
Kaayotsarga (1) Abandonment or stopping and freezing entire activities of the body and focus on mental meditation. A standing posture of meditation is kayotsarga and sitting position is called padmasana; (2) A standing posture of meditation, giving up attachment to the body; (3) A standing posture of meditation peculiar to the Jaina monks. Literally, it means giving up (attachment to) the body; (4) To give up attachment of the body, meditative relaxation, spiritual relaxation (5) Posture for meditation; (5) Regulating the activities of body speech and mind; (6) Perfect bodily abandonment; (7) Same as Käussagga above
Kadaagraha Wrong insistence
Kadalighatmarana 8-cause death; Astral deities/celestials.
Kaivalya Omniscience; Aloneness
Kaivalya gnaana Supreme knowledge
Kakataliya nyaya Popular maxim of fall of palm fruit on crow head, Maxim of unexpected coincidences.
Kalaa Art; Learning arts
Kaladhrama Death
Kalakuta Deadly poison
Kalankali bhaava Wordly wandering
Kalatita kalatya tapdista, Mistimed fallacy
Kalevara Body
Kalikaalasarvagna Looking like omniscient in kaliyuga or present time.
Kalpa (1) A cycle of cosmos time; (2) Conduct for monks and Nuns when staying amongst people during four months of monsoon; (3) Sanction, heavend, 2 Aeons, 20*10 14th Sagaras, Proper conduct
Kalpa tree It was a variety of flora, now wholly extinct, which supplied everyday requirements of human beings, subsistence in particular, before they devised various arts and crafts.
Kalpabhumi Holy assembly place
Kalpakala 20*10 14th Sagara years
Kalpanapodha Conceputal
Kalpanika Fictitious
Kalpas Heavens
According to the Jainas, there are 12 or 16 kalpas as follows:
Saudharma & Aisana (paired) Sanatkumara & Mahendra (paired)
Above them, in the center, one above another, are: Brahmaloka Lantaka Mahasukra Sahasrara
And then, above them, in pairs again: Anata & Pranata
Arana & Achyuta The Digambaras add Brahmottara before Lantaka, Kapistha and Sukra before Mahasukra, and Satara before Sahasrara, making a total of 16.
Kalpasthita Observing scriptural rules
Kalpasutra Religious scripture of Jainism
Kalpatit deva Non graded celestial beings
Kalpatita Beyond 12/16 heavens; Beyond scriptural rules
Kalpavaasi Resident of heaven
Kalpavraksa Heavenly trees; Desire-fulfilling trees
Kalpopapanna Born in kalpa heavens; Heavens-born
Kalusa Impure; Dirt
Kalyaana Beneficial; Virtuous; Salutary; Auspicious; Excellent; Prosperous
  1. Auspicious events,
    times and moments (of Jina’s lives);
  2. Auspicious Moments;
    (2) Five most auspicious events.

1.conception(chyavana) 2. birth 3. renunciation (Diksha) 4. Omniscience (Kaivalya) and 5. liberation (Nirväna) of a Teerthankara

Kamala puja Flower worship
Kamandala Wooden water jar or pot with nozzle
Kamandalu Wooden water jar or pot with nozzle
Kamyaruptiva riddhi Miraculous power of beautification
Kanakaavali A ritual; A penance
Kanchana Materials
Kanda Bulbous vegetable; Innumerrableth part of angula
Kandaka Innumerrableth part of angula; Bulbous vegetable
Kandarpa Amorous talk; Cupid
Kandka Splits
Kandmula Bulbs, roots and tubers
Kanji aahaara Sour gruel food
Kanksa Grey aura
Kanthastha Memorize
Kanyadaana Ceremony of giving away the bride
Kapalika A sect of heretical monks in the Sakti cult prevalent all over India at one time. the kapalika mode of propitiation is not very dominant now, though there are many Saktas in India to this day. They usually believe in animal slaughter.
Karana Thought; Cause; Inference of effect
Karana Sense; Conduct; Disposition; Tool
Karana parmaatma Conscious element existing in all living beings
Karana kaarya bhaava Cause effect phase
Karana kaarya sambandha Relation between causes and effect
Karana samaysaara Scriptural knowledge gained through reverential causes
Karana suddha jiva Soul with causes of purity
Karana suddha paryaya Modes with causes of purity
Karananuyoga Technical exposition; A scripture type
Karanavirya Active energy; Kinetic energy
Karatal parigrhita With folder hands
Karemi I do
Karita Getting done by others
Karma Fine particles of matter karma; Nimitta for self upaadaan to act; Deed done by the doer; Deed(Kaarya) It is the technical term, which refers to the after effect of reactivity. The Jaina theory of karma explains karma in terms of karmic particles and makes distinction in the karma as of eight types. Similarly, the karmic effect may be wholesome or may be bad. Jainas have given a scientific theory of karma. Action; A deed, good or bad; A form of matter; Upon maturing, it delivers its fruit; There are 4 Ghati and 4 Aghati types of karmas. Powers of Ghati karmas are much stronger, and they last for many lives. It is a substantive force, matter in very subtle form. These matter-particles, called pudgalas, fill all cosmic space. The soul, by its communication with the outer world, becomes literally penetrated by these matter-particles. These in turn become karma and build up a special body called karman sarira, which does not leave the soul until its final liberation. Karma works in such a way that every action leaves a mark of its own, which is retained and built into the organism to serve as the basis of future action
Karma bandha Karmic bondage
Karma granthi Karmic knot
Karma indriya Operational sense; Functional sense
Karma kalanka Karmic stain
Karma mala Karmic filth
Karma masa One maasa; A weight unit
Karma parinaama Karmic change/effect
Karma samvastsara Local year
Karma sanyaasa Renunciation of action
Karma sarira Karmic body
Karma skandha Karmic aggregate
Karma sthiti Karmic duration
Karma varganaa Karmic variforms
Karma vija Karmic seeds
Karma vipaaka Karmic fruition; The fruits of Karmas
Karma yoga Philosophy of action; Karmic activity; Concerted religious activities
Karma-aahaara Karmic intake
Karmaadaana Cruel professions or activities that buids karmas.
Karmaja Experiencial
Karmakanda Ritual
Karmana varganaa Karmic varifrom
Karmana yoga Karmic activity
Karmavada Karmic theory; Doctrine of causality/ cause-effectism
Karmavadi Karmist
Karmiki Experiencial
Karna indriya Sense of hearing
Karsa ¼ Pala, A measure.
Karsana Ploughing (Karmic) field.
Kartaa Agent or doer acting independependtly; Subject performed
by one self
Kartaa karma adhikara Chapter on doer and deed, acting and enduring kartutva and bhoktrutva. I am the doer of its work is kartutva and I am the endurer of the other substances is bhoktrutva.
Kartaa-Karma-Kriyaa Doer-result-activity
Kartavya (1) Obligation; (2) Duty; (3) Work to be done or to be accomplished; (4) Task
Kartutva Acting; Activity; Belief that I can do activity of the alien
Karunaa Compassion; Mercy; Kindness
Karunaavrati Compassionate feeling
Kasa Cough
Kasaaya bhaava Volitional passion
Kasaaya charitra mohaniya karma Passional conduct-deluding Karma
Kasaaya kusila Passional conduct
Kasaaya mala Passional filth
Kasaaya mohaniya Passopm deluding karma
Kasaaya nisyanda Product of passion
Kasaaya rasa Astringent taste
Kasaaya samlekhana Learning of passion
Kasaaya samudghaata Passional emanation / extrication.
Kasaaya vedaniya Passion feeling
Kasaaya visaya Object of passion.
Kashaaya Passion.
Kataasanu Aasana white colored and of wool cloth to sit on
Katha sat Religious narrative; Religious tales
Kathaa vijigisu Victory-desiring tales
Kathaasa Stories
Kathamchita Relatively; In some respect.
Kathanchita From a particular point of view; In some respect; Somehow; In a way
Kathina Hard
Kausagga A motionless state of body as if the soul has departed from it; A way of having a medidation (yog) ( it comes in both pratikaman)
Kautkuchya Gesticulation
Kavaka Mushroom
Kavala Morsel food; Intake of gross food
Kavelaka Hot sand; Pan
Kesagra A length unit; Hair heads
Kesa-loncha lunchana Self-plucking / pulling of hairs, Hair plucking.
Kesariya modaka A sweet prepared from wheat flour, sugar and ghee (clarified
butter) with sufficient addition of saffron to impart color and flavor.
Keval darshana Perfect perception
Kevala darshi One who has achieve omniscient perception
Kevala gnaani Omniscient
Kevala labdhi Nine omnisciental attainments
Kevala virya Infinite energy
Kevalagnaana varana karma Omniscience-obscuring karma
Kevalagnaani Omniscient
Kevalanvayi Affirmative illustration

Infinite vision and perception. After acquiring it, the cycle of births and deaths is broken forever. Any soul can attain it, by getting rid of karmas, attachments and hatreds. With it comes kevalgnan, infinite Dhariya, Tapa and Veerya.

Kevaldarshi One who has kevalgnaana
Kevali Omniscient
Kevali Omniscient
Kevali marana Salvation
Kevali samudghaata (1) Emanation / Extrication of soul points by omniscient at the time of salvation; (2) Emanation of the spatial units of the Omniscient Soul from its body without wholly discarding the body
Kevali-avarnavaada Derogation of omniscient; Ill speaking of omniscient
Kevalin/gnaani One who has kevalgnaana; Synonym for arhat.
Khaadya Eatable; Edible; Solid foods
Khachara Skymoving beings
Khamaasamaano Forgiving gurudev or teacher
Khamana Homages; Salutations
Khanda Fragment; Space
Khanda krasti Medium attenuation
Khara visana Ass’s horns
Kharakanda Uppermost portion of first hell
Kharakarma Injurious trades
Khari A measure unit
Khataphata Volume
Khattvanga An ascetic instrument; Ascetics sceptre; Yama’s skull-
Khechara Skymoving beings
Kheda Pain; Sorrow
Khyaati Glory
Kilaka sanhanana Pinned/Nailed body joint
Kilvisaka Sinful deities
Kinchinta Somewhat
Kinnara See Deva
Kit-Kitika Rattling sound of bones.
Kkakini ¼ Masha, Kingly jewel.
KKulamada Family puff
Klisa Tormentation
Kodaa-Kodi Crore x crore
Kodasana Straw mats
Kramabaddha paryaaya Sucessive modes of operation; Modes occuring in sequential order
Kramakarana Orderization
Kratrima Factitious; Formal
Krim Seeds of devotion
Krisi Farming
Krisna Black
Krisna lesya Black aura
Kristi Attenuation
Kriyaakaanda Ritual
Kriyaakanda Blind followings of the religious rituals; Actionism.
Kriyaavati shakti Region changing capacity; Power of dynamism; Power of motion
Krosa/gavyuti A length unit; 2 miles; 3.32 kms.
Krta Self-performed
Krtakatva Product
Krtakrtya One who has achieved everything that was to be achieved ; Loss of earned
Krtayugma Remainder – less division by four
Krti Square of number 2, Square, Work
Krti karma Reverential conduct of monks/votaries
Krtimula Square root
Ksaayika Destruct ional.
Ksaayika bhaava Destruct ional disposition/volition.
Ksaayika charitra Destruct ional conduct
Ksaayika dana Destruct ional donation
Ksaayika laabha Destruct ional gain
Ksaayika samyak darsana Destruct ional right faith
Ksaayika sukha Destruct ional bliss
Ksaayika upabhoga Destruct ional enjoyment
Ksaayika virya Destruct ion-cum-subsidence
Ksaayopasamic charitra Destruct ion-cum-subsidential conduct
Ksaayopsamika bhaava Destruct ion-cum-subsidential volition
Ksamaapana Forgiveness; Friendship day
Ksamaavani/Ksmaapana Festival of forgiveness
Ksapaka Destroyer
Ksapakaareni Ladder of destruction; Destruct ional ladder
Ksapita Destroyed, Dissolved.
Ksema Happiness; Welfare
Ksepa Addition
Ksetra Area; Region; Quarter; Subcontinent; Place of pilgrimage
Ksetra pramana Measure of lands/areas
Ksetra siddha Regionally salvated
Ksetra vriddhi Increase/addition in regions/ areas.
Ksetraapala Guardian deity
Ksetragna Soul
Ksetramiti Mensuration; Geometry
Ksetra-parivartana Cycle of change in regions.
Ksetra-vastu pramanatikrama Exceeding quantities of field and quarters.
Ksetra-vipaki prakrti Regionally realisable karmic species
Kshah Seed of calling power and acceptance
Ksham Seed of power for protection and happiness
Kshamaa Forgiveness; Forebearance
Kshamaapana A prayer of forgiveness
Kshanika Transient
Kshayika bhaava Destructional disposition; Disposition produced due to annihilation destruction of karma
Kshayopsham bhaava Dispositional gain after annihilation (Kshaya) and subsidence(Upsham) of karma
Ksheem Seed of psychic power and goodness
Ksheenmoha Delusionless
Ksheerneera Like milk and water looks intermixed inseparably
Kshetra An area, site or location where humans exist. Each kshetra has four more similar counterparts. Region area location where human lives exist; Place; Location;
Kshetra paraavartana Cycle of space; Cycle of change
Kshetra vipaaki karma The karma causing same appearance in transmigatory phase (vigrah gati)
Kshetra vipaaki prakruti Cyclic change fruition; The karmic nature causing same appearance in transmigratory phase(vigrah gati)
Kshina kashaaya Destroyed delusion; Saints whose passions are destroyed; Passion-destroyed
Kshina moha Delusion less; Saint whose delusion is destroyed
Kshipra Knowing quickly
Kshipta chitta Infidel; Insane; Insane mind.
Kshirasrava Milk-like speech
Kshiti sayana/bhumi-sayana Sleeping on hard earth
Kshobha Disturbance; Asthirta; Perturbation; Aannoyance;
Disturbance caused by secondary influence
Kshoom Seed of power to remove sadness and depression
Kshoum Seed of power to purify sushumna and contact divine
Kshudha parisaha Affliction of hunger; Hungeral affliction.
Kshura sarvatobhadra A penance type
Kudarata (1) Divine power; (2) God's creation as a whole; (3) Nature;
(4) Disposition; (5) Strength; (6) Inherent power
Kudava 12-Anjali, 0.83 kg.; A measure
Kudeva False deity
Kudharma Heresy; False religion
Kudrasti Heresy; False religion
Kuguru False teacher; Crooked preceptor
Kuksi 2 ratni measure
Kulakara Ethical founders
Kulinga False belief; False dress
Kumbhaka Breath stopping
Kunda Pool; Pit
Kunthunaatha Seventeenth Tirthankar
Kupravachana False instruction
Kupya pramanati krma Exceeding quantities of clothes and utensil
Kurmonnata yoni Tortoise-like raised uterus
Kusala Proficient
Kusamaya Heterodox idiot
Kusastra Heterodox canons; False scripture
Kusila Imperfect conduct; A nitrgrantha type; Imperfect senses
Kusruta Heterodox canons; False scripture
Kuta pasa Trap
Kuta salmali Thorny trees in hells
Kutalekha kriya Forgery
Kutamana False documentation; Fake measure
Kutarkika Quibbler
Kutastha Immutable; Absolute; Indisputable
Kutirtha Heresy; False religion
Kutrikapana Multi-purpose market; Departmental store; Supermarket
Kutsa Disgust
Kutumba jaagarika A penance of night awakening
Kuvaasnaa Evil disposition
kaachali (of coconut) hard shell.
Kaal labdhi time of attainment of achievement, Proper time; Timal attainment, the mode occurring at its prescribed time is its “time of attainment”.
Kaag crow.
Kaajal collyrium,lampblack; eye-slave.
Kaalaachaar At prescribed time for swadhyay one should study, contemplate up on the studied subject, and discuss the original scriptures. Observance of regularity, punctuality, and propriety of time. Improper and unsuitable occasions should be avoided – Kaalaachaar

There are certain time during 24 hrs day that is set aside for swaadhyaay. They are as follow:
1: Purvaahn or Gausargik kaal : 48 minutes after sunrise to 48 minutes prior to noon time.
2: Praadoshik*or Aparaahn kaal: 48 minutes after 12 noon till 48 minutes prior to sunset.
3: Praadoshik* or Purva raatri kaal: 48 minutes after sunset to 48 minutes prior to midnight.
4: Apar raatri or vairaatrik kaal: 48 minutes after midnight to 48 minutes prior to sunrise.
* The time in which there is element of beginning of night present is known as praadoshik kaal. The time of the later part of the day ( 48 minutes past
noon till 48 minutes prior to sunset) present near this praadoshik kaal is also known as praadoshik.
The 96 minutes of time in between these four time periods (1-4 as above) is known as sandhi kaal and it is considered as not a good time to do swadhyaay. It is the time to perform saamaayik during these 96 minutes x 4. One can read the aaraadhanaa granths, or can recite the stanzas – stotras. One should not read the siddhaant granths like karanaanuyog granths like dhavla, mahadhavla etc. They are the sukshm granths.
Incidentally, these 96×4 is the time that Tirthankar bhagwan gives discourses in the form of omkaar dwani.
There are also other times described in scriptures that one should not do swadhyaay. They are:
Redness of the sky after evening – digdaah,falling of a meteor – ulkaapaat, stroke of lightening- vajrapaat, rainbow in the sky – indra dhanush, solar and lunar eclipse – surya and chandra grahan, riots – tofaan, earth quake – bhukamp.
(Ref: Mulaachaar purvaardh gaathaa 270 page 225-226) Kaalaavadhi – કાળમયkદા, ^દત, certain amount of time.

Kaala paravartan cycle change of time, cycle of time
Kaal Paraavaran cycle of time:
A time cycle is of two types: ascending and descending. Both are of ten krodaa krodi saagaaropam years. So total time cycle is of 20 KKSP years. When the living being takes birth in the first samay of the time cycle and in sequence finishes taking birth in total 20 KKSP years, and similarly he dies in each samay in sequence in all of the 20 KKSP years then one kaal paraavartan is done.
Kaal pratyaasatti alien thing’s action in the form of instrumental cause (nimitt kaarya) and the principle cause action (naimittik kaarya). Both of these things happen in same samay and that is called as kaal pratyaasatti.
Kaal vyatirek modes come in sequence. Each one is different from other one. this is kaal vyatirek.
Kaivalya: Pure knowledge
Kala: Time
Time stages within the progressive and regressive half-cycles; time as a dravya
Kala (Drvyadigata): Periodically
Kala (Kaladigata): Time
Kala (Kalakarakadigata): Time
Kalanu: Time-points
Kalatyayapadista: Mistimed (contradicted)
Kalikasruta: A Jain scripture
Kalpatita: Born in the highest heavenly abodes
Kalpopapanna: Born in the kalpa heavens, Heavens-born.
Kalyanaka: Auspicious moments
Kanyadana: Ceremony of giving away the bride
Kapota-lesya: Gray karmic strain
Karaka: Case
Karana: Cause
Karana (Hetu): Cause
Karanantarasakalya: Co-operation of all other causes
Karananupalabdhi: Non-availability of the cause
Karanatva: As the cause
Karanollekha: Mention of instrument
Karma: Action, Fine particles of matter karma; Nimitta for self upaadaan to act; Deed done by the doer; Deed(Kaarya) It is the technical term, which refers to the after effect of reactivity. The Jaina theory of karma explains karma in terms of karmic particles and makes distinction in the karma as of eight types. Similarly, the karmic effect may be wholesome or may be bad. Jainas have given a scientific theory of karma. Action; A deed, good or bad; A form of matter; Upon maturing, it delivers its fruit; There are 4 Ghati and 4 Aghati types of karmas. Powers of Ghati karmas are much stronger, and they last for many lives. It is a substantive force, matter in very subtle form. These matter-particles, called pudgalas, fill all cosmic space. The soul, by its communication with the outer world, becomes literally penetrated by these matter-particles. These in turn become karma and build up a special body called karman sarira, which does not leave the soul until its final liberation. Karma works in such a way that every action leaves a mark of its own, which is retained and built into the organism to serve as the basis of future action.
Karma-bhumi: Realm of action, Land of action. Three karmabhumis Bharat, Airawat and Maha videha kshetra.
Karma-chetana: Consciousness of oneself as the doer of actions, (1) Karmic consciouseness; (2) The feeling that I produce all things other than knowledge is karma chetna
Karma-phala-chetana: Consciousness of oneself as the enjoyer of the karmic fruits, (1) Consciousness of Karmic enjoyment; (2) the consciousness that I enjoy fruits of all things other than knowledge is karma phal chetna (3) Karmic reward consciousness
Karma-prakrti: The particular form into which karmic matter is differentiated, Karmic form; Karmic nature; Type of Karma; Karmic species.
Karman: Action
Karmana: karmic.
Karmana-sarira: The transmigrating body of karmic matter, Karmic body; Body type; Karmic transmigratory body; It is the karmic body, it is very subtle and is responsible for the various karmic effects
Karmana-Vargana: Karmic-molecule, Karmic varifrom
Karsapana: Coin
Karta: Agent
Karunya: Pity, Compassion for the afflicted.
Karya: Effect
Karya (Hetu): Effect
Karyanupalabdhi: Non-availability of the effect
Kasaya: Passions, Passion; It arises due to karmic influx; The kasayas are the root cause of birth and death that is cycle of transmigration
Katha: Debate
Narrative literature
Kathora: Hard
Katuka: Bitter.
Kavala-ahara: Food in morsels; ordinary human food
Kaya: Movement by body.
Kaya klesha: Mortification of the body, so long as the mind is not disturbed–external austerity.
Kaya-klesa: Mortifications of the body
Kayiki-kriya: a wicked man’s readiness to hurt others.
Kayotsarga: Abandonment of the body, a standing or sitting posture of meditation
Kesa-loca: The practice of pulling out one’s hair in five handfuls
Kevala (Jnana): Perfect knowledge, (1) Only; (2) Ultimate; (3) Perfect knowledge, (4) Alone;
(5) Omniscient intuitive knowledge
Kevala-darshanavarana: Perfect-conation-obscuring.
Kevala-jnanavarana: Perfect-knowledge-obscuring.
Kevaladarsana: Perception associated with kevalajnana, Absolute conation; Infinite Conation; Omniscient intuitive knowledge; Omniscient perception
Kevala jnana: Knowledge isolated from karmic obstruction; infinite knowledge; omniscience; knowledge involving awareness of every existent in all its qualities and modes, Omniscience; Absolute/ supreme knowledge; Perfect knowledge; Infinite knowledge; Knowledge isolated from karmic obstruction; Omniscience; Knowledge involving awareness of every existent in all its qualities and modes
Kevalin: One who has attained kevalajnana; a synonym for arhat
Kilita samhanana: Riveted bones.
Klishyamaneshu: The afflicted.
Komala: Soft
Krama: Order, Sequential order, Sequence
Kramabhavi: Occurring successively
Kramayaugapadya: Simultaneity or order
Krishna: Black.
Kriya (Kalpana): (1) Action; (2) Activity; (3) Operation; (4) Movement; (5) Rite; (6) Activity done by the doer (Kartaa)
Kriya naya: Point of view of action
Kriyanayabhasa: False point of view of action
Kriyas: Actions; a Jaina term for sacred rites
Kriyasabda: Root word
Kriyavadi: belief in time, soul, etc., as causing everything in the world.
All the substances perform their functions and become causes of different effects.
Krodha: Anger, Wrath
Krodha-pratyakhyana: Giving up anger, Anger renunciation.
Krsi: Farming
Krsna-lesya: Black karmic stain
Ksama: Forgiveness, Forbearace, Moment
Ksamasramana: An ascetic who suffers with equanimity; title used in addressing a monk during the ritual fo confession
Ksanika: Momentary
Ksanti: Forbearance
Ksapana: Destruction, Fasting, A penance
Ksatriya: Member of a warrior caste
Ksaya: Destruction, Annihilation; Destruction of karma
Ksayika-samyak-darsana: True insight achieved by the destruction of darsana-mohaniya karmas
Ksayopasama: Cessation and subsidence of karmic veil
Ksayopasama-labdhi: Attainment of purity by the destruction-cumsuppression of certain karmas
Ksayopasamika-samyaktva: True insight achievedby the destruction cum-suppression of darsana-mohaniya karmas; identical to vedakasamyaktva
Ksetra: Territory, Area; Region; Quarter; Subcontinent; Place of pilgrimage.
Kshanti: Forgiveness
Kshaya: Destruction
Ksina-moha: Permanent dissociation from all caritra-mohaniya karmas and from the passions which they produce, the twelfth gunasthana
Ksipra (Matijnana): Quick
Ksullaka: Minor; junior monk; a Jaina layman on the eleventh pratima; one who wears three pieces of clothing, Minor a junior monk of first stage. A Jaina layman on the eleventh pratima. One who wears three pieces of clothing. (Votary with two clothes in skyclad sect). The next higher stage of monk is ellaka and then final one is muni.
Kubjaka: Hunchback.
Kula: Family, Genus; Clan
Kumara-sramana: A life-long celibate
Kundalini-cakra: Mystical centers of psychic energy
Kutastha-nitya: Eternal and unchangeable, Permanent.