Word Meaning
Ubhaya mana Mixed true and false
Ubhaya-Vachana Both true and false.
Ubhayasambandha (Vyanjana) Relation of the two, i.e. contact-awareness and object-awareness
Ubhayasiddha Proved both ways
Ubhayasiddha (Hetvabhasa) Unproved for both
Ucchedavada Doctrine of
annihilation after death
Ucchedavadin Annihilationist
Ucchvasa Sigh
Uchcha Gotra high family.
Uchchhvasa Respiration.
Udaya Arising
Uddistatyaga-pratima The eleventh stage, in which a layman renounces any food or lodging that has been specifically prepared for him.
Uddistha-tyaga Preparatory to the
monk’s life. enjoins a gradual giving up of the world and retiring into osme
very quiet place to acquire the knowledge of truth and ultimately to become
fit to be a teacher of the path to Liberation.
Udirana Energy that makes
possible the premature fruition of karmas
Udumbara Fig
Udvartana Energy that delays
the time and increases the intensity of karmic fruition
Udyota cold light,
phosphorescence; cold light like moonshine.
Uha (Pramana) Inductive reasoning
Ullekha Mention
Upa-brimhana Also Upa guhana,
advancement in one’s own attributes. Free from a tendency to proclaim the
foults of others.
Upabhoga Repeated enjoyment
Upabhoga-antaraya Hindrance to
repeated enjoyment
Upabhoga, pari bhoga parimana
Upabhogha Antaraya obstuctive of
Re-enjoyment of non-consumable things.
Upacara Transference of
Upadana-karana Material cause
Upadhyaya Preceptor
Upaghata Self-destructive;
Having a self-destructive limb or organ, as a stag’s horns.
Upaguhana Protecting a fellow
Upakara Effect
Upakarana Mixing up of things
necessary for doing any act.
Upakaranendriya Physical sense-organ
Upakarin Effect
Upalambha Observation
Upamana (Pramana) Analogy
Upanaya Application
Upanayana Ceremony of
Upanga Minor limb, Subsidiary to the Anga; a group of twelve canonical texts
Upaniti The ceremony of initiation for a layman
Upapata Rebirth in hell or heaven
Upapatti Concomitant
Upasaka A Jaina layman; a
synonym for sravaka
Upasaka-pratima The eleven stages of
laymanship, a synonym for sravaka-pratima
Upasama Suppression
Upasamana Energy that
temporarily prevents karmas from coming to fruition
Upasamharavacana Concluding words
Upasarga Calamity, Preposition
Upayoga Applied consciousness, Conscious activity
Upayogendriya Functioning sense
Urdhva-loka The celestial world
Ushna Hot.
Utkrama Perverted order
Utpada Birth,Comes into existence, Origin; acquisition
Utpala-patra-satavyati-bheda Like the piercing of
the hundred petals of a lotus
Utsarga-samiti Care in performing
the excretory functions
Utsarpini Ascending round, Progressive
Uttama arjava Supreme
Straight-forwardness, (Honesty).
Uttama mardava Supreme Jumility
Uttama samyama Supreme Restraint.
Uttama satya Supreme truth.
Uttama-akinchanya Supreme
non-attachment. Not taking the non-self for one’s own self.
Uttama-brahmacharya Supreme Chastity.
Uttama-kshama Supreme Forgiveness
Uttama-shaucha Supreme contentment.
Uttama-tapa Supreme Austerities.
Uttama-tyaga Supreme
Uttaracara Successor
Uttaracaranupalabdhi (Hetu) Non-availability of
the follower
Uvajjhaya Prakrit for upadhyaya