World Wide Jain Survey
Shareable Link to the Survey:
Shareable Link to the Explanatory Slides:
JCGB, in partnership with JAINA and JITO, has developed The Worldwide Jain Survey to help Jains strengthen Jainism and the Jain Way of Life. The survey results will be shared with all participants and the wider Jain community.
This short, anonymous survey will answer demographic and lifestyle questions about the 150,000 Jains living in North America and approximately 6 million worldwide. Additionally, the survey incorporates scientific methodology to ensure statistically significant results. We now invite YOU — and any Jain that is 13 and older — to fill out the survey and share it with a wider network of Jain family and friends. Any Jain who fills out the survey AND provides their email will be eligible to win 1 of 5 $100 Amazon gift cards! Furthermore, you can earn one more chance for each new Jain you refer to the survey!
Additionally, by responding to this survey, you will help Jain community leaders better understand the beliefs and practices of the wider Jain population. As a result, Jain community leaders will be able to better bond with their communities, allowing for a more cohesive and vibrant religion. Thus, it is absolutely imperative that all Jains– young and old– participate in this survey to share their views.
Our goal is 5,000 responses by the end of December. Can you help us reach it? If so, please take and share the survey– the link is attached below. Also attached is an overview of the project. If you have any comments or questions, please contact us at
The Worldwide Jain Survey Team
Shareable Link to the Survey: